12:40 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Plenary 6 - Organic and Printed Large-area Electronics: Disruptive Technologies for Innovative Applications
Alessandro Marchioro
(until 2:45 PM)
(Room EI 7)
2:00 PM
Organic and Printed Large-area Electronics: Disruptive Technologies for Innovative Applications
- Dr
Eugenio Cantatore
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
(Room EI 7)
2:45 PM
Plenary 7 - Radiation Damage to Electronics at the LHC – A First Analysis
Alessandro Marchioro
(until 3:30 PM)
(Room EI 7)
2:45 PM
Radiation Damage to Electronics at the LHC – A First Analysis
- Dr
Markus Brugger
(Room EI 7)
3:30 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:00 PM
(until 6:30 PM)
4:00 PM
A 9-Channel, 100ps LSB Time-to-Digital Converter for the NA62 Gigatracker Readout ASIC (TDCpix)
- Mr
Lukas Perktold
4:00 PM
A fast and low noise charge sensitive preamplifier in 90 nm CMOS technology
- Mr
Claudio Gotti
(INFN Milano Bicocca and Università di Firenze)
4:00 PM
A front-end chip development for the sLHC CMS Silicon Strip Tracker
- Mr
Yannick Denis Zoccarato
(Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL)-Universite Claude) Dr
Hervé Chanal
(Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Clermont-Ferrand)
4:00 PM
A multichannel Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) inside a Virtex-5 FPGA on the GANDALF module
- Mr
Maximilian Buechele
(Physikalisches Institut der Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg)
4:00 PM
A PowerPC-based control system for the ReadOut Driver module of the ATLAS IBL.
- Dr
Riccardo Travaglini
4:00 PM
A prototype for the upgraded read out electronics of TileCal
- Mr
Daniel Paer Erik Eriksson
(Department of Physics-Stockholm University-Unknown)
4:00 PM
A radiation tolerant 5 Gb/s Laser Driver in 130 nm CMOS technology.
Giovanni Mazza
(INFN sez. di Torino, Italy)
4:00 PM
Advanced testing of the DEPFET minimatrix particle detector
Jan Scheirich
(Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering)
4:00 PM
AGET-SED : A 128-Channel Complete Data Acquisition system for solid state and gaseous detector
- Mr
Frédéric Druillole
(CEA Saclay)
4:00 PM
An Extended-Range Ethernet and Clock Distribution Circuit for Distributed Sensor Networks
- Dr
Yifan Yang
(Université Libre de Bruxelles)
4:00 PM
An FPGA based demonstrator for a topological processor in the future ATLAS L1-Calo trigger (``GOLD'')
- Mr
Andreas Ebling
(J.G.U. Mainz)
4:00 PM
Architectural modeling of pixel readout chips Velopix and Timepix3
- Mr
Tuomas Sakari Poikela
(University of Turku / CERN)
4:00 PM
AsAd, the Generic Electronics Front-End for Time Projection Chambers
Jerôme Pibernat
4:00 PM
ASPIC: LSST camera readout chip
- Mr
David Pierre Martin
(Lab. Phys. Nucl. Hautes Energies (LPNHE)-Univ. P. et Marie Curi)
4:00 PM
Comparison of single event effect robustness of dual and triple well technologies at the 90 nm node
- Dr
Sandro Bonacini
4:00 PM
Conceptual Design of 3D Integrated Pixel Sensors for the Innermost Layer of the ILC Vertex Detector
- Mr
FU Yunan
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
4:00 PM
Conceptual design of a MGy tolerant integrated signal conditioning circuit in 130 nm CMOS
- Prof.
Paul Leroux
(K.U. Leuven) Mr
Jens Verbeeck
4:00 PM
Cryogenic digital data links for a liquid argon time projection chamber
- Dr
Tiankuan Liu
(Southern Methodist University (US))
4:00 PM
DAQ systems for 10^8 channels detectors: design and system level simulations
- Dr
Remi Jean Noel Cornat
(Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR)-Ecole Polytechnique-Unknown)
4:00 PM
DC-DC converters with reduced mass for trackers at the HL-LHC
Georges Blanchot
4:00 PM
Design and Development of Electronics for the EuXFEL Clock and Control System
- Dr
Erdem Motuk
(University College London)
4:00 PM
Design of a "Digital Atlas Vme Electronics" ( DAVE ) Module
- Mr
Martin Postranecky
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London)
4:00 PM
Design of the Train Builder Data Acquisition System for the European-XFEL
John Coughlan
(STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
4:00 PM
Development and validation of a 64 channel front end ASIC for 3D directional detection with MIMAC
Olivier Raymond Bourrion
(Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC)-Univ)
4:00 PM
Development of DC/DC converter in VHF band
Ivo Polak
(Institute of Physics)
4:00 PM
Development of Low--Power Small--Area L--2L CMOS DACs for Multichannel Readout Systems
- Mr
Dominik Przyborowski
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
4:00 PM
Developments at the UC Davis Facility for Interconnect Technologies
Christian Neher
(University of California at Davis)
4:00 PM
Double-sided silicon strip modules for the ATLAS tracker upgrade in the High-Luminosity LHC collider
Sergio Gonzalez Sevilla
(DPNC, University of Geneva)
4:00 PM
Efficient Signal Contitioning by an FIR Filter for Analog Signal Transmission over Long Lines
- Mr
Christian Irmler
(HEPHY Vienna)
4:00 PM
Evaluation of Emerging Parallel Optical Link Technology for High Energy Physics
- Mr
Alan Prosser
4:00 PM
FATALIC, a wide dynamic range integrated circuit for the tilecal VFE Atlas upgrade
- Dr
Nicolas Pillet
(Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire (LPC))
4:00 PM
First measurements of single event upsets in the readout control FPGA of the ALICE TPC detector
- Dr
Ketil Røed
4:00 PM
Flexible system of the CMS ECAL OD electronics firmware update
Jose Carlos Rasteiro Da Silva
(LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)
4:00 PM
GEM400: A Front-End Readout chip based on Capacitor Switch Array for Pixel-based GEM Detector
- Dr
Huaishen LI
(IHEP, C.A.S.)
4:00 PM
GOSSIPO-4: an array of high resolution TDCs with a PLL control
- Mr
Francesco Zappon
4:00 PM
Initial tests of CMS Binary Chip with Sensor
- Dr
David Cussans
(University of Bristol)
4:00 PM
Irradiation of DEPFET-like transistors with CO-60 gamma source up to 10 MRad
- Dr
Pablo Vazquez Regueiro
(University of Santiago de Compostela, IGFAE)
4:00 PM
KLauS - A Charge Readout and Fast Discrimination Chip for Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs)
- Mr
Tobias Harion
(Kirchhoff Institute for Physics)
4:00 PM
Low mass aluminium microstrips for data transmission in the Micro Vertex Detector of the Panda experiment.
Paolo De Remigis
4:00 PM
Low Noise Preamplifier ASIC for the PANDA - Experiment
- Dr
Peter Wieczorek
(GSI Darmstadt, Germany)
4:00 PM
MICROROC: MICROMEsh GAseous Structure Read-Out Chip
- Mrs
Nathalie Seguin-Moreau
4:00 PM
MicroTCA-based Global Trigger Upgrade project for the CMS experiment at LHC
- Dr
Babak Rahbaran
(HEPHY Vienna--Institute of High Energy Physics Vienna)
4:00 PM
Modelling radiation-effects and annealing in semiconductor lasers for use in future particle physics experiments
- Mr
Pavel Stejskal
4:00 PM
Novel interconnect techniques for hybrid pixel detectors
Timo Tick
4:00 PM
Open Hardware for CERN’s Accelerator Control Systems
- Mr
Erik van der Bij
4:00 PM
Power Converters for Future LHC Experiments
M. Citterio
(INFN Milano)
4:00 PM
Power Network impedance effects on noise emission of DC-DC converters
Maria Cristina Esteban Lallana
(Instituto Tecnologico de Aragon)
4:00 PM
Power Supply and Pulsing Strategies for the International and Compact Linear Colliders
Andrea Brogna
(Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Institut für Prozessdatenverarbeitung und Elektronik)
4:00 PM
Prototype Pixel Optohybrid for the CMS phase 1 upgraded Pixel Detector
- Dr
Jan Troska
4:00 PM
Recent progress in the development of 3D deep n-well CMOS MAPS
Gianluca Traversi
(University of Bergamo and INFN Pavia)
4:00 PM
Redesign of the Back of Crate Card (BOC) for the ATLAS IBL
- Mr
Nicolai Schroer
(ZITI, LS Informatik V, Heidelberg University, Mannheim)
4:00 PM
Reducing pixel-to-pixel disparities in Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes by using gated operation
- Ms
Eva Vilella
(University of Barcelona)
4:00 PM
Remote Access to Xilinx Programmable Devices in the CSC Endcap Muon Electronic System at CMS
Mikhail Matveev
(Rice University)
4:00 PM
Single-Event Upset testing of the Versatile Transceiver
- Dr
Jan Troska
4:00 PM
SPACIROC: A Front-End Readout ASIC for the JEM-EUSO observatory
Gisele Martin-Chassard
4:00 PM
Studies for the detector control system of the new ATLAS Pixel detector
- Mr
Lukas Püllen
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal)
4:00 PM
TEL62: an integrated trigger and data acquisition board
- Dr
Franco Spinella
(Sezione di Pisa (INFN)) Dr
Elena Pedreschi
(Sezione di Pisa (INFN))
4:00 PM
Tests of ATLAS SCT Front-end Amplifier's ASIC Susceptibility to Beam Loss Scenario
- Dr
Alexander Grillo
4:00 PM
The Data Handling Processor (DHP) for the DEPFET Pixel Vertex Detector at BelleII
- Mr
Mikhail Lemarenko
(Physikalisches Institut-Universitaet Bonn)
4:00 PM
The Front-End Concentrator card for the RD51 Scalable Readout System
- Dr
José Francisco Toledo Alarcón
(Valencia Polytechnic University) Dr
Hans Muller
4:00 PM
The MEMDYN chip: a new circular memory prototype for a plannar pixel sensors readout IC
- Mr
Damien Thienpont
4:00 PM
The NA62 Liquid Krypton Calorimeter Readout Module
Vladimir Ryjov
4:00 PM
The Nectar GHz Digitizer ASIC for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Dr
David Gascon
(Universidad de Barcelona)
4:00 PM
The New HADES Trigger and Data Acquisition System
- Mr
Jan Michel
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
4:00 PM
The readout electronics for the hybrid avalanche photon detector
- Mr
Andrej Seljak
(IJS Institute Ljubljana)
4:00 PM
The Readout Electronics of the NA62 Large Angle Photon Veto System
- Dr
Mauro Raggi
(Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF)-Istituto Nazionale Fisic)
4:00 PM
Thermal performance of carbon foams used as heat sink for the MVD-Panda.
- Dr
Giuseppe Giraudo
4:00 PM
Timing Distribution for the Belle II Data Acquistion System
Mikihiko Nakao
4:00 PM
Trigger-less readout electronics for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter
- Mr
Peter Lemmens
(KVI, University of Groningen)
4:00 PM
Universal single board tester for investigation of the avalanche photo detectors.
- Dr
Vasilii Kushpil
(Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR))
4:00 PM
Update on the high speed serializer ASIC development for ATLAS Liquid Argon calorimeter upgrade
Tiankuan Liu
(Southern Methodist University (US))
4:00 PM
Use of FPGA embedded processors for high performance data compression
- Dr
Roberto Ammendola
(INFN Roma Tor Vergata)
4:00 PM
VHDL Implementation of Feature-Extraction Algorithm for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter
- Mr
Peter Lemmens
(KVI, University of Groningen)
6:30 PM
--- Walk to Palais Ferstel ---
7:30 PM
--- Conference Dinner ---