26 August 2023
University of Vienna
Europe/Zurich timezone

Vienna sightseeing

Be aware that in Austria supermarkets are closed on Sunday!


We assembled a list of potentially exciting places to do sightseeing in Vienna on Sunday, the gap day between the workshop and the TAUP conference:

1. Schönbrunn Palace and Gardens: Dive into the imperial history of Austria with a visit to the Schönbrunn Palace. Explore the opulent rooms of the palace and stroll through its vast gardens. The palace's history, architecture, and beautiful landscapes make it a must-visit.


2. St. Stephen's Cathedral (Stephansdom): Located in the heart of Vienna, this iconic Gothic cathedral boasts stunning architecture and panoramic views of the city from its tower. Attend a Sunday mass or simply admire its intricate stone work and stained glass.


3. Belvedere Palace: Home to an impressive collection of Austrian art, including Gustav Klimt's "The Kiss", the Belvedere Palace is a blend of Baroque architecture and contemporary art. The palace grounds also offer serene gardens perfect for a leisurely walk.


4. Vienna Prater: Experience the fun side of Vienna at the Prater amusement park. The iconic Giant Ferris Wheel offers breathtaking views of the city. With a mix of modern rides and nostalgic attractions, there's something for everyone.


5. Vienna Film Festival: Held at the Rathausplatz, the Vienna Film Festival showcases a diverse range of films from international to local productions. With a giant open-air screen and culinary delights from around the world, it's a perfect way to enjoy a cinematic experience under the stars.



Slack channel for staying in touch on Sunday:


EXCESS Workshop workspace: https://join.slack.com/t/excessworkshop/shared_invite/zt-221izud43-5pNHmGv9hClVFGgrJHbFZw