Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

23–31 Jul 2023
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone


ePIC Collaboration Meeting

26 Jul 2023, 14:30
0.03 (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)


Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

Ludwika Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland


ePIC Collaboration Meeting: ePIC Status

  • Silvia Dalla Torre (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))

ePIC Collaboration Meeting: Detector - I (TIC report, integration)

  • Silvia Dalla Torre (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))

ePIC Collaboration Meeting: Detectors - II (Solenoid, Tracking) - Software/computing session, I

  • Bernd Surrow (Temple University)

ePIC Collaboration Meeting: Software/computing session, second part

  • Bernd Surrow (Temple University)

ePIC Collaboration Meeting: Collaboration Council

  • John Lajoie

ePIC Collaboration Meeting: ePIC presence on web, Detector III (PID)

  • Abhay Deshpande

ePIC Collaboration Meeting: Detector IV (PID, ECal)

  • Abhay Deshpande

ePIC Collaboration Meeting: Detector V (CC WG reports; calorimetry, r-o, electroniucs and DAQ) // Analysis and Physics - I

  • Paul Richard Newman (University of Birmingham (GB))

ePIC Collaboration Meeting: Analysis and Physics - II

  • Paul Richard Newman (University of Birmingham (GB))

ePIC Collaboration Meeting: early career workshop report // Detector VI (FF/FB)

  • Satoshi Yano (Hiroshima University (JP))

ePIC Collaboration Meeting: Detector VII (HCal) // Farewell

  • Satoshi Yano (Hiroshima University (JP))

Presentation materials

John Lajoie, Silvia Dalla Torre (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))
26/07/2023, 14:30
Elke-Caroline Aschenauer (jefferson Lab), Rolf Ent (Jefferson Lab)
26/07/2023, 15:00
Roland Wimmer
26/07/2023, 15:30
Christoph Montag
26/07/2023, 16:00
Klaus Dehmelt
26/07/2023, 16:50
Dr Ernst Sichtermann, Matt Posik
26/07/2023, 17:20
Valerio Calvelli
27/07/2023, 09:00
Laura Gonella (University of Birmingham (UK))
27/07/2023, 09:30
Francesco Bossu (CEA-Saclay)
27/07/2023, 09:50
Markus Diefenthaler
27/07/2023, 10:10
Kolja Kauder (Brookhaven National Lab)
27/07/2023, 11:30
Derek Anderson (Iowa State University)
27/07/2023, 11:50
Dmitry Romanov
27/07/2023, 12:10
Omar Hassan (University of Manitoba)
27/07/2023, 12:30
Ernst Sichtermann
27/07/2023, 14:30
Ernst Sichtermann
27/07/2023, 14:55
Markus Diefenthaler
28/07/2023, 09:00
Thomas Ullrich
28/07/2023, 09:30
Roberto Preghenella (INFN, Bologna (IT))
28/07/2023, 09:55
Greg Kalicy (The CUA University)
28/07/2023, 10:15
Brian Page (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
28/07/2023, 10:35
Satoshi Yano (Hiroshima University (JP)), Zhenyu Ye (University of Illinois at Chicago)
28/07/2023, 11:25
Maria Zurek
28/07/2023, 11:45
Carlos Munoz Camacho, Prof. Tanja Horn (Catholic University of America)
28/07/2023, 12:05
Weihu Ma
28/07/2023, 12:25
Michael Pitt (The University of Kansas (US))
28/07/2023, 12:45
Fernando Barbosa (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility), Jeff Landgraf (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
28/07/2023, 14:30
Oleg Tsai
28/07/2023, 15:00
Rosi Reed (Lehigh University), Salvatore Fazio (Universita della Calabria e INFN (IT))
28/07/2023, 15:30
Brian Page (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
28/07/2023, 16:00
Prof. James Brandenburg (Ohio State University)
28/07/2023, 16:50
Zhoudunming Tu
28/07/2023, 17:10
Dhevan Raja Gangadharan (University of Houston (US))
28/07/2023, 17:30
Swaleha Nisar Mulani
28/07/2023, 17:40
Zuhal Seyma Demiroglu (Cukurova University (TR))
28/07/2023, 17:50
Zachary Sweger (University of California, Davis)
28/07/2023, 18:00
Tyler Kutz
28/07/2023, 18:10
Dr Francesco Giovanni Celiberto (UAH Madrid)
29/07/2023, 09:00
Aranya Giri (University of Houston)
29/07/2023, 09:15
Alexander Jentsch
29/07/2023, 09:30
Krzysztof Piotrzkowski (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
29/07/2023, 10:00
Dhevan Raja Gangadharan (University of Houston (US))
29/07/2023, 10:20
Jaroslav Adam
29/07/2023, 10:40
Miguel Arratia Munoz
29/07/2023, 11:30
John Lajoie
29/07/2023, 11:50
Dr Leszek Kosarzewski (Czech Technical University in Prague)
29/07/2023, 12:10
John Lajoie, Marco Radici, Silvia Dalla Torre (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))
29/07/2023, 12:30
Dr Ernst Sichtermann, Matt Posik
Prof. Tanja Horn (Catholic University of America)
Alexander Kiselev
Fernando Barbosa (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility), Jeff Landgraf (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Marco Andrea Battaglieri (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))
Building timetable...