H2020-ARIEL 2nd Scientific Workshop and Progress Meeting
National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
All beneficiaries of ARIEL support for experiments are strongly encouraged to attend the workshop to report on the excellent work that has been carried out. Travel and subsistence costs for ARIEL beneficiaries from 3rd party laboratories (i.e. not from laboratories within the ARIEL collaboration) can be supported.
The agenda will include presentations covering the progress on ARIEL funded projects, presentations from other UK laboratories, tours of NPL laboratories, evening drinks and a workshop dinner. Full agenda to follow.
Please register as soon as practical to aid in the organisation of this workshop. The deadline for registration is Friday 27th January.
Attendance at the workshop includes a drinks reception on 15 March and a workshop dinner on 16 March which you are invited to attend.
For all NPL events we aim to accommodate specific needs and personal circumstances, but are reliant on individuals sharing this information with us. If you have any specific requirements or adjustments to support your attendance (whether in person or virtual), please do let us know by emailing events@npl.co.uk, so that we can discuss how we can best support you. Any information shared will be confidential and deleted after the event.
This meeting is being held in Bushy House. We would like to make you aware that Bushy House is a historic listed building, built in 1663, with unique features that may present some additional barriers to those with certain accessibility or mobility requirements. If you feel you may be affected by this or would like further information in advance, please do get in touch.