25–29 Jun 2023
Ole-Johan Dahls Hus
Europe/Oslo timezone

P1.52: Per pixel calibration of the MÖNCH0.3 hybrid pixel detector

26 Jun 2023, 15:42
Ole-Johan Spiseri (Ole-Johan Dahls Hus)

Ole-Johan Spiseri

Ole-Johan Dahls Hus

Ole Johan Dahls Hus - Oslo Science Park Gaustadalléen 23B, 0373 Oslo


Erik Fröjdh (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Charge sharing can be used to improve the spatial resolution of hybrid pixel detectors [1] with small pixels through interpolation. However, it also complicates the calibration process due to the distortion of the measured spectrum.

In this paper we present lab based per pixel calibration method for MÖNCH0.3 [2], a charge integrating hybrid pixel detector with 25 x 25 μm2 pixels, bump bonded to a 320 μm thick silicon sensor. MÖNCH0.3 features 8 static gains selected depending on the required dynamic range. For short exposure times in the highest gain setting the noise is ~35 e- RMS.

We used X-ray fluorescence above 15 keV since the shallow absorption in combination with charge sharing means that the peak is not visible for lower energies. The data was processed online, including pedestal subtraction and histogramming, using an application written in Python and C++ that reduces the otherwise prohibitive data volumes resulting from the low photopeak efficiency with up to a factor of 105. Finally, the measurement results were compared to simulations to validate the method.

[1] S. Cartier et. al. JSR. (2016). 23, 1462-1473
[2] M. Ramilli et al., JINST 12 (2017) C01071
[3] A. Bergamaschi et. al. JINST 10 (2015) C01033

One of the authors (V. Hinger) has received funding from MSCA PSI-FELLOW-III-3i (EU Grant Agreement No. 884104).

Primary author

Erik Fröjdh (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Martin Brückner (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut) Pawel Kozlowski (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Xiangyu Xie (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Viktoria Hinger (Paul Scherrer Institut) Thomas King (Paul Scherrer Institut) Simon Ebner (Paul Scherrer Institut) Shqipe Hasanaj (Paul Scherrer Institut) Roberto Dinapoli (Paul Scherrer Institut) Rebecca Barten (Paul Scherrer Institut) Maria del Mar Carulla Areste Konstantinos Moustakas Kirsty Paton (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Julian Heymes (Paul Scherrer Institut) Jiaguo Zhang (Paul Scherrer Institut) Filippo Baruffaldi (Paul Scherrer Insitut (Switzerland)) Dominic Greiffenberg Dhanya Thattil (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Davide Mezza (Paul Scherrer Institut) Christian Ruder (Paul Scherrer Institut) Carlos Lopez Cuenca (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut) Bernd Schmitt Anna Bergamaschi Aldo Mozzanica

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