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3–7 Jul 2023
Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon
Asia/Seoul timezone

Heterotic de Sitter Beyond Modular Symmetry

3 Jul 2023, 14:00
Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon

Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon

Science and Culture Center, Institute for Basic Science Daejeon, Korea
Plenary Plenary


Alexander Westphal


We study the vacua of 4d heterotic toroidal orbifolds using effective theories consisting of an overall Kahler modulus, the dilaton, and non-perturbative corrections to both the superpotential and Ka ̈hler potential that respect modular invariance. We prove three de Sitter no-go theorems for several classes of vacua and thereby substantiate and extend previous conjectures. Additionally, we provide evidence that extrema of the scalar potential can occur inside the SL(2, Z) fundamental domain of the Kahler modulus, in contradiction of a separate conjecture. We also illustrate a loophole in the no-go theorems and determine criteria that allow for metastable de Sitter vacua. Next, we identify inherently stringy non-perturbative effects in the dilaton sector that could exploit this loophole and potentially realize de Sitter vacua. Finally, we move beyond the symmetric regime of a single overall Kahler modulus and treat the bulk moduli of a T^2-orbifold explicitly, driving us into the world of Sp(4,Z) Siegel modular forms.

Primary author

Alexander Westphal

Presentation materials