String Phenomenology 2023

from Monday, 3 July 2023 (08:00) to Friday, 7 July 2023 (17:45)
Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
3 Jul 2023
4 Jul 2023
5 Jul 2023
6 Jul 2023
7 Jul 2023
Opening Remarks (until 09:00) ()
Plenary - Liam McAllister (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Challenges of Stringy de Sitter and Asymptotic Acceleration - Arthur Hebecker   ()
09:30 Scalar potentials from (classical) string theory - David Andriot   ()
10:00 Asymptotic limits in moduli space - Timm Wrase   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Plenary - Ivonne Zavala (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Late-time Attractors and Cosmic Acceleration - Gary Shiu   ()
11:30 Quantum Gravity Constraints on Cosmic Acceleration - Marco Scalisi   ()
12:00 A non-perturbative test of the DGKT vacuum - Miguel Montero   ()
Plenary - Kimyeong Lee (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Generalized Symmetries, Gravity, and Topological Non-Decoupling - Jonathan Heckman   ()
09:30 Generalized Charges of Symmetries - Lakshya Bhardwaj   ()
10:00 Tameness and Complexity in QFTs - Lorenz Schlechter   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Plenary - Stuart Raby (until 12:30) ()
11:00 The Taste of Flavor of (heterotic) string theory - Hans Peter Nilles   ()
11:30 Modular weights of matter fields in LEEFT from type II string theory - Tatsuo Kobayashi   ()
12:00 Aspects of potential matching across heterotic transitions - James Gray   ()
Plenary - Piljin Yi (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Geometry of Higher Symmetries on (Non-) Compact F-/M-theory - Mirjam Cvetic   ()
09:30 Fermionic higher-form symmetries - Yi-Nan Wang   ()
10:00 An introduction to symmetry theories - Inaki Garcia-Etxebarria   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Plenary - Wolfgang Lerche (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Infinite distance limits with defects - Timo Weigand   ()
11:30 Taxonomy of Infinite Distance Limits - Ben Heidenreich   ()
12:00 Tadpoles and gauge symmetries - Severin Lust   ()
Plenary - Mirjam Cvetic (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Species Entropy and Thermodynamics - Dieter Lust   ()
09:30 Bounds on Species Scale and the Distance Conjecture - Max Wiesner   ()
10:00 Sliding Towers, Dualities and the Species Scale - Irene Valenzuela   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Plenary - Antonio Padilla (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Higher (s>2) spin field and parity measurement from galaxies - Donghui Jeong   ()
11:30 De Sitter Dialectics - Susha Parameswaran   ()
12:00 D-branes, Dark Energy and Pulsar Timing Arrays - Ivonne Zavala   ()
Plenary - Timm Wrase (until 10:30) ()
09:00 On Classical de Sitter Solutions and Quantum Transitions - Fernando Quevedo   ()
09:30 Axion-Photon couplings in type IIB string theory - Jakob Moritz   ()
10:00 Torsion in cohomology and dimensional reduction - Fernando Marchesano   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Plenary - Susha Parameswaran (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Imprints of string theory in low energy observables - Sang Hui Im   ()
11:30 Ultralight axions in string cosmology - Michele Cicoli   ()
12:00 D-term Uplift, Moduli Fixing and SVD in Heterotic-String Vacua - Alon Faraggi   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Plenary - Arthur Hebecker (until 15:30) ()
14:00 Heterotic de Sitter Beyond Modular Symmetry - Alexander Westphal   ()
14:30 Minimal matter supergravity and asymmetric orbifold - Yuta Hamada   ()
15:00 Goldstino Condensation - Fotis Farakos   ()
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
Plenary - Mariana Grana (until 17:30) ()
16:00 New Calabi-Yau Manifolds from Genetic Algorithms - Andre Lukas   ()
16:30 A new perspective on flux vacua - Sven Krippendorf   ()
17:00 Massive string towers, level crossing, and black hole attractors - Fabian Ruehle   ()
18:00 --- Reception ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Parallel - Tatsuo Kobayashi (until 15:30) ()
14:00 Upper bound on the Atiyah–Singer index from tadpole cancellation - Hajime Otsuka   ()
14:15 Blow-up of magnetized T^2/Z_N and index theorem - Maki Takeuchi   ()
14:30 Small Kinetic Mixing in String Theory - Ruben Kuespert   ()
14:45 Phenomenology in magnetized orbifold models - Shohei Takada   ()
15:00 A dataset of R-symmetric Wess-Zumino models - Zheng Sun   ()
15:15 Meson scattering from string scattering in holographic QCD - Dorin Weissman   ()
Parallel - Jonathan Heckman (until 15:30) ()
14:00 Reflection 7-branes and how to use them - Markus Dierigl   ()
14:15 The Branes Behind Generalized Symmetry Operators - Max Huebner   ()
14:30 Back to Heterotic Little String Theories on ALE Spaces - Muyang Liu   ()
14:45 Geometric Bounds on the 1-Form Gauge Sector - Paul-Konstantin Oehlmann   ()
15:00 Towards a complete classification of 6D supergravities - Gregory Loges   ()
15:15 Aspects of string theory compactifications with non trivial torsional homology - Matteo Zatti   ()
Parallel - Gary Shiu (until 15:30) ()
14:00 Gravitational positivity bounds: implications for the swampland program - Junsei Tokuda   ()
14:15 Gravitational Positivity Bounds on Dark Gauge Boson - Sota Sato   ()
14:30 Massive spin-2 particles and the swampland - Joan Quirant   ()
14:45 Gravitino dynamics and the Swampland - Gabriele Casagrande   ()
15:00 AdS scale separation and the distance conjecture - Vincent Van Hemelryck   ()
15:15 on/off scale separation - George Tringas   ()
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
Parallel - Fabian Ruehle (until 17:30) ()
16:00 Axion-Photon Couplings in the String Landscape - Naomi Gendler   ()
16:15 Line bundle cohomology - Andrei Constantin   ()
16:30 Decoding Nature with Nature's Tools - Thomas Harvey   ()
16:45 How many Calabi-Yau manifolds are known? Placing upper and lower bounds on the Kreuzer-Skarke list. - Cristofero Fraser-Taliente   ()
17:00 FTheoryTools: A computational tool for analysis of singular elliptic fibrations - Andrew Turner   ()
17:15 Fano 3-Folds, Ypk Manifolds and Brane Brick Models - Rak-Kyeong Seong   ()
Parallel - Alexander Westphal (until 17:30) ()
16:00 The cosmological constant is probably still zero - Antonio Padilla   ()
16:15 Smearing and Unsmearing KKLT AdS Vacua - Nicolas Kovensky   ()
16:30 Smearing and Unsmearing KKLT AdS Vacua Part II - Dimitrios Toulikas   ()
16:45 Fayet-Iliopoulos D-Term in Non-Supersymmetric Heterotic String Orbifolds - Alonzo Rodrigo Diaz Avalos   ()
17:00 Interpolation and cosmological constant in non-susy heterotic strings - Yuichi Koga   ()
17:15 Life-time of Metastable Vacuum in String Theory and Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture - Sohei Tsukahara   ()
Parallel - Luca Martucci (until 17:30) ()
16:00 Entropy bounds and the (Species Scale) Distance Conjecture - Alvaro Herraez   ()
16:15 The Quantum Gravity cut-off in a 'Nutshell' - Alberto Castellano   ()
16:30 On the origin of species thermodynamics - Niccolo Cribiori   ()
16:45 EFT strings and emergence - Luca Melotti   ()
17:00 Dark Graviton Dark Matter - Georges Obied   ()
17:15 Black hole extremality in nonlinear electrodynamics - Yoshihiko Abe   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Plenary - Fernando Quevedo (until 15:25) ()
14:00 Carving out the open string effective field theory - Yu-tin Huang   ()
14:30 Non-supersymmetric heterotic strings: gauge symmetry enhancement and one-loop cosmological constant in toroidal compactifications - Mariana Grana   ()
15:00 GenHET - Mariana Grana   ()
Conference Photo (until 15:30) ()
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
18:30 --- Conference Dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Parallel - Kang-Sin Choi (until 15:30) ()
14:00 Full Landscape of Supersymmetric Pati-Salam Models from Intersection Brane Worlds - Rui Sun   ()
14:15 Flavor, CP and Metaplectic Modular Symmetries in Type IIB Chiral Flux Vacua - Takafumi Kai   ()
14:30 Quark and lepton hierarchies from S4' modular flavor symmetry - Junichiro Kawamura   ()
14:45 Root bundles: Applications to F-theory Standard model - Martin Bies   ()
15:00 Towards natural and realistic E7 GUTs in F-theory - Shing Yan Li   ()
15:15 Hairy Black Holes by Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking - Miok Park   ()
Parallel - Jakob Moritz (until 15:30) ()
14:00 No Asymptotic Acceleration without Higher-Dimensional de Sitter Vacua - Gerben Venken   ()
14:15 Number Theory and the Road to Heterotic Vacua - Nicole Righi   ()
14:30 Challenges and new perspectives on dS vacua - Simon Schreyer   ()
14:45 Characterizing negative scalar potentials: an Anti-Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture - Ludwig Horer   ()
15:00 Perturbative de Sitter and Brane Inflation - Mario Ramos Hamud   ()
15:15 Sharpening the boundaries between flux landscape and Swampland by tadpole charge - Keiya Ishiguro   ()
Parallel - Niccolo Cribiori (until 15:30) ()
14:00 The Asymptotic Weak Gravity Conjecture in M-theory - Alessandro Mininno   ()
14:15 Towards AdS Distances in String Theory - Nicolo Petri   ()
14:30 Conserved Currents at Infinite Distance in the Conformal Manifold - Jose Calderon Infante   ()
14:45 Running Decompactification, Sliding Towers and the Distance Conjecture - Ignacio Ruiz   ()
15:00 Small Black Hole Explosions - Roberta Angius   ()
15:15 Emergent Ensemble Symmetries in Holography and Swampland - Jacob Leedom   ()
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
Parallel - Sungjay Lee (until 17:45) ()
16:00 $(p-1)$-Bracket for D$p$-branes in Large R-R Field Background - Chen-Te Ma   ()
16:15 Generalised Bismut-Lichnerowicz formulae and quantum corrections in string theory - Yi Zhang   ()
16:30 Strings, D-branes, and supergravities from supermembranes with discrete spectra - Camilo las Heras   ()
16:45 Free Fermionic Webs of Heterotic T-folds - Benjamin Percival   ()
17:00 Wilson loops, holomorphic anomaly equations and blowup equations - Xin Wang   ()
17:15 Finiteness of flux vacua and the tadpole conjecture - Jeroen Monnee   ()
17:30 Reducing differential systems for Feynman integrals and cosmological correlators - Arno Hoefnagels   ()
Parallel - Jai-chan Hwang (until 17:45) ()
16:00 Perturbations in O(D,D) string cosmology - Stephen Angus   ()
16:15 Progress in constructing KKLT de Sitter vacua - Andreas Schachner   ()
16:30 Late-time accelerating cosmologies - Flavio Tonioni   ()
16:45 Cosmic Acceleration and Turns in the Swampland - Guoen Nian   ()
17:00 Implications of the gravitino mass/distance conjecture on inflation - Takahiro Terada   ()
17:15 Kination in String Theory - Filippo Revello   ()
17:30 A Boltzmann equation approach to string thermodynamics - Gonzalo Villa   ()
Parallel - Erik Plauschinn (until 17:45) ()
16:00 Heterotic strings and holomorphic factorization - Hector Parra De Freitas   ()
16:15 Affine algebras at infinite distance limits in the Heterotic string - Veronica Collazuol   ()
16:30 Open-Moduli Infinite-Distance Limits in Six-Dimensional F-Theory - Rafael Alvarez-Garcia   ()
16:45 Cosmological Constant Extrema in the O(16)xO(16) Heterotic String on S^1 - Bernardo Fraiman   ()
17:00 Non-geometric flux compactifications and the Swampland - Muthusamy Rajaguru   ()
17:15 Global Anomaly Cancellation in Non-Supersymmetric Strings - Matilda Delgado   ()
17:30 Cobordism and Bubble of Nothing Decays in String Theory - Bjoern Friedrich   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Plenary - Dieter Lust (until 15:30) ()
14:00 Heterotic/F theory dual SU(5) model - Stuart Raby   ()
14:30 Emergence in Quantum Gravity and the Scales of Fundamental Physics - Luis Ibanez   ()
15:00 QG bounds, Gauss-Bonnet & wormholes - Luca Martucci   ()