26–30 Jun 2023
Helsingborg, Sweden
Europe/Zurich timezone

Travel Information

  • Emergency numbers: The main emergency number in Sweden is 112. This can be dialed from any landline or mobile phone in Sweden and should work under almost any circumstance (e.g. poor network coverage, lack of funds). Call this number in case you need the police, ambulance or any other emergency service. The hotel reception is always available at +46 42 192100.


  • Helsingborg: This is a large coastal city in the southern province of Skåne (Scania in English). There are plenty of restaurants and tourist attractions in the city.  


  • Venue: All workshop sessions and meals will take place at Elite Hotel Marina Plaza. This is close to the Helsingborg central train station, in the marina area of Helsingborg. Meals will be served at Marina Bar & Bistro at the hotel. This excludes the workshop dinner on Thursday evening, which will take place at a different venue in Helsingborg.


  • Flying: We advise participants who are flying to use Copenhagen airport, which is the most convenient international airport close to Helsingborg. 


  • Local travel: Public transport in Skåne region is connected to the public transport in Copenhagen. This means you can travel between Copenhagen airport and Helsingborg central train station on the same train and with a single ticket. Public transport in Skåne is operated by Skånetrafiken. Tickets can be bought on their app (which may not be available in your particular app store) or at ticket machines found at all train stations (including the one at Copenhagen airport).


  • Money: Please note that Sweden is an almost cashless society. All purchases can be made using major credit/debit cards, and in some places cash is not even accepted.


  • Weather: We expect the Swedish summer to be mild and pleasant. Some light rainfall can occur. It should be warm enough to swim at the beaches close to the hotel, for example here or here.