We have various ideas for your scientific contribution to the workshop:
- Presentations: The workshop will not have traditional talks. Instead, we ask each participant to prepare 5 slides and upload them to the Indico page two weeks before the workshop. This gives other participants a chance to see them before our duelling discussions begin! The content should address the open questions in your theme and other questions you wish to discuss during the week. The point of these slides is for you to stimulate fruitful discussions related to something you disagree with or do not understand, instead of what you know or have done in the past.
Please add your name to the filename when uploading material to the timetable.
- Convening: Every guest will be invited to convene one of our discussion sessions. You are welcome to use the ideas from your slides to kick off your session. The idea is that the convenor of the session initiates and guides the discussion by posing questions or ideas of interest. Each convenor will also be asked to summarise the discussion that took place during their session in 5 minutes during the plenary session at the end of their assigned day. This is so that participants who were in other parallel sessions are still able to get an idea of what was discussed in your theme.
- Holmganga: At the end of each day, we will feature a holmganga, i.e. a duel between two participants from the same theme. Two volunteers will demonstrate two contradictory ideas from their theme’s discussions that day for the rest of the workshop participants. The discussion is then opened for all participants.
- Change My Mind: We will also have "Change My Mind" sessions during the week. A participant can make a statement which everyone else will have to debate is not necessarily true. If you would like to ask or state this anonymously, you can email it to us in confidence before the workshop and we will present it to the audience. There is also a Survey tab where you can submit questions anonymously.
Session Formats:
- Parallel sessions: The group breaks out according to the four themes. Each session theme has an assigned convenor who will lead the discussion. When a disagreement on ideas arrises, the group chooses two people to represent the two sides of the conflict during a holmganga in the plenary at the end of the day.
- Plenary sessions: Each session will be summarised by the convenor in 5 minutes. After all session summaries, the conflicting ideas that came up during the parallel sessions will then be addressed as holmgangas. Then, the floor is open for discussion for all.