Plenary 2: Introductions by External Guests
- Sumit Basu (Lund University (SE))
External invited guests (those from outside Lund University) will each give an introduction to themselves (max. 5 min), including:
-- Who they are
-- What they work on
-- What they hope to gain from the workshop.
We will go by theme, in alphabetical order according to last name.
Theme 1 (Jet Quenching):
-- Liliana Apolinario
-- Jasmine Brewer
-- Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
-- Isobel Kolbe
-- Guilherme Milhano
-- Guy Paic
Theme 2 (Particle Production & Freeze-out):
-- Rene Bellwied
-- David Dobrigkeit Chinellato
-- Oscar Garcia-Montero
-- Yuuka Kanakubo
-- Claudia Ratti
-- Antonio Ortiz Velasquez
Theme 3 (Correlations & Fluctuations):
-- Alexandru Florin Dobrin
-- Aleksas Mazeliauskas
-- Tapan Nayak
-- Jean-Yves Ollitrault
-- Claude Pruneau
-- Nicola Rubini
Theme 4 (CGC versus Lund Strings):
-- Francois Gelis
-- Tuomas Lappi
-- Yasushi Nara
-- Tanguy Pierog
-- Pragya Singh