19–24 Nov 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Instructions for payments

Information about payment

Please find below the Conference's bank account references to receive any external sponsoring or any participant's fees:

Bank: UBS SA
Account: 0240-FP100541.3
IBAN: CH66 0024 0240 FP10 0541 3

Account holder : CERN-CONFERENCES

We kindly ask participants to mention in the bank transfer the name of the participant, the code 47332 and the name of the conference. This information is important in order to identify each transfer. Please note that the cost of transfer should be paid by the participant, not CERN.

Please note the cost of transactions by credit card  (2.5% of the transaction for payments by Visa or Mastercard). These costs will be added to the registration fees.

Should you require an invoice, this must be asked for BEFORE the payment is done. An invoice will be issued to your institute, which has to be registered in the CERN database of suppliers.

Receipts of payments will be produced in time for the conference. Please note any evenutual information that your institue requires to appear on the receipt in the registration form.

For those based at CERN, it is also possible to pay by TID. Please ensure your surname and the text "QTML conference" are clearly marked in the General Description field. Please use the following information to set up the TID:

  • Supplier Technical Contact: Kristina Gunne
  • Supplier (creditor) budget code: 47332
  • Client budget code: Your group/institute budget code
  • Procurement code: Registration, participation or entrance fees