Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning (QTML conference 2023)

Some pictures taken during the event can be found at https://cds.cern.ch/record/2881086?ln=de
The registration has reached its maximum capacity. If you wish to be added to the waiting list, please contact QTML-logistics@cern.ch. Please note that the conference will be webcast.
The programme will start on Sunday 19th of November at 10.30 AM with a tutorial which will go on until 6 PM in two parallel sessions.
On Monday the 20th of November we kick off the QTML conference at 8:45.
The daily programme starts at 9 am (except on Monday!). At 1.15 PM we break for lunch, and resume the programme from 2.45 PM to 6.30 PM (Depending on the days!). During the week we will organise two poster sessions, one on Tuesday 21 November and the second one on Thursday 23 November. The conference will end on Friday 24 November in the afternoon.
A conference dinner is organised on Wednesday evening for those who signed up for it.
The full online programme is available online!
THANK YOU to our sponsors!
ADVANCE TUTORIAL: Learning theory for quantum machines 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
In this tutorial, I will cover recent advances in developing learning theory for quantum machines. The tutorial will focus on the basic techniques for establishing prediction guarantees in quantum machine learning models and the fundamental ideas for proving the advantages of quantum machines over classical machines in learning from experiments.
Speakers: Hsin-Yuan Huang (Google Quantum AI, MIT), Zoe Holmes (EPFL) -
BASIC TUTORIAL for Beginner (Part I): TUTORIAL for Beginner (Part I) 61/1-009 - Room C
Speaker: Elisa Bahumer
Conveners: Elisa Bäumer, Dr Michele Grossi (CERN) -
LUNCH Restaurant 1
ADVANCE TUTORIAL: Quantum algorithms – what’s quantum complexity theory got to do with it? 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
This tutorial gives a gentle introduction to the crucial interplay between quantum algorithms and quantum complexity theory, with an eye on developments in the Quantum Machine Learning sphere. We begin with basic complexity classes such as BQP, followed by the HHL algorithm for its complete problem, Matrix Inversion. We then discuss how the Quantum Singular Value Transform (QSVT) significantly generalizes HHL to general quantum algorithms for Linear Algebra. Finally, as time permits, we discuss the other side of the coin – what does it mean to “dequantize” algorithms like the QSVT, and when is it possible?
Conveners: Prof. Alessandra Di Pierro (University of Verona), Prof. Sevag Gharibian- 2
BASIC TUTORIAL for Beginner (Part I): TUTORIAL for beginners (Part II) 61/1-009 - Room C
Speaker: Elisa Bahumer
Convener: Elisa Bäumer
Speaker: Michele Grossi & Alberto Di MeglioSpeakers: Alberto Di Meglio (CERN), Dr Michele Grossi (CERN) -
KEYNOTE: A General Message Belief Propagation Framework for Quantum Computations 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
The core computational tasks in quantum systems are the computation of expectations of operators, including reduced density matrices, and the computation of the ground state energy of a quantum system. Many tools have been developed in the literature to achieve this, including Density Functional Theory (DFT), Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) and other Tensor Network methods, Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) and so on. Recently, some methods based on Machine Learning have also been pioneered such as FermiNet and PauliNet and other Neural Variational methods. In this work we will build a bridge between the rich Machine Learning literature on Loopy Belief Propagation and its generalizations for posterior inference and the above mentioned quantum computational tasks. It was shown recently that LBP can be used to contract Tensor Networks and compute Reduced Density Matrices. Here we generalize this concept to a new class of generalized LBP methods, known as Region Graph BP and as a particular example we implemented TreeEP. We show that a very general framework exists that encompasses both classical LBP and quantum LBP, which can be used to compute expectations as well as ground state energies and states. We hope that this work will encourage cross fertilization between these two fields.
Joint work with:
Evgenii Egorov
Antonio Rotundo
Ido Niesen
Roberto BondesanSpeaker: Prof. Max Welling (University of Amsterdam) -
INVITED TALK: Better than classical? The subtle art of benchmarking quantum models 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
Abstract: There is no shortage of quantum machine learning papers observing that a particular quantum model "beats its classical counterparts on real-world datasets". However, the subtlety of choices made in benchmark experiments, the small scale of the models and data, as well as narratives influenced by the commercialisation of quantum technologies carry the danger of a strong positivity bias. To judge the true potential of prominent ideas in quantum machine learning we are conducting one of the first large-scale meta-studies that systematically tests 12 popular supervised quantum models at scale using the PennyLane software framework. This talk gives a sneak peek of some surprising preliminary results, and reveals the technical and conceptual difficulty of robust benchmarking, a skill which deserves more attention in the quantum applications literature.
Speaker: Dr Nathan Killoran (Xanadu) -
Coffe break 61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -
Quantum Learning and Quantum Advantage 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Prof. Minh Ha Quang (RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project)
On quantum backpropagation, information reuse, and cheating measurement collapseSpeaker: Amira Abbas (University of Amsterdam/QuSoft)
Classical Verification of Quantum LearningSpeaker: Marcel Hinsche (Freie Universität Berlin)
Learning bounds and guarantees for testing (quantum) hypothesesSpeaker: Evan Peters (University of Waterloo/Perimeter)
Exponential separations between classical and quantum learnersSpeaker: Casper GYURIK (Leiden)
Classical simulations of noisy variational quantum circuitsSpeaker: Enrico Fontana (University of Strathclyde)
Quantum Models and Data 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Diego Garcia-Martin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Non-IID Quantum Federated Learning with One-shot Communication ComplexitySpeaker: haimeng Zhao (Tsinghua University)
Quantum models and data through a precomputation lensSpeaker: Jarrod Mclean (Google Quantum AI)
Demystify Problem-Dependent Power of Quantum Neural Networks on Multi-Class ClassificationSpeaker: Xinbiaong Wha (Wuhan University)
Convener: Dr Diego Garcia-Martin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transition role of entangled data in quantum machine learningSpeaker: Xinbiaong Wha (Wuhan University)
The power and limitations of learning quantum dynamics incoherentlySpeaker: Sofiene Jerbi (Freie Universität Berlin)
Understanding generalization with quantum geometrySpeaker: Tobias Haug (TII)
Understanding quantum machine learning also requires rethinking generalizationSpeaker: Elies Gil-Fuster (reie Universität Berlin, Fraunhofer HHI Berlin)
Architectures for QML 1 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Oriel Orphee Moira Kiss (Universite de Geneve (CH))
Time-series quantum reservoir computing with weak and projective measurementsSpeaker: Pere Mujal (ICFO)
Let Quantum Neural Networks Choose Their Own FrequenciesSpeaker: Ben Jadeberg (PASQAL)
Extending Graph Transformers with Quantum Computed AggregationSpeaker: Slimane Thabet (PASQAL - Sorbonne University)
Hierarchical quantum circuit representations for neural architecture searchSpeaker: Matt Lourens (Stellenbosch University)
QResNet: a variational entanglement skipping algorithmSpeaker: Giulio Crognaletti (University of Trieste)
A General Approach for Dropout in Quantum Neural NetworksSpeaker: Francesco Scala (Università degli Studi di Pavia)
Applying Genetic Algorithms to Optimize the Generalization Ability of Variational Quantum CircuitsSpeaker: Darya Martyniuk (Freie Universitaet Berlin, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft)
Coffe break 61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -
INVITED TALK: A Unified Theory of Barren Plateaus for Deep Parametrized Quantum Circuits 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
Abstract: Variational quantum computing schemes have received considerable attention due to their high versatility and potential to make practical use of near-term quantum devices. Despite their promise, the trainability of these algorithms can be hindered by barren plateaus (BPs) induced by the expressiveness of the parametrized quantum circuit, the entanglement of the input data, the locality of the observable or the presence of hardware noise. Up to this point, these sources of BPs have been regarded as independent and have been studied only for specific circuit architectures. In this work, we present a general Lie algebraic theory that provides an exact expression for the variance of the loss function of sufficiently deep parametrized quantum circuits, even in the presence of certain noise models. Our results unify under one single framework all aforementioned sources of BPs by leveraging generalized (and subsystem independent) notions of entanglement and operator locality. Finally, our results lead to a critical question: Does the inherent structure that precludes the presence of BPs in a variational model (a requisite for trainability) simultaneously render it classically simulable?
Speaker: Dr Marco Cerezo (Los Alamos National Laboratory) -
Symmetry and Geometric QML 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Dr Supanut Thanasilp (EPFL)
Equivariant Quantum ModelsSpeaker: Martina Larocca (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Approximately Equivariant Quantum Neural Network for p4m Group Symmetries in ImagesSpeaker: Su Yeon Chang (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
Symmetry-invariant quantum machine learning force fieldsSpeaker: Isabel Nha Minh LE (IBM Research Europe - Zurich and Technical University of Munich)
Homogenous space expressibility of parametrized quantum circuitsSpeaker: Rahul Arvind (Institute for High Performance Computing, A*STAR)
Trainability of Quantum Architectures 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Dr Martina Larocca (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Trainability barriers and opportunities in quantum generative modelingSpeaker: Manuel Rudolph (EPFL)
On the Sample Complexity of Quantum Boltzmann Machine LearningSpeaker: Luuk Coopmans (Quantinuum)
On the Absence of Barren Plateaus in Quantum Generative Adversarial NetworksSpeaker: Dr Christa Zoufal (IBM Quantum Europe)
Deep quantum neural networks form Gaussian processesSpeaker: Diego Garcia-Martin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Here comes the SU(N) multivariate quantum gates and gradientsSpeaker: Roeland WIERSEMA (University of Waterloo & Vector Institute)
Poster Session
Quantum Learning and Shadows 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Tobias Haug (TII)
Shadows of quantum machine learningSpeaker: Sofiene Jerbi (Freie Universität Berlin)
Post-Variational Quantum Neural NetworksSpeaker: Po-wei Huang (Centre for Quantum Technologies)
Neural–Shadow Quantum State TomographySpeaker: Pooya Ronagh (University of Waterloo & 1QBit)
Efficient information recovery from Pauli noise via classical shadowSpeaker: Yifei Chen (Institute for Quantum Computing, Baidu)
Learning t-doped stabiliser statesSpeaker: Aliosha Hamma (Università di Napoli Federico II)
Speaker: Prof. Natalia Ares (University of Oxford)
Machine Learning for Quantum Science 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Prof. Antonio Mandarino (ICTQT - University of Gdansk)
Machine learning continuously monitored systems: estimating parametersSpeaker: Matias Bilkis (Computer Vision Center)
Deep Learning of Quantum Correlations for Quantum Parameter Estimation of Continuously Monitored SystemsSpeaker: Enrico Rinaldi (Quantinuum K. K.)
Channel tomography for quantum noise characterization and mitigationSpeaker: Simone Roncallo (Università degli studi di Pavia)
Explainable Representation Learning of Small Quantum StatesSpeaker: Felix Frohnert (Leiden University)
Experimental Implementations 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Dr Francesco Tacchino (IBM Quantum)
Quantum Feature Maps for Graph Machine Learning on a Neutral Atom Quantum ProcessorSpeaker: Slimane Thabet (PASQAL - Sorbonne University)
Variational quantum algorithms implemented on a general-purpose single-photon-based quantum computing platformSpeaker: Alexia salavrakos (Quandela)
Architecture for QML 3 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Dr Francesco Tacchino (IBM Quantum)
Variational Quantum Time Evolution without the Quantum Geometric TensorSpeaker: Julien Gacon (IBM EPFL)
Quantum Similarity Testing with Convolutional Neural NetworksSpeaker: Yan Zhu (The University of Hong Kong)
Dimension reduction in quantum stochastic modellingSpeaker: Chengran Yang (Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore)
Quantum Fourier Networks for Solving Parametric PDEsSpeakers: Jonas Landman (University of Edinburgh / QC Ware), Natansh Mathur
Convener: Dr Michele Grossi (CERN)
ESASpeaker: Bertrand Le Saux (European Space Agency)
GoogleSpeaker: Jarrod McClean (Google AI Quantum)
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PASQALSpeaker: Dr Panagiotis Barkoutsos (PASQAL)
Walk to Restaurant 2 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
Social Dinner 504
Restaurant 2 is located in building 504
Quantum Algorithms 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Mr Massimiliano Incudini (University of Verona)
Quadratic Speedup in Quantum Zero-Sum Games via Single-Call Mirror-Prox Matrix MethodsSpeaker: Francisca Vasconcelos
Constant-depth circuits for Uniformly Controlled Gates and Boolean functions with application to quantum memory circuitsSpeaker: Alessandro Luongo (Centre for Quantum Technologies)
Quantum Distance Calculation for ε-Graph ConstructionSpeaker: Naomi Mona CHMIELEWSKI (EDF Lab)
Gibbs Sampling of Periodic Potentials on a Quantum ComputerSpeaker: Pooya Ronagh (University of Waterloo & 1QBit)
INVITED TALK: Topics in quantum topological data analysis 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
Although still a relatively niche field in classical machine learning, topological data analysis has raised substantial interest from the perspective of quantum algorithms in the last few years.
In this talk we will introduce the topic of topological data analysis, and discuss the state-of-art of quantum algorithms for this problem, together with their promises and limitations, possible generalisations and connections to many-body physics.Speaker: Vedran Dunjko (Leiden University) -
Convener: Dr Christa Zoufal (IBM Quantum Europe)
A Topological Features Based Quantum KernelSpeaker: Mr Massimiliano Incudini (University of Verona)
Expressivity and Generalization Ability of Trace-induced Quantum KernelsSpeaker: Beng Yee Gan (Centre for Quantum Technologies)
A Multi-Class Quantum Kernel-Based ClassifierSpeaker: Shivani Pillay (University of KwaZulu Natal)
Neural Quantum Embedding: Pushing the Limits of Quantum Supervised LearningSpeaker: Tak Hur (Yonsei University)
INVITED TALK: Accelerating Discovery in Particle Physics with AI 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
The quest to understand the fundamental constituents of the universe is at the heart of particle physics. However, the complexity of particle interactions, the volume of data produced by experiments, and the intricacy of theoretical models present significant challenges to advancements in this field. In recent years, artificial intelligence has emerged as a transformative tool for overcoming these challenges, offering new pathways to accelerate the pace of discovery and fostering a deeper understanding of the fundamental forces of nature. This talk aims to elucidate the pivotal role AI plays in particle physics, from optimizing detector design and operation to analyzing vast datasets and validating theoretical models.
Speaker: Jennifer Ngadiuba (FNAL) -
Convener: Dr Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN)
Quantum anomaly detection in the latent space of proton collision events at the LHCSpeaker: Vasilis Belis (ETH Zurich (CH))
Quantum data learning for quantum simulations in high-energy physicsSpeaker: Dr Lento Nagano (University of Tokyo (JP))
Ab initio Quantum Simulation of Strongly Correlated Materials with Quantum EmbeddingSpeaker: Jinzhao Sun (Imperial college)
Detection of quantum phase transitions with quantum machine learning techniquesSpeaker: Antonio Mandarino (ICTQT - University of Gdansk)
Simulating dynamics of large quantum systems on small quantum devices using circuit knittingSpeaker: Gian Gentinetta (EPFL)
Complete quantum-inspired framework for simulations of flows past immersed bodiesSpeaker: Egor Tiunov (Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi)
Poster Session
INVITED TALK: The signal and the noise: learning with random quantum circuits and other agents of chaos 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
What can we quantum-learn in the age of noisy quantum computation? Both more and less than you think. Noise limits our ability to error-mitigate, a term that refers to near-term schemes where errors that arise in a quantum computation are dealt with in classical pre-processing. I present a unifying framework for error mitigation and an analysis that strongly limits the degree to which quantum noise can be effectively `undone' for larger system sizes, and shows that current error mitigation schemes are more or less as good as they can be. After presenting this negative result, I'll switch to discussing how noise can be a friendly foe: non-unital noise, unlike its unital counterparts, surprisingly results in absence of barren plateaus in quantum machine learning.
Speaker: Dr Yihui QUEK (Harvard University) -
Gradients and Landscape Theory 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Amira Abbas (University of Amsterdam/QuSoft)
Analyzing variational quantum landscapes with information contentSpeaker: Adrian Perez Salinas (Lorentz Institute - Leiden University)
The landscape of QAOA Max-Cut Lie algebrasSpeaker: Martin Larocca (Los Alamos National Lab)
Training robust quantum classifiers based on Lipschitz boundsSpeaker: Julian Berberich (University of Stuttgart)
Splitting and Parallelizing of Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks for Learning Translationally Symmetric DataSpeaker: Koki Chinzei (Fujitsu Limited)
INVITED TALK: Approximate Autonomous Quantum Error Correction with Reinforcement Learning 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
Quantum error correction will ultimately empower quantum computers to
leverage their full potential. However, substantial device overhead and
the need for frequent syndrome measurements, which are themselves
error-prone, render the demonstration of logical qubits that
significantly surpass break-even still challenging. Autonomous quantum
error correction represents a promising alternative, where an engineered
environment allows to bypass the syndrome measurements. In this talk, I
show how we use reinforcement learning to search for, and find, bosonic
code spaces that can surpass break-even under experimentally feasible
conditions. Bosonic codes are, for instance, available and utilized in
some of the currently most promising and widespread quantum processors
based on superconducting qubits. Surprisingly, when we increase the
search space by relaxing the constraints on ideal quantum error
correction, we find simple and robust code words that significantly
surpass break-even while minimizing device overhead. This RL code not
only reduces device complexity compared to other proposed encodings, but
also outperforms its competitors in terms of its capability to correct
errors.Speaker: Dr Clemens Gneiting (Riken) -
Reinforcement Learning and Robust Learning 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Sofiene Jerbi (Freie Universität Berlin)
Quantum adaptive agents with efficient long-term memoriesSpeaker: Thomas Elliott (University of Manchester)
Talk cancelled: Self-Correcting Quantum Many-Body Control using Reinforcement Learning with Tensor NetworksSpeaker: Friederike Metz (EPFL)
Quantum machine learning with enhanced adversarial robustnessSpeaker: Maxwell West (The University of Melbourne)
Quantum algorithm for robust optimization via stochastic-gradient online learningSpeaker: Debbie Huey Chih LIM (University of Latvia)
Quantum Monte Carlo 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Prof. David Windridge (Middlesex University, London, UK)
Quantum Computing Quantum Monte CarloSpeaker: Jinzhao Sun (Imperial college)
Quantum Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with the target distribution calculated by quantum Monte Carlo integrationSpeaker: Koichi Miyamoto (Osaka University)
Quantum Optimization 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Prof. David Windridge (Middlesex University, London, UK)
Quantum optimization of Binary Neural NetworksSpeaker: Pietro Torta (SISSA)
Performance Analysis and Comparative Study of Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm VariantsSpeaker: Kostas Blekos (University of Patras)
Quantum Reservoir Computing 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Prof. David Windridge (Middlesex University, London, UK)
Hybrid quantum-classical reservoir computing for solving chaotic systemsSpeaker: Filip Wudraski (USRA)
Next Generation Quantum Reservoir Computing: An Efficient Quantum Algorithm for Forecasting Quantum DynamicsSpeaker: Chotibut Thiparat (Chulalongkorn University)