Parallel - 3
- Daris Samart
The Belle and Belle$~$II experiments have collected a $1.4~\mathrm{ab}^{-1}$ sample of $e^+e^-$ collision data at centre-of-mass energies near the $\Upsilon(nS)$ resonances. These samples contain a large number of $e^+e^-\to c\bar{c}$ events that produce charmed mesons. Direct $C\!P$ violation is searched for in $D^0\to K^0_{\rm S}K^0_{\rm S}$ decays and $D$-meson decays to a four-body final...
Studies of exotic hadrons comprise a natural and privileged playground for a more thorough elucidation of the nature of quantum chromodynamics. In this contest the LHCb experiment, dedicated to study heavy flavor hadrons produced from pp collision at the LHC, plays a vital role, already providing evidence for several exotic hadrons. The talk will deliver an overview of the selected, latest...
Recent results on CP violation in charm and beauty sector, as well as lifetime measurements, by the CMS experiment at the LHC are presented. The analyses are based on 13 TeV pp collision data.
Inspired by the recent BESIII measurement of the decay asymmetry in the decay $\Lambda_c^+\to \Xi^0K^+$, we perform a global fit to the experimental data of two-body charmed baryon decays based on the topological diagrammatic approach (TDA) which has the advantage that it is more intuitive, graphic and easier to implement model calculations. The measured branching fractions and decay...
Observations of flavor anomalies in the $b$-sector, particularly the deviations in the measurements of the lepton flavor universality ratios in the $b \rightarrow c \tau \nu_\tau$ transitions from the standard model (SM) predictions, suggest the existence of possible new physics beyond the SM. In the pursuit of new physics in similar decays involving $b\to c \ell \nu_{\ell}$ transitions, we...
Recent results on spectroscopy of exotic hadrons in ATLAS with Run-2 data are presented. Four-muon mass spectrum is studied investigating the structures earlier observed by LHCb experiment, using di-J/ψ and J/ψ+ψ(2S) channels. The latter is also investigated using ψ(2S)→ J/ψ(μ+μ−)π+π− decay mode.