Electroweak milestones - 50 years of neutral currents, 40 years of W and Z bosons

Tuesday 31 October 2023 - 10:00
CERN (81/R-003A)

        : Sessions
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        : Breaks
31 Oct 2023
Morning Session: chaired by Fabiola Gianotti (until 12:00) (81/R-003A - Science Gateway Auditorium A)
10:00 Neutral currents and Gargamelle - Dieter Haidt ((Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY)))   (81/R-003A - Science Gateway Auditorium A)
10:30 The W and Z at UA1 - Jean-Pierre Revol (Yonsei University (KR))   (81/R-003A - Science Gateway Auditorium A)
11:00 The W and Z at UA2 - Pierre Darriulat (Vietnam National Space Centre)   (81/R-003A - Science Gateway Auditorium A)
11:30 The SPS Collider - Lyn Evans (Imperial College (GB))   (81/R-003A - Science Gateway Auditorium A)
12:00 --- Break ---
Afternoon Session: chaired by Joachim Mnich (until 17:20) (81/R-003A - Science Gateway Auditorium A)
14:00 The evolution of electroweak theory - Wolfgang Hollik   (81/R-003A - Science Gateway Auditorium A)
14:25 Z and W measurements at LEP and SLD - Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford (GB))   (81/R-003A - Science Gateway Auditorium A)
14:50 Electroweak results from Tevatron and HERA - Bo Jayatilaka (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (81/R-003A - Science Gateway Auditorium A)
15:15 --- Break ---
16:00 The W mass at the LHC - Maarten Boonekamp (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (81/R-003A - Science Gateway Auditorium A)
16:25 Measurements with W and Z bosons at LHC - Elisabetta Manca (University of California Los Angeles (US))   (81/R-003A - Science Gateway Auditorium A)
16:50 A forward look (FCC-ee) - Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Uppsala University (SE))   (81/R-003A - Science Gateway Auditorium A)