The use of new methods for processing data of a physical experiment. Application of machine learning methods on the NICA complex.

from Monday 28 August 2023 (07:00) to Tuesday 29 August 2023 (19:30)
St. Petersburg, Nevsky 1 (Ether)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
28 Aug 2023
29 Aug 2023
10:00 Открытие - Alexey Aparin (JINR) Dr Grigori Feofilov (St Petersburg State University (RU))   (Ether)
10:10 Generative models for particle physics: hype, profits, and pitfalls. - Fedor Ratnikov (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (Ether)
10:40 Использование методов машинного обучения для поиска оптимальных конфигураций детектирующих систем - Evgenii Kurbatov (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (Ether)
11:10 Способы обработки нерегулярностей в симуляционных данных на коллайдерных экспериментах - Alexey Boldyrev (NRU Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia))   (Ether)
11:40 Методы обработки данных в экспериментах физики высоких энергий. История, проблемы и перспективы - Prof. Геннадий Алексеевич Ососков (Объединенный институт ядерных исследований)   (Ether)
10:00 What Machine Learning Can Do for a Focusing Aerogel Detectors - Foma Shipilov (HSE University (RU))   (Ether)
10:30 Triplet Siamese Network for Event Unraveling in the SPD Experiment - Maksim Borisov (Dubna State University)   (Ether)
11:00 Fast simulation for forward hadronic calorimeters - Andrey Seryakov (St Petersburg State University (RU))   (Ether)
11:30 Neural Generative Modeling of the Time Projection Chamber responses at the MPD detector - Sergei Mokhnenko (National Research University Higher School of Economics (RU))   (Ether)
12:10 --- Перерыв на чай - прогулкой по Невскому ---
13:00 ML Modelling of QGP - Dr Vladimir Kovalenko (St Petersburg State University (RU))   (Ether)
13:30 Using the experience of administering the Russian segment of ALICE WLCG to develop NICA data processing system - Andrey Zarochentsev (St Petersburg State University (RU))   (Ether)
14:00 --- ОБЕД (С прогулкой по Невскому) ---
15:00 Centrality estimation in nucleus-nucleus collisions by machine learning algorithms - Evgeny Andronov (St Petersburg State University (RU))   (Ether)
15:30 Gradient Boosted Decision Tree for Particle Identification in the MPD - Vladimir Papoyan (JINR)   (Ether)
16:00 Общая дискуссия   (Ether)
12:00 --- Перерыв на чай - прогулкой по Невскому ---
13:00 Operation of the ALICE Hyperloop analysis train system - Dr Vladimir Kovalenko (Saint Petersburg State University (on behalf of the ALICE Collaboration))   (Ether)
13:30 Application of neural networks in rapid estimation of the impact parameter of high-energy collisions from data obtained from microchannel plates detector. - Kirill Galaktionov (Saint Petersburg State University)   (Ether)
14:00 --- ОБЕД (С прогулкой по Невскому) ---
15:00 Neutron reconstruction in the highly granular time-of-flight neutron detector at the BM@N experiment. - Vladimir Bocharnikov (HSE University)   (Ether)
15:30 Рефрижератор растворения - криогенная платформа для охлаждения компонентов квантового компьютера до сверхнизких температур (<50мК). - Anton Dolzhikov   (Ether)
16:00 Общая дискуссия   (Ether)
16:45 Завершение - Alexey Aparin (JINR) Dr Grigori Feofilov (St Petersburg State University (RU))   (Ether)