26 August 2024 to 4 September 2024
Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone
The extended day of ICNFP 2024 will be 12 December 2024: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1486482/

Beth-Uhlenbeck approach to quark-hadron matter and chemical freeze-out in heavy-ion collisions

30 Aug 2024, 11:00
Room 2

Room 2


David Blaschke


We present a unified approach to the transition from hadronic matter to quark matter where hadrons are treated as bound states of quarks which dissociate at high densities due to quark Pauli blocking. We demonstrate that a sudden switch of the quark mass from a sufficiently high value to mimic quark confinement to its current mass value is compatible with a smooth crossover behavior of the chiral condensate and agrees well with the results of recent lattice QCD simulation for 2+1 flavors [1]. The newly developed approach makes use of a cluster virial expansion formulated in terms of a generalized Φ-derivable approach to multi-quark correlations with bound and continuum states in their spectrum [2]. Our model can be used to obtain thermodynamic functions, consistent with lattice QCD simulations at zero chemical potential, also at finite chemical potentials where lattice QCD simulations have the sign problem. Conclusions for the chemical freeze-out of multi-quark clusters in heavy-ion collisions are drawn [3].
[1] D. Blaschke, O. Ivanytskyi, G. Röpke, Sudden hadronization at the chiral crossover, in preparation (2024)
[2] D. Blaschke, M. Cierniak, O. Ivanytskyi, G. Röpke, Thermodynamics of quark matter with multiquark clusters in an effective Beth-Uhlenbeck type approach, Eur. Phys. J. A 60 (2024) 14
[3] D. Blaschke, G. Röpke, Cluster production and the chemical freeze-out in expanding hot dense matter, arXiv:2408.01399 [nucl-th]


David Blaschke


Oleksii Ivanytskyi (University of Wroclaw) gerd Roepke (U)

Presentation materials