26 August 2024 to 4 September 2024
Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone
The extended day of ICNFP 2024 will be 12 December 2024: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1486482/

Chiral dynamics of nuclear systems

29 Aug 2024, 16:00
Room 1

Room 1

Talk Workshop on " Half a Century of QCD " Workshop on "Half a Century of QCD"


Prof. Evgeny Epelbaum (Ruhr University Bochum)


Chiral symmetry of QCD plays a key role in understanding the properties of nuclear interactions and low-energy physics of atomic nuclei. Its implications for nuclear structure and dynamics can by analyzed in a systematic way using the framework of chiral effective field theory. I will briefly describe conceptual foundations of this method, review our recent efforts towards developing it into a precision tool for low-energy nuclear physics and discuss some of the remaining challenges.



Internet talk Yes
Is this an abstract from experimental collaboration? No
Name of experiment and experimental site --
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes


Prof. Evgeny Epelbaum (Ruhr University Bochum)

Presentation materials