Rene Brun
26/03/2007, 09:00
The major developments since the previous workshop will be summarized and the current development roadmap will be presented.
Fons Rademakers
26/03/2007, 10:20
Review of what has changed in the ROOT infrastructure since the last workshop. Topics that will be covered include the plugin manager, rootmap files, library organization, new plugins, new platforms, optimizations, code management and build system improvements, packaging, etc.
Axel Naumann
26/03/2007, 11:30
ROOT's documentation system has been renovated a bit. We will show what the new ingredients are, how they work, and how you can document your own libraries with THtml, including customized layout, module documentation, and cross-library referencing. We will also present some of THtml's tools that can help write better code.
Lorenzo Moneta
26/03/2007, 14:30
An overview of the recent developments, compared to the last workshop, of the ROOT Math libraries will be presented. The functionality and the design of the new Math packages will be described in detail together with the planned improvements and re-structuring of the previously existing ROOT classes to use the new mathematical algorithms.
Anna Kreshuk
26/03/2007, 16:00
TEntryList is a class recently introduced in the Tree library. It is a nice alternative to TEventlist.
The new class is designed to support a large set of event lists in a modular way.
TEntryList objects can easily be combined when processing large chains of event data.
The data structure is optimum for the two extreme cases of high or low selectivity.
Leandro Franco
26/03/2007, 16:30
Interactive analysis of remote data is always limited by the quality of the network, where the main parameters are bandwidth and latency. The former is not usually a problem but the latter will always be proportional to the distance between the client and server. The only way to deal with this issue is by minimizing the number of transactions between both sites, which is usually done by...
Fabrizio Furano
26/03/2007, 17:30
The aspects related to the performance of the data transfer with an xrootd/Scalla file server cluster has been under constant focus since a while.
This presentation gives an overview of the new techniques that are exploited in the xrootd client side to enhance its performance in the situations where the network latency is high. Since the xrootd/Scalla system is not aimed only at moving files,...
Filimon Roukoutakis
27/03/2007, 09:20
ALICE is one of the experiments under installation at CERN Large Hadron Collider, dedicated to the study of Heavy-Ion Collisions. The final ALICE Data acquisition system has been installed and is being used for the testing and commissioning of detectors. The Online Data Quality monitoring is an important part of the DAQ software framework (DATE). In this presentation we overview the...
Olivier Couet
27/03/2007, 10:30
Current status of the ROOT graphics including the more recent developments in 2D representations and the latest developments in the 3D area based on OpenGL.
Matevz Tadel
27/03/2007, 10:50
Last year's changes in ROOT's 3D graphics with OpenGL can be divided in two main lines of work. First, there were many new renderers implemented for 2D histograms, functions and parametric surfaces that allow these objects to be rotated, clipped and projected in real-time. Second, OpenGL viewer was extended to automatically instantiate external rendering objects from user-provided class to...
Ilka Antcheva
27/03/2007, 14:30
Presentation about the progress made in User Interface developments in ROOT since the last ROOT workshop:
- New GUI widgets
- Fit panel
- Graphics editor improvements
- New object editors
- GUI builder development
Bertrand Bellenot
27/03/2007, 15:00
he ROOT GUI builder provides graphical user-interface (GUI) tools for developing user interfaces based on the ROOT GUI classes. It includes over 30 advanced widgets and has as a goal to offer the complete set of features needed for developing GUI projects. It gives developers an effective object-oriented development environment and accelerates the GUI development life cycles. The generated GUI...
Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus
27/03/2007, 17:30
ALICE at the LHC plans to use a cluster at CERN (CAF - Cern Analysis Facility) for fast analysis of first data as well as calibration and alignment. A test setup consisting of 40 machines exists for evaluation since May 2006. PROOF enables the distributed usage and xrootd the access to locally distributed files. The talk will present the current setup, performance tests that have been done and...
Alberto Marotta
28/03/2007, 09:00
Since few years, in the OPERA Collaboration, a new software framework (OpRelease) has been realized. It consists of a set of packages and sub-packages integrated by using the CMT tool and fully interfaced to the OPERA ROOT persistent data model (OpRData) through an Input/Output standard package called OpIO.
The OpRelease framework is based on a modular architecture of Object Oriented...
Denis Bertini
28/03/2007, 09:20
The CbmRoot framework, originally developed for the CBM collaboration is now used by other FAIR experiments at the GSI. The framework is now renamed to FairRoot. The status and usage of this VMC based framework will be presented.
Andrei Gheata
28/03/2007, 10:00
A new interface G4ROOT was recently introduced in ROOT. This allows running GEANT4-based simulations using TGeo geometry and navigation. The presentation will cover the interface usage and recent results in the context of ALICE GEANT4 simulation framework.
Josef Leydold
(Univ Vienna)
28/03/2007, 11:00
ROOT like other libraries for scientific computing provide routines especially tailored for sampling from standard distributions, e.g. the Gaussian distribution. This approach provides fast and easy to use algorithms for frequently used distributions. However, for specialized simulation problems or for sampling from non-standard distributions there are only a few algorithm which provide...
Helge Voss
28/03/2007, 11:30
The use of machine learning techniques for the mining of data from high-energy physics experiments has become more and more popular in recent years. The machine learning techniques themselves have significantly evolved, also driven by developments in other areas in and outside science. TMVA is a toolkit (integrated in ROOT) which implements a large variety of sophisticated multivariate...
William Quayle
28/03/2007, 12:00
The MadTools/StatTools package provides a unified interface for several methods to perform single-channel and multiple-channel confidence level calculations. We briefly review the general structure of the code and the algorithms already implemented, and we discuss efforts presently underway to incorporate fit-based confidence level calculations.
Wouter Verkerke
28/03/2007, 14:00
The RooFit package is an advanced data modeling language for the ROOT environment. It represents modeling concepts such as observables, parameters and probability density functions as C++ objects and provides operator objects for addition, multiplication, convolution etc to to build data models of arbitrary complexity. In my presentation I will focus on a number of recent redesign activities...
Federico Carminati
28/03/2007, 15:00
The talk will describe the ALICE analysis model and in particular the usage and structure of AODs. As most of the analysis will be performed with these objects, both on the Grid and locally, with or without PROOF, their structure and functionality is critical for the performance of the analysis of the experiment. The talk will describe the particular choices made for the structure of the AODs...
Luca Lista
(INFN Napoli/CMS)
28/03/2007, 16:00
CMS experiment uses ROOT as storage technology for all its data formats. Interactive access is foreseen both in bare-ROOT mode and with loading of data formats shared libraries. The extensibility and modularity of CMS data formats and the native interactive capabilities make CMS event data model a suitable medium for data analysis from batch processing to interactive plots.