19–25 Oct 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Future scheduling in Athena on Accelerators and Multiple Nodes

21 Oct 2024, 16:33
Room 1.A (Medium Hall A)

Room 1.A (Medium Hall A)

Talk Track 3 - Offline Computing Parallel (Track 3)


Beojan Stanislaus (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))


The large increase in luminosity expected from Run 4 of the LHC presents the ATLAS experiment with a new scale of computing challenge, and we can no longer restrict our computing to CPUs in a High Throughput Computing paradigm. We must make full use of the High Performance Computing resources available to us, exploiting accelerators and making efficient use of large jobs over many nodes.
Here we show our current developments in introducing these capabilities to Athena, ATLAS’s general software framework. We will show how we have used MPI to distribute processing over multiple nodes, and how this can be used to run real ATLAS jobs from the Grid on an HPC. We will also show how we have integrated a first-class capability to offload work to an accelerator without blocking the CPU, by making use of suspendable lightweight threads, and an example of how this capability can be used in a real workload.


Beojan Stanislaus (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) Dr Charles Leggett (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (US)) Julien Esseiva (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) Paolo Calafiura (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) Vakho Tsulaia (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) Xiangyang Ju (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))

Presentation materials