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19–25 Oct 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Scientific Programme

  • Track 1 - Data and Metadata Organization, Management and Access

    Storage management frameworks; data access protocols; object, metadata and event store systems; content delivery and caching; data analytics; FAIR data principles; non-event data; data classification (including ML); online and offline databases; exabyte-scale datasets.

  • Track 2 - Online and real-time computing

    Data acquisition; triggers; streaming and trigger-less data acquisition; online calibration/reconstruction; real-time analysis; event building; configuration and access controls; detector control systems; real-time analytics and monitoring; trigger techniques and algorithms; hardware trigger algorithms; ML for triggers or outlier detection; accelerators and hybrid computing for online computing.

  • Track 3 - Offline Computing

    Offline reconstruction; detector calibration; detector geometries; data quality systems; data preparation; physics performance; compute accelerators and hybrid computing for offline; ML for offline computing/calibration/outlier detection; quantum algorithms and general quantum computing technologies.

  • Track 4 - Distributed Computing

    Grid middleware; monitoring and accounting frameworks; security models and tools; distributed workload management; federated authentication and authorisation infrastructures; middleware databases; software distribution and containers; heterogeneous resource brokerage.

  • Track 5 - Simulation and analysis tools

    Object identification; object calibration; analysis workflows; software for end-user analysis; ML in analysis workflows; lattice QCD; theory calculations; MC event generation; detector simulation; fast simulation (classic and ML); quantum simulation and algorithms.

  • Track 6 - Collaborative software and maintainability

    Collaborative software; sustainable software; software management, continuous integration; software building; testing and quality assurance; software distribution; programming techniques and tools; integration of external toolkits; Manuals and documentation; ML for documentation, LLMs.

  • Track 7 - Computing Infrastructure

    Opportunistic resources, orchestration of virtual machines and containers; cloud; HPC and exascale; networking; computing centre infrastructure; energy efficiency; cost of computing; management and monitoring; quantum networks.

  • Track 8 - Collaboration, Reinterpretation, Outreach and Education

    Collaborative tools; reinterpretation tools; analysis preservation and reuse; data preservation for collaboration; outreach activities; open data for education and training; training initiatives; event displays.

  • Track 9 - Analysis facilities and interactive computing

    Frameworks; infrastructure for interactive computing; applications and use-cases; experience with AF production systems and pilots; aspects of reproducibility in interactive computing.

  • Plenary