19–25 Oct 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Call for Abstracts

The call for abstracts is open

You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Submission deadline: 17 May 2024

Abstract guidelines

Selection of talks and posters will be made on the basis of submitted abstracts. Parallel talks and posters will be organised in nine tracks, as indicated in the table below.

Exceptional contributions may be accepted as plenary talks by the Program Committee.

Please consider the following points for your contribution:

  • The recommended length of an abstract is 100-250 words, but there is no hard limit.
  • Carefully select a track. This decision should be based on what problem it tries to solve, not which tool is used for it. For example, "ML-based simulation of detector interactions" goes into the simulation track.
  • If you have difficulty selecting a track from the list, please send an email to chep2024-abstracts@cern.ch explaining the problem.


Make sure that email addresses of submitters and those of the proposed presenters are checked regularly.

We specifically encourage submissions on topics addressing the efficiency of software and computing, as well as the current and future impact on the software and computing landscape in HENP.

List of tracks Associated Keywords
Track 1 - Data and Metadata Organization, Management and Access Storage management frameworks; data access protocols; object, metadata and event store systems; content delivery and caching; data analytics; FAIR data principles; non-event data; data classification (including ML); online and offline databases; exabyte-scale datasets
 Track 2 - Online and real-time computing Data acquisition; triggers; streaming and trigger-less data acquisition; online calibration/reconstruction; real-time analysis; event building; configuration and access controls; detector control systems; real-time analytics and monitoring; trigger techniques and  algorithms; hardware trigger algorithms; ML for triggers or outlier detection; accelerators and hybrid computing for online computing
Track 3 - Offline Computing Offline reconstruction; detector calibration; detector geometries; data quality systems; data preparation; physics performance; compute accelerators and hybrid computing for offline; ML for offline computing/calibration/outlier detection; quantum algorithms and general quantum computing technologies.
Track 4 - Distributed Computing Grid middleware; monitoring and accounting frameworks; security models and tools; distributed workload management; federated authentication and authorisation infrastructures; middleware databases; software distribution and containers; heterogeneous resource brokerage
Track 5 - Simulation and analysis tools Object identification; object calibration; analysis workflows; software for end-user analysis; ML in analysis workflows; lattice QCD; theory calculations; MC event generation; detector simulation; fast simulation (classic and ML); quantum simulation and algorithms
Track 6 - Collaborative software and maintainability Collaborative software; sustainable software; software management, continuous integration; software building; testing and quality assurance; software distribution; programming techniques and tools; integration of external toolkits; Manuals and documentation; ML for documentation, LLMs
Track 7 - Computing Infrastructure

Opportunistic  resources, orchestration of virtual machines and containers; cloud; HPC and exascale; networking; computing centre infrastructure; energy efficiency; cost of computing; management and monitoring; quantum networks

Track 8 - Collaboration, Reinterpretation, Outreach and Education Collaborative tools; reinterpretation tools; analysis preservation and reuse; data preservation for collaboration; outreach activities; open data for education and training; training initiatives; event displays
Track 9 - Analysis facilities and interactive computing Frameworks; infrastructure for interactive computing; applications and use-cases; experience with AF production systems and pilots; aspects of reproducibility in interactive computing