19–25 Oct 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

On-Grid GPU development via interactive HTCondor jobs and Analysis Facility style workflows

24 Oct 2024, 14:24
Large Hall B

Large Hall B

Talk Track 9 - Analysis facilities and interactive computing Parallel (Track 9)


Albert Gyorgy Borbely (University of Glasgow (GB))


Over the last few years, an increasing number of sites have started to offer access to GPU accelerator cards but in many places they remain underutilised. The experiment collaborations are gradually increasing the fraction of their code that can exploit GPUs, driven in many case by developments of specific reconstruction algorithms to exploit the HLT farms when data is not being taken. However, there is no wide-spread usage of GPUs on the Grid and no mechanism, yet, to pledge GPU resources. Whilst the experiments gradually make progress porting their production code, and external projects such as Celeritas and AdePT tackle key common tasks such as the acceleration of E/M calorimeter simulation as a plug-in for GEANT, there is no easy way for smaller groups or individual developers to develop GPU usage in a way that is easily transferred to the Grid environment. Currently, a user typically develops code on a local GPU in an interactive manner but there is significant overhead in subsequently containerising this work and moving it to the Grid environment. Indeed, many user jobs are not big enough to benefit from this last step and many sites must then maintain GPUs that are not integrated with the Grid infrastructure.

We have developed a proof-of-principle solution to enable interactive user access to Grid GPUs, enabling the initial development to take place on-Grid. This will ensure the development and production environments are identical and enable sites to move more GPUs to the Grid. An interactive development environment has been implemented with interactive HTCondor jobs and Apptainer containers. GPUs are split into MIG instances to allow for simultaneous multi-user utilisation. Users can install packages on the fly, giving them control over package versions as well as use what’s available on CVMFS. Once development is done the sandbox container can be made imputable and submitted to either the local batch style GPU que or sent to the rest of the GPUs available on the Grid. The nature of interactive development means many hurdles had to be overcome such as: User authentication, security considerations, data replication to other sites, as well as management tools to allowing users to keep track of their environments and jobs. We will report for the first time on the current status of this project.


Albert Gyorgy Borbely (University of Glasgow (GB))


David Britton (University of Glasgow (GB)) Emanuele Simili (University of Glasgow (GB)) Gordon Stewart Samuel Cadellin Skipsey

Presentation materials