19–25 Oct 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Looking back on 23 years of the ATLAS Metadata Interface (AMI): Reflections on database architecture and ongoing developments in preparation for Run 4

TUE 24
22 Oct 2024, 15:18
Exhibition Hall

Exhibition Hall

Poster Track 1 - Data and Metadata Organization, Management and Access Poster session


Dr Jerome Odier (LPSC/CNRS (Grenoble, FR))


The ATLAS Metadata Interface (AMI) ecosystem has been developed within the context of ATLAS, one of the largest scientific collaborations. AMI is a mature, generic, metadata-oriented ecosystem that has been maintained for over 23 years. This paper briefly describes the main applications of the ecosystem within the experiment, including metadata aggregation for millions of datasets and billions of files, searching for datasets by metadata criteria, and metadata definition for data processing jobs (AMI-tags). The current architecture of the underlying databases will be outlined, in addition to the ongoing developments for preparations for Run 4. Optimizations based on advanced partitioning will also be described, enabling all datasets to be migrated into a new single catalog.


Mr Fabian Lambert (LPSC Grenoble IN2P3/CNRS (FR)) Jerome Henri Fulachier (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Dr Jerome Odier (LPSC/CNRS (Grenoble, FR)) Pierre Antoine Delsart (LPSC/CNRS (Grenoble, FR))

Presentation materials