19–25 Oct 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Data Challenges in JUNO distributed computing infrastructure towards JUNO data-taking

24 Oct 2024, 09:00
Large Hall

Large Hall

Talk Plenary Plenary session


Giuseppe Andronico (Universita e INFN, Catania (IT)) Joao Pedro Athayde Marcondes De Andre (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Xiaomei Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))


The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) in southern China has set its primary goals as determining the neutrino mass ordering and precisely measuring oscillation parameters. JUNO plans to start data-taking in late 2024, with an expected event rate of approximately 1 kHz at full operation. This translates to around 60 MB of byte-stream raw data being produced every second, resulting in a 2 PB data per year. To address the challenges posed by this massive amount of data, JUNO is conducting data challenges on its distributed computing infrastructure. The data challenges aim to achieve several objectives, including understanding the offline requirements, accurately estimating the necessary resources, identifying potential bottlenecks within the involved systems, and improving overall performance. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the JUNO computing model and ensure the smooth operation of the entire data processing chain, encompassing raw data transfer, simulation, reconstruction, and analysis. Furthermore, the data challenges seek to verify the availability and effectiveness of monitoring systems for each activity.


Xiaomei Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))


Andrea Rendina Giuseppe Andronico (Universita e INFN, Catania (IT)) Joao Pedro Athayde Marcondes De Andre (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Mr Nikolay Kutovskiy (JINR) Rachid LEMRANI ALAOUI Xuantong Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Mr Yifan Li (Institute of High Energy Physics)

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