19–25 Oct 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Evolving INDIGO IAM towards the next challenges

22 Oct 2024, 17:27
Room 2.B (Conference Room)

Room 2.B (Conference Room)

Talk Track 4 - Distributed Computing Parallel (Track 4)


Enrico Vianello (INFN-CNAF)


INDIGO IAM (Identity and Access Management) is a comprehensive service that enables organizations to manage and control access to their resources and systems effectively. It implements a standard OAuth2 Authorization Service and OpenID Connect Provider and it has been chosen as the AAI solution by the WLCG community for the transition from VOMS proxy-based authorization to JSON web tokens.
This contribution describes the recent updates introduced by the latest IAM releases and the current roadmap for its evolution. In the near future, a primary focus is on avoiding to store access tokens in the database, to enhance the performance of both token issuance and token deletion. Another important milestone is the integration of a Multi-Factor Authentication mechanism. Additionally, substantial effort will be dedicated to migrating from outdated frameworks, such as MITREid Connect and AngularJS, to more stable and robust solutions based on Spring Security and React respectively. As a consequence, a new dashboard is also being developed, aligned with the latest advances in User Interface design.
This abstract highlights the progress made in the development roadmap described above, not forgetting the general auditing and performance improvements introduced with the latest releases or planned, such as the use of Open Policy Agent to re-implement the internal mechanism of the Scope Policy API.


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