In the realm of high-energy physics research, the demand for computational
power continues to increase, particularly in online applications such as Event
Filter. Innovations in performance enhancement are sought after, leading to
exploration in integrating FPGA accelerators within existing software
frameworks like Athena, extensively employed in the ATLAS experiment at CERN.
This presentation delves into the intricacies of this integration, focusing on
the system-level challenges posed by the simultaneous utilization of FPGA
resources by multiple Athena algorithms in the heterogeneous computing
environment explored for the TDAQ Phase II upgrade.
Central to this discussion is the notion of shared state management,
particularly concerning the loading of FPGA bitstreams. As multiple algorithms
contend for access to the same FPGA, efficient management of the FPGA's state
becomes crucial to ensure optimal performance and resource utilization. This
work addresses this challenge, presenting insights and strategies for
orchestrating FPGA resource sharing within the Athena framework.
While still a work in progress, this contribution provides valuable insights
into the ongoing efforts to seamlessly integrate FPGA accelerators into complex
research environments, paving the way for enhanced computational capabilities.