19–25 Oct 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Recent developments in the Gaussino simulation software

24 Oct 2024, 13:48
Large Hall A

Large Hall A

Talk Track 5 - Simulation and analysis tools Parallel (Track 5)


Adam Morris (CERN)


Gaussino is an experiment-independent simulation package built upon the Gaudi software framework. It provides generic core components and interfaces for a complete HEP simulation application: event generation, detector simulation, geometry, monitoring and output of the simulated data. This makes it suitable for use as a standalone application for early prototyping, testbeam setups etc as well as a toolkit with which to build a dedicated simulation application for a full-scale experiment.

In this talk we give an overview of recent developments in Gaussino.

The generator phase is adapted to seperate the handling of the hard scattering from the parton shower and hadronisation. This allows easier integration of Matrix Elements generators, like MadGraph or Powheg with the general purpose generators like Pythia. A new interface for specifying generic generator-level cuts at configuration time is also introduced.

A new dedicated component for machine-learning based fast simulations that facilitates the integration of fast simulation hooks in Geant4 with machine learning frameworks, all based on Gaudi’s scheduling and data processing tools.
Support for selectively offloading electromagnetic particle transport to GPUs is investigated. The toolbox for customisation, verification, visualisation and debugging of the geometry is extended.

The user configuration is made more robust and flexible.

We will provide examples in the use of the new features in the context of the LHCb Simulation.



Gloria Corti (CERN) Marco Clemencic (CERN) Michał Mazurek (National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL)) Ruben Pozzi (CERN) Witold Pokorski (CERN)

Presentation materials