19–25 Oct 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

User sharing of computational workflows in the REANA reproducible analysis platform

Not scheduled
Poster Track 5 - Simulation and analysis tools Poster session


Marco Donadoni (CERN)


We present the new user-sharing feature of the REANA reproducible analysis platform. The researchers are allowed to share their selected workflow runs, job logs, and output files with colleagues. The analyst retains the full read-write access to the workflow and may opt for granting individual read-only access to colleagues for a possibly-limited period of time. The workflow sharing feature was developed to answer the needs of physics teams using REANA computational workflow platform and is available for all supported CWL, Serial, Snakemake, and Yadage workflow systems. The feature is available in the REANA command-line client and on the REANA web interface. The contribution describes the main use cases, presents the architecture and the implementation details, as well as comments on the challenges of supporting a variety of external Identity and Access Management systems holding user information for customising REANA deployments.

Primary authors

Marco Donadoni (CERN) Daan Eduard Rosendal (Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim (NL)) Giuseppe Steduto (Politecnico di Milano (IT)) Tibor Simko (CERN)

Presentation materials

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