Extracting the anomalous dimensions of energy-correlators in charged jets in pp collisions at 13 TeV with ALICE

24 Sept 2024, 12:10
Convention Hall 1

Convention Hall 1

Oral presentation 1. Jets modification and medium response Parallel Session 13


Ananya Rai (Yale University (US))


The projected N-point Energy Correlators (ENCs) are a novel tool to probe jet substructure in hadronic collisions by exploring the energy flow within jets. Defined as the energy-weighted correlations of $N$ tracks as a function of their angular separation, these correlators reveal the multiscale nature of jets. Jet evolution from perturbative, hard-scattered partons to non-perturbative sprays of hadrons is imprinted in the slopes of the ENCs. The lower charged-particle jet $p_{\rm T}$ range between 20 and 80 GeV$/c$ accessible at ALICE makes these observables especially interesting as it allows one to probe both pQCD and npQCD effects. The ratio, E3C/E2C, exhibits sensitivity to the running of the strong coupling constant, $\alpha_{\rm S}$, while being robust to detector effects. In this talk, we will present the measurement of the E2C, E3C and the sensitivity of the E3C/E2C ratio to $\alpha_{\rm S}$ via their anomalous dimensions in pp collisions at 13 TeV. Additionally, we will present an outlook for measuring the E3C/E2C ratio in Pb-Pb collisions. The jet $p_{\rm T}$ range at ALICE offers a unique phase space to study jet-medium interactions. We will show how the E3C/E2C ratio can probe the QGP due to its robustness to the uncorrelated heavy-ion background while retaining its sensitivity to medium effects.

Category Experiment
Collaboration ALICE

Primary authors

ALICE Collaboration Ananya Rai (Yale University (US))

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