Investigating initial state of heavy-ion and pp collisions using [pT] fluctuations and vn − [pT] correlations in ATLAS

23 Sept 2024, 16:50
Room 107

Room 107

Oral presentation 2. High momentum hadrons and correlations Parallel Session 8


Tomasz Bold (AGH University of Krakow (PL))


This talk presents recent studies of event-wise mean transverse momentum, [pT] that can help differentiate the interplay between the effect of radial collectivity, random thermal motion and deformation in nuclear geometry. In addition, the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) between flow, vn and [pT] , ρ(vn, [pT]), will be shown. The results bear on aspects of the initial state, such as nuclear deformation and initial momentum anisotropy. This talk presents new precise ATLAS measurements of [pT] cumulants up to 3rd order and vn − [pT] correlations in Xe+Xe, Pb+Pb and pp collisions. This measurement provides the first experimental handle to isolate initial state and medium evolution contributing to final state momentum fluctuations. The PCC coefficients show a non-monotonic dependence on centrality, [pT] and η, reflecting the fact that different aspects of the initial conditions affect different regions of the phase space. The ratio of ρ(v2, [pT]) be- tween the two systems in the ultra-central region suggests that 129Xe has large quadrupole deformation but with a significant triaxiality. The measurement of vn − [pT] correlation provides the first measurement of triaxiality in 129Xe using heavy ion collisions and provides new constraints to current models which fail to describe many of the observed trends in data. The measurement in high multiplicity pp collisions is compared to several models and provides information on the initial state contributions to the observed PCC.

Category Experiment
Collaboration ATLAS

Primary author

Tomasz Bold (AGH University of Krakow (PL))

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