Recent LHCb probes for b-quark hadronization studies

23 Sept 2024, 18:10
Room 102

Room 102

Oral presentation 5. Nuclear PDFs, saturation, and early time dynamics Parallel 6: heavy quarks in medium


Julie Lane Marie Berkey (Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))


The differences in hadron chemistry observed at e+e- machines versus hadron
colliders may indicate that the mechanisms by which partons evolve into visible
matter are not universal. In particular, the presence of many other quarks
produced in the underlying event may affect the hadronization process. With
full particle ID, precision vertexing, and a high rate DAQ, the LHCb detector
is uniquely well suited to study the hadronization of heavy quarks. In this
contribution, LHCb data on hadronization of heavy charm and bottom quarks,
including the first results on the b baryon-to-meson production ratio versus
charged particle multiplicity, will be presented

Category Experiment
Collaboration LHCb

Primary author

Julie Lane Marie Berkey (Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))

Presentation materials