Prospects for heavy-ion data-taking with the LHCb Upgrade II

24 Sept 2024, 14:40
Room 107

Room 107

Oral presentation 6. Future experimental facilities and new techniques Parallel Session 20


Samuel Belin (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))


Owing to its spectrometer acceptance, complementary to the other LHC ex-
periments, and to its excellent tracking and particle identification, LHCb has
been performing since the LHC Run2 a unique heavy-ion programme. By ex-
ploiting instead the injection of gases in the LHC accelerator beam-pipe, LHCb
has been simultaneously acquiring data in fixed-target mode. The sum of the
two configurations already gives unique inputs to theoretical models. With the
foreseen LHCb Upgrade II, to be operated from Run5, even more possibilities
will be opened by the increased detector granularity, the timing capabilities and
the new instrumentation. In this contribution, a full overview of the heavy-ion
opportunities with LHCb Upgrade II, as discussed in a recent workshop with
theoreticians, will be presented and discussed.

Category Experiment
Collaboration LHCb

Primary author

Samuel Belin (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))

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