Apr 22 – 26, 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Welcome to the second in-person meeting of the ePIC Software & Computing effort! We are thrilled to invite you to this exciting event taking place from April 22 to 26 at CERN. We look forward to your valuable contribution.

The purpose of the meeting is to collectively drive forward priority targets and provide an avenue for new collaboration members to actively engage: 

  • TDR Progress (two days): We will review the progress of the software and simulation readiness for the TDR and work on critical tasks. 

  • Software Tutorial (one day): There will be a complete day of tutorials. The schedule will be based on obtaining new members and the feedback of the collaboration on which aspects of the ePIC Software stack to cover. 

  • Connections with HEP (two days): We will take advantage of the opportunity to have joint sessions with developers at CERN. These sessions will cover ongoing work on Geant4, Key4Hep, MC event generators, and streaming readout. Additionally, we will host a discussion with the HEP Software Foundation on the interplay of HEP and NP. 


In-Person Meeting: The meeting took place at CERN. There was no registraton fee. 

Remote MeetingWe used Zoom for the remote meeting. 

Live notes

40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
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Registration for this event is currently open.