The recommended place to stay is the CERN Hostel. These accommodations are economical, convenient, and comfortable. To reserve a room, please visit this link:
There is currently good availability for the week of our meeting, but it is advisable to book as soon as possible, as this can change rapidly.
Hostel Options
The preferred options, in order of decreasing preference, are:
- Single room with shower in B.39. This is the main hostel building where the hostel office is located, adjacent to B.40 where our meeting will take place.
- Single room with shower in B.38. This is the older, original hostel building right next to the restaurant.
- B.41 if necessary; it is the newest building, but the showers are quite small and made of plastic.
Please avoid booking in St. Genis, as it is far away, and is below the standard of the CERN onsite facilities.
CERN Guarantor
All persons not yet registered at CERN, or registered with a non-accepted status at the time of reservation, must supply the name of a CERN guarantor who certifies the reason for the stay at CERN and who confirms under which status they will be registered whilst at CERN.
Our CERN guarantor is Yasemin Altinbilek (