GB-RADNEXT Workshop 2024
The Workshop for Industry on Radiation Hardness Testing of Semiconductor Devices and Systems at the RADNEXT Facilities:
Future Facilities
Future Perspectives
Date: June 12th and 13th, 2024
In-person event
Location: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell (United Kingdom)
Organizers: RADNEXT, PAC-G (IRT nanoelec), RADECS association, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Workshop fee: The attendance is free of charge
Registration: Closed
Radiation effects in semiconductor devices have come to play a major role in the performance and reliability of today’s electronics. Several questions also arise from emerging applications (such as self-driving cars, nanosatellites, medical implants etc.). As the demand for radiation hardness testing is on the rise, the availability of radiation facilities providing industrial access to perform these tests at least for certain radiation types are not able to catch up with the increasing demand. Traditional testing methodologies also seem to be limited in face of new semiconductor technologies, the increased usage of commercial components of the shelf and new applications fields.
The RADNEXT program – an H2020 INFRAIA-02-2020 infrastructure project – started in June 2021 and is addressing most of these challenges. In particular, it aims at bridging the gap between industrial and academic users of radiation hardness testing and the irradiation facilities providing beam time to them. This workshop is primarily dedicated to the whole industrial community where radiation effects in semiconductor and other microelectronic devices play a crucial role: i.e. the chip designers, the foundries, space companies the end users, the testing companies and the testing equipment manufacturers and many more. The aim of the workshop is to connect the stakeholders from industry with radiation effects experts from academia and representatives from irradiation facilities to stimulate discussion, in the framework of the RADNEXT Initiative.
Building upon the experience, notably linked to the very positive outcome and feedback of the G-RAD workshop in December 2020, the G-RAD(NEXT) workshop in May 2022 and the in-person G-RADNEXT workshop at CERN last November with more than 80 person on site, we propose you to join us in June 2024 and continue from where we left last year. We are proud to announce that the workshop venue will be at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Harwell, UK.
Technical program
The 2-day workshop starts at at 9am (GMT) on the first day and ends in the late afternoon on the second day. The workshop will feature:
Session 1: Neutron Facilities
Session 2: Atmospheric Industrial Session
Session 3: Future Perspectives
Session 4: Alternative Probes for SEE Testing
Session 5: Protons and Heavy Ions: The Facilities' View
Session 6: Protons and Heavy Ions: The User's Perspective
Session 7: The Future of Everything
After each technical session, an in-depth discussion is scheduled, where all participants are welcome to engage and discuss with each other.
More details including speakers and topics are available here.
Social Program
A social dinner for all workshop participants
GB-RADNEXT 2024 aims to engage the industrial community with RADNEXT by proposing an event fully dedicated to industry with the following key objectives:
Target audience
Desired Outcomes
Our goal is to increase the level of engagement from industry with the members of the RADNEXT consortium, with a growth of the industrial quota of transnational access and proprietary/confidential access. We want to better serve the industrial community, and in this way to create value for the European industry and increase the socio-economic impact of RADNEXT. Last but not least, we are striving for fostering the European non-dependency and competitiveness in the field of radiation effects and radiation hardness assurance on electronic and microelectronic devices.
The workshop is organised in collaboration between the Platform for Advanced Characterisation (PAC-G), the RADECS association, RADNEXT and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory as the the workshop host.
RADNEXT is the first distributed research infrastructure for the irradiation community to offer EU-funded Transnational Access (TA) for precompetitive and publishable research activities for industry and academia. It is an initiative recently funded in the context of the Horizon 2020 programme connecting more than 30 partners across Europe and beyond (through TRIUMF’s participation), including most of the major facilities providing active in the domain of irradiation.
PAC-G, the Platform for Advanced Characterisation – Grenoble is a service platform dedicated to the characterisation in micro and nanoelectronics developed in Grenoble in the context of the IRT Nanoelec. This platform propose commercial confidential access to advanced synchrotron X-rays and neutrons end-stations available at the ESRF, the ILL and the LPSC to support the industry of semiconductors. PAC-G is very active in the domain of failure analysis and physical or chemical characterisation and since 2016 launched a programme in the domain of the radiation hardness testing.
The RADECS association, created in 1992, aims to promote basic and applied science and research in the field of radiation and its effects on materials, components and systems for space and ground level applications. RADECS association holds the annual RADECS European Conference and occasional RADECS workshops. It promotes research activities, scientific publications, co-operation and exchange with other relevant organisations on radiation effects.
The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) is located at Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire, UK, and it is the largest site of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). STFC is a publicly-funded research council keeping the UK at the forefront of international science. It operates or hosts world class experimental facilities including: In the UK; ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, the Central Laser Facility and RAL Space. STFC is also the majority shareholder in Diamond Light Source Ltd. Overseas; telescopes on La Palma and Hawaii.
Steering committee
Ennio Capria – European Synchrotron Radiation Facility - Chair
Ruben Garcia Alia – CERN - RADNEXT
Francoise Bezerra – CNES - RADECS
Christopher Frost - RAL - ISIS/ChipIR
Gerd Datzmann – Datzmann interact & innovate – Organisation chair
Industrial and scientific committee
Renaud Mangeret - Airbus Defence and Space – Chair
Magali Haussy - Thales Alenia Space in Belgium
Christian Chatry - TRAD
Jens Verbeeck - MAGICS Instruments NV
Tudor Chirila - Infineon Technologies AG
Gerald Soelkner - Infineon Technologies
Philippe Roche - STMicroelectronics
Gilles Gasiot - STMicroelectronics
Pierre Xiao Wang - 3D PLUS
Gonzalo Fernández Romero - ALTER Technology
Issam Nofal – IROC
Paavo Heiskanen - ESA/ESTEC
Véronique Ferlet-Cavrois - ESA/ESTEC
Jonathan Pellish - NASA
Philippe Paillet - CEA
Maria Teresa Alvarez - National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA)
Jan Budroweit - German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Damien Lambert - CEA
Michael J. Campola – NASA
Benjamin Cheymol - LPSC
Organisation team
Gerd Datzmann – Datzmann interact & innovate – Organisation chair
Christopher Frost - ISIS/ChipIR - Local organisation coordinator
Carlo Cazzaniga - ISIS/ChipIR - Local organisation support
Maria Kastriotou - ISIS/ChipIR - Local organisation support
Pablo Federico Lopez – CERN – Organisation coordinator
Cloe Levointurier-Vajda – CERN – Organisation support
Sabrina el Yacoubi – CERN – Organisation support
Roberto Versaci – ELI Beamlines
Jochen Kuhnhenn – Fraunhofer INT
Camille Belanger-Champagne - TRIUMF
Marjolaine Giraud – ESRF - Communication support coordinator
Hanne Stas – KULeuven - Communication support
Ygor Aguiar – CERN - Communication support
In order to meet the increasing needs of the electronics industry for neutron single-event-effect testing the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source designed and built a new test facility, ChipIr, on its Second Target Station. The ChipIr design presented a number of challenges and opportunities as it was the first time a fast-neutron beamline had been incorporated into an existing target station that was primarily designed for neutron scattering in condensed matter at thermal energies.
The plans for ISIS-II, a next-generation neutron and muon source, provides an opportunity to develop the next generation of fast-neutron irradiation facility, building on the lessons learned from ChipIr and other irradiation beamlines. ISIS-II will also provide opportunities to develop capability in proton and muon irradiation alongside the neutron provision.
In this talk I will present some of the ideas and scenarios that are being developed for irradiation provision within the ISIS-II project.
Christopher Frost joined the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in 1998. As a research scientist interested in state-of-the-art instrumentation he was initially involved in the building of MAPS, the first single-crystal direct-geometry spectrometer on a pulsed neutron source and the introduction of polarized He3 technology to ISIS. More recently he led the efforts at ISIS to develop new beamline for neutron single-event-effect testing and subsequently established the irradiation team at the facility which he now leads. As Head of Irradiation, he continues to be responsible for operating and developing further capability for the neutron testing of electronics for a global list of commercial and academic users.
In the design and construction phase of the European Spallation Source, a considerable effort was devoted to investigating the possibility of a chip irradiation facility [1]. A neutronic study of a beamline for fast neutrons originating in the spallation reaction induced by the high energy proton beam on the ESS tungsten target was conducted, resulting in the selection of a beamline placed in the forward direction with respect to the incoming proton beam, and directed downwards into the basement of the target building. The characteristics of the neutron beam, in particular the beam profile, the beam footprint, and the energy spectrum, in a location at about 10 m distance from the spallation target were determined. Additionally, a beam dump was designed. Following this study, some essential components of this ECHIR beamline were designed, built, and installed at ESS, including a channel for fast neutron extraction, a beam shutter, and a beam dump. These components constitute a provision for a future possible chip irradiation facility at ESS. In this talk, I will summarize the neutronic design, show the components that have been installed at ESS, and discuss future possibilities for this facility.
I have a PhD in neutron physics and worked for 30 years with neutrons. I have worked at ESS since 2011, where I have designed some components such as the neutron moderators for cold and thermal neutrons production for neutron scattering experiments, and the neutron bunker for biological shielding. I am currently helping on finishing the construction of the facility and designing future upgrades.
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), presently the highest power spallation neutron source worldwide, is in the final stages of its power upgrade from 1.4 to 2.8 MW. I will discuss the facility performance with particular focus on the opportunities offered by the high power to support applications in addition to the primary neutron scattering mission. A few kW of extracted beam can support applications such as irradiation and isotope production, and a portfolio of fundamental physics experiments.
Fulvia Pilat is the Research Accelerator Director and the Facility Operations Manager at the Spallation Neutron Source at ORNL. Before joining ORNL in late 2017 she was the Deputy ALD for Accelerators at JLAB. Fulvia is an accelerator physicist, and worked at CERN, LANL, SSC, BNL and JLAB. Fulvia is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. She has served as a chair and reviewer in many Department of Energy (DOE), National Science Foundation (NSF), National Academy of Science (NAS) and International Review Committees.
IFMIF-DONES (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility – DEMO Oriented Neutron Source) [1,2] is a pioneering accelerator-based neutron irradiation facility currently under construction in Granada, Spain. It is a part of the European roadmap to fusion electricity and a key laboratory to prepare for the construction of the DEMO fusion power plant.
The main mission of DONES will be to perform high dose rate irradiation of structural and functional materials using an intense neutron flux with an energy spectrum similar to that expected within fusion reactors. IFMIF-DONES will also become a multidisciplinary neutron science facility covering a wide range of applications, including, among others, tritium breeding experiments for the fusion fuel cycle, nuclear physics studies, neutron imaging, biological, medical and industrial application of neutrons.
The facilities for complementary experiments at DONES will feature a collimated neutron beam experimental area in which several irradiation stations can be arranged in a sequential configuration. The neutron flux of the order of 1013 m−2 s−1 in a continuous beam mode can be used for experiments either directly or after passing through a moderator. It is also planned to implement a neutron Time-of-flight experimental area for measurements with pulsed beams of neutrons of selected energy.
In this contribution I will show the main design features, construction status and plans for neutron irradiation facilties at IFMIF-DONES. The opportunities for industrial irradiations of materials and components in a mixed neutron and gamma radiation field at DONES will be presented for discussion.
Wojciech Królas is a professor at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków, Poland. His area of interest covers nuclear structure, neutron physics, particle and gamma radiation detectors. Since 2015 he is part of the design team preparing the construction of the IFMIF-DONES neutron irradiation laboratory. He is responsible for the implementation of the facilities for complementary experiments and the build-up of the DONES users community.
In recent years, an atmospheric neutron beamline was strongly advocated in China by the domestic industries related to semiconductors, aviation, power electronics, etc. In 2017, the Atmospheric Neutron Irradiation Spectrometer (ANIS) was approved by Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, for China Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing Research Institute, Guangzhou and for Spallation Neutron Source Science Center, Dongguan. The conceptual design, physical design and mechanical construction of ANIS were then started at the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) [1,2]. The initial commissioning tests of this new neutron irradiation facility were completed in 2022. ANIS is now in the scientific commissioning status.
ANIS views the front part of the spallation target directly, extracting neutrons produced via the spallation reactions from meV to GeV. The most prominent feature of ANIS is the differential neutron spectrum that resembles the atmospheric neutrons, with a wide adjustability of neutron flux and beam spots. The initial evaluation of the broad neutron spectrum was once performed with the simulation results [3]. We have measured the beam parameters including neutron spectrum, beam spots and neutron flux [4]. We have conducted some experiments to verify the impact caused by thermal neutrons, accompanying protons and multilayer circuit boards on the neutron irradiation effects at ANIS. In addition, a series of neutron irradiation tests for electronic components and equipment were performed for the users [5,6]. In this work, we present the progress of neutron irradiation research performed at ANIS, including its current status and future perspectives.
Quanzhi Yu is a Professor of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She contributed to the neutronics design and the construction of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). She is the team leader of the Atmospheric Neutron Irradiation Spectrometer (ANIS) at CSNS, focusing on neutronics and material physics research.
The capabilities of neutron time of flight (n_TOF) spallation facility at CERN was investigated for electronics testing, as the demand of testing in such facilities is increasing and their availability in the worlds is limited. The neutron fields in a recently consolidated irradiation station (NEAR) are studied through Monte Carlo simulations, well-characterized static-random-access-memories (SRAMs) and radio-photo-luminescence (RPL) dosimeters. The neutron spectra at NEAR can reach up to 830 MeV and are compared to those of the most well-known spallation sources and typical environments of interest, for accelerator and atmospheric applications, showing the potential of the facility for electronics irradiation. In addition, an experimental area, typically employed for nuclear cross section measurements, is also investigated, which provides a neutron spectrum up to 12 GeV.
It is long established that terrestrial cosmic radiation (TCR) can lead to the destruction of semiconductor power devices - such as diodes, MOSFETs or IGBTs – for a large range of voltage classes (~ 300 – 7000 V) [1]. The general mechanism are neutron-nucleus collisions that create highly energetic spallation fragments within the device, and which can deposit sufficient energy to lead to irreversible device failure. Depending on application parameters, TCR-induced failures can become a significant factor regarding device reliability and must be determined consistently before field application by the manufacturer.
Reliability requirements for single chips are usually in the range of 0.01 - 100 FIT (Failures in time), with 1 FIT being 1 fail in 109 device hours. To quantify such low failure rates accelerated tests are necessary, in which case artificial neutron sources are used which have fluxes that are several orders of magnitude above the natural TCR [2]. Currently, the only instrument in Europe with atmospheric-like neutrons that fulfills the requirements for industry standardized testing is the ChipIR instrument at the ISIS spallation source, UK.
However, the ever-growing market for power semiconductor devices - driven e.g., by the rising adoption of renewable energy sources, IoT devices and automotive electronics – will significantly increase the demand for testing capacities in upcoming years. Considering that the market is highly competitive with fierce competition from American and Asian companies, who coincidentally also have more testing sources available, emphasizes the need for a second source for atmospheric-like neutrons in Europe.
In this contribution current capabilities and future requirements in radiation testing are presented from the perspectives of semiconductor manufacturers. In particular, our need for new artificial sources in Europe and their envisioned characteristics will be discussed.
I obtained my PhD in Physics in 2013 from the Saarland University, Germany. Afterwards I worked several years as a postdoctoral researcher and research assistant in Santander, Spain and Luxembourg before joining the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum in Munich, Germany as instrument scientist at the neutron spin-echo spectrometer RESEDA. My scientific work focused on small-angle neutron scattering techniques before joining Infineon in January 2022 where I work in the cosmic ray robustness testing unit of the R&D department of the green industrial power (GIP) division.
This study was performed inside the UK-Space Weather Innovation Measurement Modelling Risk (SWIMMR) dedicated to space weather and its effect on terrestrial electronic devices. It was performed in cooperation with ISIS-CHPIR and the Physics and Chemistry Department of Palermo University and STMicroelectronics.
The cosmic ray impacts in the atmosphere make new particles clusters and under 20km of altitude the main particles present are neutrons, and they can produce effect in electronic devices. For Power devices, they induce a Burn-out and the devices are over.
Today the extensive use of new Power Devices with Wide Band Gap material in automotive applications requires accelerated neutron testing to identify the failure mechanism. This study is addressing the temperature effects in the neutron interaction of SiC Power Mosfet, which is mandatory to estimate the failure in time for the mission profile.
The new WBG material is being deployed in new application solutions in avionics. New services are under development, for example City Air Mobility which will use the new electric vehicle drone for the civil mobility. This increase of power devices in more and more electrical vehicles will require an intensive neutron test characterization. Moreover, the new space era with the presence of private industries in space missions and new low orbit constellation satellite will require more and more heavy ions characterization of standard automotive component for space use.
This scenario leads to the need to increase the number of both the neutron and heavy-ions facilities present in Europe. For the neutron facility, we plan an investigation of the effects on electronic component of the higher neutron energy (> 800MeV), because this energy could be present in avionics altitude.
In the presentation, we will be share the testing methodologies used, the results obtained and a requirement for new facilities based on the above scenario.
Rad-Hard Design Manager and Radiation expert for Power Transistors
He received his degree in Electronic Engineering at Palermo University in 2001. Since 2002 he has been working in STMicroelectronics as a power discrete transistor designer. The current position is rad-hard design manager for power transistor inside the Power & Discrete R&D Group. In his job, he acquired experience in radiation effect (Co60, X-ray, heavy ions) for space application, cosmic ray effect for avionics and automotive power application, and advanced reliability. Since 2016 he leads research projects (Characterization of Gate oxide of Silicon and SiC Power Mosfet by X-ray source -- Characterization of Silicon and SiC Power Device by atmospheric neutron and alpha particle) with Physics and Chemistry department of Palermo University. From 2020, he leads a research project with a European avionics company to implement the SiC power Mosfet is new electrical vehicles. He has research cooperation with IRT- Saint Exupery as part of the SICRET project and is a member of the scientific panel of the ISIS-CHIPIR facility. He is the author or co-author of more than 20 technical and conference papers.
For high performance network products and system, the resilience by design to tolerant SEE is vital in terrestrial level application due to large volume of installation in the field. Cisco’s resilience design is based on the rate vs. recovery time that is proportional to the customer impact. We take the beam test as the design validation approach. The network product (hardware + software) will be put under the high energy radiation particle and we observe the failures, impact and recovery through hardware or software. Here we will provide a high level view how we conduct the beam test, observe the SEE impact and drive the continuous improvement.
ShiJie Wen has been with Cisco for 20 years as a distinguished engineer, his main interest in Cisco is the reliability, resilience in semiconductor, network product and customer network.
Rita Fung has been with Cisco Systems, Inc since 2011, currently as Technical Leader in Technology & Quality. She has 20+ year working experience with fabless design house, foundry and system design. Her career focus now is on silicon technology & reliability, key expertise on E2E ESD/LU from IC design to Manufacturing and System; Soft Error in IC & System resiliency and validation via particle beam testing etc.
Complex AI accelerators, such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) or dedicated accelerators implemented in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) or in Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), such as the Google’s Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) are rapidly making their way in the chip market. Embedding AI is extremely interesting for automotive, productions lines, and aerospace. To be implemented, a self-driving system needs to analyze a huge amount of images and signals in real time. Nonetheless, guaranteeing sufficient reliability is challenging since both the hardware architecture and the running software are highly complex. It is then hard to characterize the radiation reliability of the framework and the experimental data risks to be biased to the specific configuration chosen for the experiment.
In the talk we will investigate the challenges related to the reliability evaluation of GPUs, FPGAs, and TPUs executing neural networks. The evaluation, to be accurate and precise, is based on the combination of beam experiments and fault injection at different levels of abstractions (RTL, microarchitectural, and software). This combination allows us to have a realistic evaluation of the error rate, distinguish between tolerable errors and critical errors, and to design efficient and effective hardening solutions for neural networks.
Paolo Rech received his master and Ph.D. degrees from Padova University, Padova, Italy, in 2006 and 2009, respectively. Since 2022 Paolo is an associate professor at Università di Trento, in Italy and since 2012 he is an associate professor at UFRGS in Brazil. He is the 2019 Rosen Scholar Fellow at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, he received the 2020 impact in society award from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK. In 2020 Paolo was awarded the Marie Curie Fellowship at Politecnico di Torino, in Italy. His main research interests include the evaluation and mitigation of radiation-induced effects in autonomous vehicles for automotive applications and space exploration, in large-scale HPC centers, and quantum computers.
Soft Error Rate (SER) testing is crucial for evaluating the robustness of advanced process nodes offered by various foundries, particularly those caused by high-energy neutron particles. We derive the Failure In Time (FIT) numbers using a test setup specifically designed to comply with the JEDEC Spec JESD89-3B. This setup is tailored to assess the SER sensitivity of SRAM bit cells (both 6T and 8T, along with various peripheral physical designs) and Flip-Flops using different pattern backgrounds. ChipIR provides an ideal environment for our testing, offering flexible chip placement options and a consistent beam with uniform flux and fluence.
Over the past seven years, we have conducted experiments on eight different test vehicles across three different trips. The results have been consistently reliable, with extremely small error bars. These test vehicles have dedicated hardware built-in to collect SER data, enabling us to determine highly accurate FIT numbers. Additionally, our hardware allows us to pinpoint the physical location of each bit cell failure and differentiate between Single Event Upset (SEU) and Multi Event Upset (MBU) FIT rates.
ESA mission classification, ECSS standards and RHA requirements tailoring. How does the ESA mission classification, from high criticality/low risk to low criticality/high risk, is impacting the Radiation Hardness Assurance requirements? The presentation will outline contextual information on the applicable ECSS normative, and how is now tailored for each mission class. In addition to the normative standards an overview will be given on references, handbooks and guidelines supporting the design, development and testing for new missions, use of COTS and Cubesats.
Alessandra Costantino has been working in the last 10+ years in the Radiation Hardness Assurance and Components Analysis section at ESA-ESTEC in support of the Components and Material laboratory activities concerning radiation tests and the coordination of beamtime use, developments and quality controls.
The RADNEXT project aims at bridging the gap between the offer ensured by a series of irradiation facilities and the existing industrial and scientific requirements from the radiation effects community and beyond. With the ambition to make the most efficient use of diverse beam sources and tackle the emerging needs of irradiation experiments, this scientific collaboration provides relevant opportunities to leverage a broad network together with research facilities and international users.
One of the tasks of RADNEXT is to assess the performance of the partner infrastructures and identify limitations in the current offer. This study has been addressed by the work package WP4 in RADNEXT, producing an updated summary of the presently available irradiation facilities worldwide (, and summarizing the status of the most frequently used irradiation facilities as function of the limiting factors found.
After carrying out two surveys that involved a wide spectrum of users and some RADNEXT facility coordinators, the outcomes enabled to determine short-term and long-term facility needs for relevant applications (sensors and detectors irradiations, materials, electronics component, and system tests) as well as their operational bottlenecks.
The purpose of this talk is to discuss this analysis and outline the different challenges faced by both the research infrastructure and user sides. This will serve as input to propose recommendations and solutions to tackle some tangible issues as well as develop common strategies to ensure the future suitability of irradiation facilities for a large panel of use-cases.
I am a R&D engineer working in the CERN EP-DT group, following a previous experience at Airbus. Being involved in the EU-project RADNEXT, my tasks focus on the work package aiming to implement a roadmap and pre-design of future irradiation facilities for testing detector and accelerator components. I am also contributing to the operation of the EP irradiation facilities (beam instrumentation used in the IRRAD facility) and responsible for the CERN databases related to worldwide irradiations facilities and test-beam lines.
As the demand for Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) components in electronics destined for radiation environments grows, so does the importance of radiation testing. Yet, this necessity is met with obstacles inherent to radiation testing procedures, such as cost, facility access, test preparation and logistical coordination between external users and facility staff. Given these challenges, remote testing emerges as a promising solution, offering the potential to significantly alleviate the burdens associated with conducting a
radiation test campaign. External users would benefit from the convenience of conducting experiments without the need for physical presence at the facility, thereby minimizing logistic costs and enabling remote access to experiment data. However, while remote testing presents a promising solution, its successful implementation necessitates great effort from both external user and facility staff.
Antonio is pursuing a PhD on wireless communications in radiation environments in the Electronics Production and Radiation Tolerance section at CERN, in collaboration with the university of Montpellier. He has been working within the radiation test service at CERN since 2019, participating to multiple radiation test campaigns in several facilities.
This contribution will discuss the possibility to study radiation damage to electronics in high energy laser facility. The main characteristics as well as the inherent limitations of the laser-driven beams will be presented in order to assess the overall maturity of the technology will be assessed. The relevance for laser facilities of the radiation damage to electronics induced by radiation will also be discussed.
Roberto Versaci has a high energy physics background. During his fellowship in the FLUKA team at CERN, he started working on the radiation to electronics issue. Since 2013, he is at the ELI Beamlines laser facility where he is the head of the Monte Carlo group and he works, among other things, on the radiation to electronics issue.
Traditionally, heavy ion (HI) tests for Single Event Effects (SEE) qualification are conducted at cyclotron facilities with energies around 10 MeV/n. However, this testing method presents several drawbacks. Firstly, a demanding sample preparation is needed to probe the sensitive part of the component, which may not be possible for novel flip chip bonding technologies or 3D packaging and stacked dies. Secondly, obtaining beamtime at the facilities is difficult due to overbooking, and thirdly, HI source beam sizes are large, making it challenging to identify the exact location of the sensitive part.
In recent years, methodologies that use photons (lasers) to generate electron-hole pairs in materials have been used and validated to emulate the effects of HIs. However, this does not solve the problem of sample preparation. Pulsed synchrotron has been shown to be an effective tool to emulate HIs and test electronic circuit sensitivity to ionising radiation. X-ray beams with high-energy photons (1 keV < E < 30 keV) can penetrate most metallization layers and have a large penetration depth in the semiconductor, enabling access to every embedded component within a 3D-chip. Furthermore, the X-ray beam can be focused below one micron.
This talk will discuss the challenges, opportunities, and trends of using pulsed synchrotron to emulate HIs and test electronic circuit sensitivity. The state of the art of this methodology, as well as the characteristics of different sources available, will be presented in the context of the synchrotron light sources landscape. Pioneering experiments carried at the APS in Chicago (USA) [1] and at the ESRF of Grenoble (France) [2] will also be reviewed.
[1] D. Cardoza, S. D. Lalumondière, M. A. Tockstein, S. C. Witczak, Y. Sin, B. J. Foran, William T. Lotshaw, and S. C. Moss (2012), “Single event transients induced by picosecond pulsed X-ray absorption in III–V heterojunction transistors,”. IEEE Trans. On Nuclear Science, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 2729-2738, 2012
[2] G. Augustin, M. Mauguet, N. Andrianjohany, N. Chatry, F. Bezerra, E. Capria, M. Sander and K-O. Voss, “Cross Calibration of Various SEE Test Methods Including Pulsed X-rays and Application to SEL and SEU”, Proceedings of Radecs 2019
The author would like to acknowledge that part of the presented work was funded by the French National Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir (Investments in the Future), IRT Nanoelec, under Grant ANR-10-AIRT-05 and by the EU H2020 RIA programme, under grant agreement No 101008126.
Dr. Ennio Capria is the Deputy Head of Business Development at the ESRF. In his research career he worked on the development of electrochemical nanobiosensors, nanocomposites and optoelectronic devices and particularly their characterisation with synchrotron light. At the ESRF, he is coordinating the participation of the ESRF in various collaborative initiative with industry, in particular on energy storage applications, additive manufacturing methods and nano-sciences. Since 2020 Ennio is Director of the Platform of Advanced Characterisation of the Technological Research Institute Nanoelec. Furthermore, since 2021 Ennio collaborate with the initiative RADNEXT, where he is in charge for the industrial programme.
As access to heavy ion beam time for radiation testing has become increasingly difficult during recent years, interest in using pulsed lasers to quantify single-event effect rates has steadily grown. Whilst there are limits to the types of device that can be tested with a laser, the technique offer numerous benefits for screening and de-risking, while offering the potential for much faster access to data. These benefits are now enabling the role of laser testing to be defined.
This presentation will outline the principal benefits of using a pulsed laser test system to simulate heavy ion testing and put forward the author’s thoughts on how laser testing can fit into the landscape of single-event effects radiation testing. Examples of results obtained via laser testing will be included.
Richard Sharp has worked in the field of radiation effects for more than 30 years, across the sectors of nuclear, high-energy physics, space and many industrial applications. In 2018, he introduced SEREEL2 to the space industry, providing a pulsed laser single-event effects test solution with the highest quality mechanical and optical performance on the market. He currently owns and runs Radtest Ltd, an independent and respected radiation effects test house located at Harwell in the UK.
Transient malfunctions (soft errors) caused by secondary cosmic ray particles raining down on the Earth have become a major factor determining the reliability of information systems. Until now, the technology to evaluate soft errors mainly focused on neutrons contained in secondary cosmic rays, and techniques to counteract these errors have been developed and accumulated. Meanwhile, it has been reported that muons can also cause soft errors, raising concerns about their frequency of occurrence in cutting-edge devices. While muon irradiation experiments have been reported in recent years, negative muon irradiation to FinFETs has not been reported. Negative muons have the unique physical property of muon capture reaction, and generated secondary ions have larger linear energy transfer (LET) than muons themselves. We performed positive and negative muon irradiation experiments on 12-nm FinFET and 28-nm planar SRAMs at MUSE in J-PARC. This talk will introduce the obtained results and discuss the future research direction.
Masanori Hashimoto received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in communications and computer engineering from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, 1999, and 2001, respectively. Now, he is a Professor in the Department of Informatics, Kyoto University. His current research interests include VLSI design and CAD, especially design for reliability, soft error characterization, reconfigurable computing, and low-power circuit design. Focusing on the radiation effects, his research interests include radiation effects on integrated systems from physics simulation for SRAM to system modeling for SoCs and commercial chips.
It has been well-documented that the aerospace community has had difficulty in obtaining sufficient access hours to perform SEE testing1. The increase in number of “small” and less risk-adverse projects and the associated rise in the use of electronics not necessarily designed for space utilization are primary factors for the limited hours available at SEE test sites being well over-subscribed.
In this presentation, we will discuss the current state of both heavy ion and proton facilities in the United States (U.S.) including current efforts to upgrade existing facilities (heavy ions) or gain additional access (protons).
The second half of the presentation will focus on additional considerations for the future needs for SEE testing focusing on four areas:
- Capability increases need: higher energy testing,
- Capability increases for fault identification: microbeam,
- The challenges of access and sustainment of proton medical sites in the U.S., and,
- The use of alternate means for SEE testing or increased SEE test efficiency.
These considerations are not new as seen in the figure below from 2012, but the ever-increasing hours needed have exacerbated the challenge2.
Mr. LaBel has spent over 40 years working in the aerospace community including his long tenure at NASA. He has supported NSREC and RADECS in a myriad of roles and responsibilities. Has won numerous awards and has provided short courses and invited talks worldwide for his expertise in radiation hardness assurance and space electronics.
Radiation hardness qualification procedures for electronic and microelectronic components as well as systems and boards often require testing at facilities – providing highly energetic protons, heavy ions, neutrons, electrons, gammas and to some extent pulsed X-rays, lasers, etc. – emulating the radiation effects of the devices under test close to reality. These probing radiations are generated mostly at particle accelerators or research reactors located almost exclusively at universities or publicly funded research institutions. Thus, users from industry as well as users from space agencies or academia are dependent on these institutions for providing them a fee-based service.
In recent decades, a variety of research facilities across Europe have opened their doors to external users, offering beam time at their accelerators and radiation probes. Certain facilities have developed professional services, providing regular beam time to commercial customers and academic users. This presentation will highlight European irradiation facilities that provide high-energy protons and heavy ions, showcasing established sites for standard device qualification and radiation hardness assurance. Over half of the facilities in the RADNEXT1 consortium offer either heavy ions or protons, and we will present an overview of their key technical parameters. Some facilities boast unique technical capabilities, suitable for non-standard applications or R&D challenges in radiation effects.
The landscape of these facilities is dynamic, with some closing permanently and others beginning operations. Additionally, many irradiation facilities are planning upgrades to enhance their technical capacities, such as increasing fluxes or energies to better meet user requirements. Existing facilities are also evaluating the expansion of their service provision, i.e. offering more beam time hours for radiation hardness testing. Furthermore, some proton therapy facilities that previously did not offer beam time to external users are now considering starting this service. This presentation aims to provide a concise overview of the current changes and activities in this field.
1 R. Garcia Alía et al., "Heavy Ion Energy Deposition and SEE Intercomparison Within the RADNEXT Irradiation Facility Network," in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 1596-1605, Aug. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TNS.2023.3260309.
Dr. Gerd Datzmann is a physicist by education and specialized in nuclear and accelerator physics at the Technical University Munich (TUM). During his PhD project, he developed and operated a nuclear microprobe for high energy protons and heavy ions.
After his PhD, Gerd Datzmann became head of physics at a company that built the first privately financed proton therapy center for cancer treatment in Europe, the RPTC in Munich.
In 2016, Dr. Datzmann founded his own company Datzmann interact & innovate GmbH (DINI). DINI provides a portfolio of services centering on accelerator applications in the field of advanced material analytics, proton therapy and radiation hardness testing.
Datzmann interact & innovate GmbH is a partner in the EU-program RADNEXT and is actively engaged in outreach and dissemination as well as in technology transfer activities to industry in the field of radiation hardness testing.
HollandPTC is a proton therapy facility for patient treatments and research located in Delft, The Netherlands. HollandPTC has a dedicated R&D proton beamline for preclinical research. In this presentation, we summarize how an experimental setup for radiation hardness tests was integrated in our R&D proton beamline. In 2021, in collaboration with ESA, the beamline was equipped, characterized and prepared to perform radiation hardness tests for space applications. The main requirement for building such a setup was to have a proton beam that met the standards for SEE tests in terms of energy and fluxes. In this context, beam energies of 70, 120, and 200 MeV were characterized for both pencil beam and broad beams with different fluxes, matching the needs for SEE tests on EEE components and boards. Broad beams are produced with a passive scattering system, for 2 different squared sizes 4x4cm2 and 10x10cm2, with a uniformity between 90% and 98% and beam flux between 4.6x104 and 2.1x108 p/s/cm2. A target station with motorized stages in x-y direction (beam direction along z-axis) has been realized with a standard board mounting provided by ESA, which is positioned in a unique isocenter where the switch between pencil beam and broad beam can be performed within 10-15 minutes.
In additional to the technical aspects, we will address challenges related to setting up a facility for hardness tests in a clinical environment, including: managing capacity of beam time and personnel, distribution of beam time hours among HollandPTC research consortium partners and space applications, implementing beam time application procedure for users, and establishing of cost rates.
Since 2022, HollandPTC successfully hosted multiple groups both from ESA and private companies in the space field, to perform radiation hardness tests.
Marta Rovituso is the beam line scientist of HollandPTC since January 2019. Her main core job in the last 5 years was to develop the R&D beam line of HPTC for multidisciplinary purposes, going from radiobiology experiments, to fundamental physics, to space application. She got her PhD in Physics at the Technical University of Darmstadt, performing her experimental work in GSI, in the biophysics department. During this time, she worked not only on hadrontherapy experiments but also on radioprotection for space with the supervision of Prof. Marco Durante.
Proton and heavy ion microprobes with beam sizes of 1 µm or less offer unique possibilities for radiation hardness testing. Using a microbeam at low count rate (10 to 1000 s-1), individual effects of single particles can be separated and correlated with the actual position of the beam. By scanning the beam across a microstructured sample the charge collection efficiency and/or damage sensitivity can be mapped and correlated to the device layout. As one example measured at the former ion microprobe SNAKE of the Maier Leibnitz Laboratory [1], heavy ion mapping of Single Event Effects (SEE) and Single Event Burnout (SEB) of super-junction power MOSFETs will be presented utilizing carbon ion micro-beams of 55 MeV [2, 3]. Charge collection efficiency depends on the position of the impinging carbon ions and on the range when changing the energy of the ions up to 55 MeV.
The tests require expertise in beam handling and data evaluation and the data analysis is more time consuming as conventional broad beam irradiations. A major drawback of using microbeams for radiation hardness testing is that only a few of the worldwide available microprobes offer heavy ion beams of sufficient range. An alternative to heavy ion microbeams is proposed using pulsed proton microbeams that allow the deposition of hundreds or even thousands of MeV protons in a single bunch of nanosecond length [4] as a substitute of single high energy heavy ions. By adjusting the number of protons in a single bunch, the total LET of the bunch can be adjusted from low LET (< 0.1 MeV/(mg/cm²)) for single protons of some MeV up to 100 MeV/(mg/cm²) when bunching thousands of these protons in a single bunch. This would allow the use of many more of the MeV proton microprobes but requires challenging effort of proton sources and beam pulsing equipment to obtain the high number of protons in a single bunch.
[1] V. Hable et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 267 (12-13) (2009) 2090
[2] M. Gerold et al. 2018 IEEE, 2018, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IPFA.2018.8452587.
[3] M. Gerold et al.: Microelectronics Reliability 2024, DOI:10.1016/j.microrel.2023.115309.
[4] G. Dollinger et al: Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 267 (12-13) (2009) 2008.
Heavy-ion microbeam testing offers unique capabilities for exploring the fundamental mechanisms of single-event effects (SEEs) in electronic devices. This method utilizes a beam focused to a diameter of less than 1 µm to irradiate specific regions on the surface of the device selected by an optical microscope directly installed in the vacuum chamber.
The dimensions of the scanned area, the number of total ions, and the distance among them are adjustable, enabling micron-accurate localization of radiation-sensitive regions. This level of spatial resolution surpasses that of broad-beam testing, providing invaluable insights for a deeper understanding of the basic mechanisms of SEEs.
This presentation introduces commonly used microbeam testing facilities, discussing both the benefits and challenges associated with this methodology [1-3]. Essential considerations for users regarding setup and testing procedures are also compared to those of standard broad-beam testing with heavy ions.
As a case study, the results of microbeam testing on SiC power devices are presented, demonstrating the effectiveness of this methodology in exploring SEEs [4]. Furthermore, the discussion extends to the relevance and applicability of the microbeam testing across various electronic components.
Corinna Martinella received the MSc degree in Nuclear Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy in 2016. In 2021, she obtained the PhD degree in Applied Physics from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland in the framework of a collaboration with the R2E project at CERN and the Advanced Power Semiconductor (APS) Laboratory at ETH Zurich. Her research was devoted to radiation effects and reliability of commercial SiC power devices for high-energy physics, space and avionic applications. In particular, she focused on the single event effects (SEEs) mechanisms investigating the root cause of the radiation damage. She is currently employed at the APS Laboratory at ETH Zurich as a Senior Scientist and Lecturer of Power Semiconductor. Her technical interests include testing and modeling of radiation effects in power devices (SEE, TID and DD), reliability and failure analysis, investigation of radiation-induced defects in SiC using different spectroscopy analysis, and exploration of doping techniques for the next generation of power devices.
This talk tries to give answers to the following questions of less experienced people:
Why do I need to test with protons? What radiation effects are covered? When do I need a proton test and when are other particle types better (heavy ions, neutrons)? How do I need to prepare my device under test (DUT)? What is the relevant dosimetry? What flux and fluence do I need for which effect? What is NIEL? What about radiation protection (I am scared already)? What limits my test setup? Can I take my DUTs and measuring equipment back home with me?
New Space companies vary in radiation testing approaches. New ventures prioritize rapid deployment and initial operation phases to secure further funding, while mature companies face customer demands for some level of radiation risk mitigation without the full cost of a "rad hard" approach. There is frustration over the high costs, resource demands, and lack of clear guidelines for short-term missions or less intensive testing options. Companies seek affordable, fast testing facilities with broad capabilities, favoring local options. Future desires include easier access to heavy ion testing, guidance for companies with higher radiation risk tolerance, and standards for both board level and alternative testing methods.
Former nuclear engineer turned rocket scientist. Matthew has a PhD in nuclear engineering, and previously worked at Apollo Fusion and Astra where he ran a program to fly the world's first permanent magnet hall-effect thruster. Since 2022 Matthew runs Space Radiation Services, a radiation testing and analysis consulting company that specializes in helping New Space companies with a range of radiation topics.
As the complexity of electronic devices increases (artificial intelligence, big-data processing applications, 3D integrated devices, etc.) and new space advances, the paradigms for single event testing are evolving. In particular, one of the areas of strong interest is the use of high-energy heavy ion beams. The aim of this contribution is to discuss the motivations, requirements, and future perspectives for high-energy ion testing and facilities.
Marta Bagatin graduated in Electronics Engineering in 2006 (summa cum laude) and received a Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology in 2010 from the University of Padova, Italy. Since September 2022, she is an Associate Professor in Electronics at the University of Padova.
Her research interests concern the experimental study and modeling of radiation effects and reliability issues on electronic devices for space, nuclear, and terrestrial applications, with a special focus on non-volatile semiconductor memories. Marta is the author or co-author of 4 book chapters, more than 80 papers published in peer-reviewed journals, more than 90 presentations at international conferences, and editor of one book. She was a lecturer or invited speaker for seminars and lectures at universities, research centers, space agencies, and companies in Europe, USA, Brazil, China, and Australia.
Space market evolution towards more flexible, agile and integrated systems, such as SmallSats or satellite constellations, is pushing the use of more complex EEE parts.
Newspace market particularly accelerated the introduction, in space units, of COTS devices, i.e. components not designed to endure space environment constraints, generating, in fact, a strong demand to evaluate parts behavior against radiation induced effects. Characterization of EEE parts against protons and heavy ions induced effects is indeed crucial for space systems.
The purpose of this talk is to give an overview of the current and future trends in EEE parts testing and related test methodology, highlighting the challenges we are facing with current facilities, including parts preparation, beam time availability, energies, etc., and to give some perspectives to meet these needs.
Radiation effects engineer, he has a PhD in Electronics from the University of Toulouse, France. He joined the Single Event Effects Lab of ALTER France in 2014. He has a solid experience in SEE testing of EEE components covering analog and digital devices. He is author and co-author of several IEEE papers in the radiation effects on electronic devices field. Recently, two of his papers were awarded for the best Data Workshop paper at RADECS 2022 conference.