PNU workshop on Composite Higgs : Lattice study and all

Haeundae, Busan

Haeundae, Busan

The Westin Josun Busan 2F Banquet Rooms (Tulip + Cosmos) 67 Dongbaek-Ro, Haeundae, Busan, South Korea, 48100
Deog Ki Hong (Pusan National University (KR))

Since the dicovery of Higgs particle at LHC, 2012, enormous efforts are currently being made to discern physics associated with Higgs particle. Though we have not discovered any new physics beyond standard model at LHC, the possiblity of Higgs particle being a composite state of new strong dynamics is still iimtriguing and promising. We report the lattice investigation on the composite Higgs model and discuss about its current developement together with world experts to search for the future directions.   

PNU workshop on composite Higgs
  • Anna Hasenfratz
  • Chulwoo Jung
  • Deog Ki Hong
  • Ed Bennett
  • Fabian Zierler
  • Gabriele Ferretti
  • Giacomo Cacciapaglia
  • Ho Hsiao
  • Jong-Wan Lee
  • Maurizio Piai
  • Niccolo Forzano
  • Sarada Rajeev
  • Thomas Flacke