Mar 10 – 14, 2025
Centro Cultural da UFRGS
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

The Infrared Regime of the Quark-Gluon Vertex in General Kinematics

Mar 12, 2025, 11:00 AM
Centro Cultural da UFRGS

Centro Cultural da UFRGS

Rua Eng. Luiz Englert, 333 - Porto Alegre-RS
Seminar (invitees) Morning


Prof. Arlene Cristina Aguilar (University of Campinas - Unicamp)


One of the key ingredients for describing chiral symmetry breaking and quark mass generation is the quark-gluon vertex. In this work, we determine the transversely-projected quark-gluon vertex in unquenched QCD with two degenerate light dynamical quarks in the Landau gauge. This is accomplished by solving the Schwinger-Dyson equation within the 3PI effective action formalism, employing lattice data for the gluon and quark propagators, and the three-gluon vertex. Our results demonstrate that the classical form factor exhibits pronounced angular dependence and aligns remarkably well with recent lattice data in the soft-gluon limit. The remaining form factors are obtained via a single integration, revealing a clear hierarchy consistent with previous studies.


Prof. Arlene Cristina Aguilar (University of Campinas - Unicamp)

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