21–28 Sept 2025
Mon Repos
Europe/Athens timezone

53rd International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD 2025), Corfu, Greece


(Foto CCBY3.0 Marc Ryckaert)

Welcome to the 53rd edition of the International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD) series, bringing together physicists from across particle, nuclear, and astrophysics for talks and discussions on all aspects and consequences of the strong nuclear force and complex final states. 

The ISMD 2025 meeting is hosted by the European Institute for Sciences and Their Applications (EISA).

All scientific sessions at ISMD are plenary to encourage cross-talk between areas and are organised into the following scientific tracks:

  • Forward and diffractive physics
  • Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets, flows, and other mechanisms
  • QCD evolution of dense media and minimum-bias jets
  • Hadronic final states in high pT interactions
  • Hadron structure: pdfs, small-x and large-x physics
  • Hadron spectroscopy
  • Hadronic issues in heavy-flavor physics
  • Astroparticle physics and cosmology

as well as a poster session with prize and associated short talks.

Location: Mon Repos Palace, Corfu

Begins 21 Sept 2025 (arrival day), ends 28 Sept 2025 (departure day)

Mon Repos
Corfu, Greece
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.