Enrico Lupi
(INFN Padova and University of Padova)
We investigate the transduction-less readout of light signals from hadronic showers in a homogeneous calorimeter by nanowires that can be arranged in a network, communicating through the time-encoding of light pulses, and offering fast, energy-efficient local computation and generation of informative high-level primitives for the precise measurement of shower energy and the identification of particle species using neuromorphic computing.
Primary authors
Enrico Lupi
(INFN Padova and University of Padova)
Tommaso Dorigo
(INFN Padova and LTU)
Abhijit Das
(Lund University)
Alexander Schilling
Anders Mikkelsen
(Lund University)
Andrea De Vita
(INFN Padova and University of Padova)
Fredrik Sandin
Jan Kieseler
Joseph Willmore
(INFN Padova)
Max Aehle
Nicholas R. Gauger
Ralf Keidel
Tobias Kortus
Xuan-Tung Nguyen
(INFN Padova and RPTU)