4–8 Nov 2024
Uppsala University Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Higher-order soft and virtual corrections to H+ H- production

6 Nov 2024, 12:10
Uppsala University Main Building

Uppsala University Main Building

Biskopsgatan 3 75310 Uppsala Sweden
BSM Higgs physics BSM Higgs physics 4 - sal IX


Prof. Nikolaos Kidonakis


We present calculations of higher-order corrections for the production of a heavy charged-Higgs pair ($H^+H^−$) in the two-Higgs-doublet model at LHC energies. We calculate the NNLO soft-plus-virtual QCD corrections and the N$^3$LO soft-gluon corrections to the total cross section and the charged-Higgs rapidity distribution.

Primary track Precision Higgs measurements and calculations
Is the speaker a PhD student or post-doc? No



Dr Alberto Tonero (Kennesaw State University)

Presentation materials