8:00 AM
Paul Reimer
Huey-Wen Lin
8:10 AM
recent work in attempting to combine lattice results in global fit
Tie-Jiun Hou
(SMU) Dr
Tie-Jiun Hou
8:35 AM
PineAPPL grids of open heavy-flavor production in the GM-VFNS
Jan Wissmann
(Universität Münster)
8:55 AM
Systematic uncertainties of Higher-Twist and Offshell Contributions in DIS at large x
Matteo Cerutti
(Università di Pavia)
Matteo Cerutti
(University of Pavia and INFN)
9:20 AM
9:40 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:10 AM
QCD Factorization of Hard Exclusive Processes and Tomographic Image of Proton
Zhite Yu
10:35 AM
Learning PDFs through Interpretable Latent Representations in Mellin Space
Brandon Kriesten
Brandon Kriesten
11:00 AM
Power jets: a more global way to study jets
Mithila Mangedarage
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
11:20 AM
Recent work on L2 sensitvities and Bèzier PDF parametrizations in xFitter
Lucas Kotz
11:40 AM