Jan 13 – 16, 2025
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

We invite authors to submit abstracts based on the conference theme.

*** DEADLINE for submission is 21 November 2024, 23:59 hrs (IST). No extension is foreseen ***

The conference is based on the following nine tracks:

  1. QCD Phase Diagram, criticality and fluctuations
  2. Initial State - pre-equilibrium dynamics, baryon stopping, intense electromagnetic field
  3. Hard probes - jets and electromagnetic probes, heavy flavor, quarkonia
  4. Collective dynamics - conserved charges, spin, vorticity, freezeout, afterburner
  5. Baryon rich QCD matter, nuclear astrophysics
  6. Collectivity in small systems
  7. Physics opportunities at the Future Electron Ion Collider and the RHIC Spin program
  8. New theoretical developments
  9. Future experimental programs

Authors are encouraged to select a track that is most appropriate to their contribution.

JSPC will award the following prizes to the best contributions:

Best Oral Presentations (Experiment):

1st Prize: Award Certificate + 150 euro

2nd Prize: Award Certificate + 100 euro

Best Oral Presentations (Theory):

1st Prize: Award Certificate + 150 euro

2nd Prize: Award Certificate + 100 euro

Five poster presentations will be selected for flash talks in a plenary session on the last day.

For any queries regarding abstracts, please send an email to athic2025-program@iiserbpr.ac.in

The call for abstracts is closed.