Opening day
Submission deadline
We invite authors to submit abstracts based on the conference theme.
*** DEADLINE for submission is 21 November 2024, 23:59 hrs (IST). No extension is foreseen ***
The conference is based on the following nine tracks:
- QCD Phase Diagram, criticality and fluctuations
- Initial State - pre-equilibrium dynamics, baryon stopping, intense electromagnetic field
- Hard probes - jets and electromagnetic probes, heavy flavor, quarkonia
- Collective dynamics - conserved charges, spin, vorticity, freezeout, afterburner
- Baryon rich QCD matter, nuclear astrophysics
- Collectivity in small systems
- Physics opportunities at the Future Electron Ion Collider and the RHIC Spin program
- New theoretical developments
- Future experimental programs
Authors are encouraged to select a track that is most appropriate to their contribution.
JSPC will award the following prizes to the best contributions:
Best Oral Presentations (Experiment):
1st Prize: Award Certificate + 150 euro
2nd Prize: Award Certificate + 100 euro
Best Oral Presentations (Theory):
1st Prize: Award Certificate + 150 euro
2nd Prize: Award Certificate + 100 euro
Five poster presentations will be selected for flash talks in a plenary session on the last day.
For any queries regarding abstracts, please send an email to athic2025-program@iiserbpr.ac.in