Overview of current status
Recent results from lattice QCD on the phase diagram
Studying the QCD phase diagram via fluctuations
Experimental Status of QCD Phase Diagram
Out of equilibrium physics in the vicinity of the QCD critical point and in the initial state
The event-by-event variations in the initial conditions and subsequent expansion of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) directly affects the distribution of the event-averaged transverse momentum ($[p_{\mathrm{T}}]$) of particles. Typically, the contributions to the transverse momentum from radial flow velocity and thermal components are extracted using simultaneous Blast-Wave fits to...
The physics of strong electromagnetic fields in heavy ion collisions
Relativistic resistive magnetohydrodynamic framework to study heavy ion collisions
Results on magnetohydrodynamics simulations with BHAC-QGP
Chiral instabilities in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Physics of high baryonic matter
Some recent theoretical advances in studying dense QCD phase transition
Indian contribution to build FAIR at GSI
Overview of neutron stars and their connection to QCD phase diagram
Observational constraints on the properties of the neutron star matter
In this talk I'll give an overview of the theory opportunities
related to QCD spin physics provided by the upcoming EIC.
Physics opportunities at the EIC
EIC physics: Recent theoretical advances from the BLFQ collaboration
Indian participation in ePIC at EIC
Light flavor resonance production in heavy ion collisions
Electromagnetic radiation, from both photons and dileptons, serves as exceptional probes of the evolution of relativistic heavy-ion collisions as unlike hadronic particles, these are produced throughout the evolution of the collision and escape the medium unmodified, providing direct information about the early and hot stages of the system. Photons primarily originate from initial hard...
Experimental overview on recent measurements of resonances and exotics
Heavy flavor on lattice
Experimental overview on the open heavy flavor measurement in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Recent developments in charm phenomenology
Quarkonium measurements in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Physics at sPHENIX
Experimental overview of recent jet measurements in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Jets in relativistic heavy ion collisions: Theory perspective
Jet shape measurements in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Drell Yan as a probe of the nucleus
Matter-antimatter asymmetry is a research topic of fundamental interest, as it is the basis for the existence of the matter world, which survived annihilation with antimatter in the early Universe.
High energy nuclear collisions create conditions similar to the Universe microseconds after the Big Bang, with comparable amounts of matter and antimatter.
Much of the antimatter created escapes...
Search for baryon junction
Relativistic hydrodynamics has played a vital role in understanding the bulk and the transport properties of the deconfined nuclear matter, the quark gluon plasma, created in high-energy nuclear collision. It is often supposed that the local equilibrium is reached rapidly after the collisions and that the created matter starts to behave as a fluid with small viscous effects subsequently. It...
Neutron star physics in the multi-messenger era
Multiplicity-dependent yield ratios of light-flavour particles, such as p and strange hadrons relative to $\pi$, provide key insights into hadron production mechanisms and strangeness enhancement across collision systems. Observable like (multi-)strange to non-strange ratios show a smooth transition from small to large systems, shedding light on collective behaviour and production dynamics....
The global spin alignment of vector mesons has been observed by the STAR collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). It provides a unique opportunity to probe the correlation between the polarized quark and antiquark in the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma (sQGP) produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions, opening a new window to...
Measurements at the LHC have provided evidence for collective behavior in high-multiplicity proton-lead (pPb) collisions through multiparticle correlation techniques. Yet, no conclusive evidence of jet quenching, indicating the energy loss of high-$p_\mathrm{T}$ partons as they traverse the medium, has been detected in pPb. This raises the intriguing question: How can a medium described by...
Impact of Dissipation on the Dynamics of Neutron Star Mergers
We present a first-order dissipative spin hydrodynamic framework, where the spin chemical potential $\omega^{\mu\nu}$ is treated as the leading term in the hydrodynamic gradient expansion, i.e., $\omega^{\mu\nu}\sim \mathcal{O}(1)$. We argue that for the consistency of the theoretical framework, the energy-momentum tensor needs to be symmetric at least up to order $\mathcal{O}(\partial)$. We...
Understanding the nuclear structure in heavy-ion collisions is essential, as it critically influences final state observables. However, characterizing the structure of heavy nuclei in high-energy collisions remains challenging. Current simulation methods for modeling final state events based on initial state data are highly reliant on model parameters, requiring extensive tuning and...
Measurements from the LHC and RHIC of proton-proton (pp) and proton-lead (pPb) collisions have revealed that the onset of phenomena normally associated with heavy-ion collisions also appear in smaller collision systems, particularly in collisions that produce large particle densities. However, unlike their larger heavy-ion counterparts, multiplicity production in pp collisions is dominated by...
This work involves the study of the effects of rotation on the thermal diffusion properties of the QGP medium. The noncentral heavy ion collisions could possess finite angular momentum with a finite range of angular velocity, so, rotation gets induced in the produced medium. Like other extreme conditions, the rapid rotation can conspicuously alter various properties of the QGP medium including...
Anisotropic flow parameters $(v_{n})$ are important observables as they provide insight into the collective expansion and transport properties of the medium produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Among these parameters, directed flow ($v_1$) describes the collective sideward motion of produced particles in heavy-ion collisions. It is an important probe to study the in-medium dynamics...
Strong magnetic fields are expected to exist in the early stages of heavy ion
collisions and there is also an increasing evidence that the energy dependence of the
cross-sections can strongly affect the dynamics of a system even at a qualitative level.
This led us to the current study where we developed second-order non-resistive
relativistic viscous magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) derived from...
Azimuthal anisotropy quantified as anisotropic flow coefficients are important observables that can provide key information about the collectivity of the system formed during heavy-ion collisions. The anisotropic flow coefficients are sensitive to both the geometrical configuration of the collision overlap region and the transport properties of the medium. Recently, hints of collectivity in...
A decade of Gravitational Wave observations by LIGO-Virgo collaborations has opened a new window to the Universe peeking into the exotic lives of stellar black holes and compact stars. With the observation of GW170817, the first GW observation from coalescence of binary neutron stars along with the associated multi-wavelength spectral observation such as $\gamma$-rays, X-rays, UV, IR and...
In non-central heavy-ion collisions, substantial orbital angular momentum (OAM) is produced and transferred to the QGP and hadronic matter, leading to effects like spin polarization and the chiral vortical effect. Previous studies have explored the impact of OAM on electrical conductivity under a non-relativistic, globally rotating QGP. In this work, we have developed a relativistic framework,...
In ultrarelativistic collisions of nuclear matter, one of the emerging topics is the possible formation of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) droplets in small collision systems. Recent measurements with flow-like behavior imply collectivity in high-multiplicity pp collisions at the LHC. It is also crucial to look for evidence of possible jet-quenching effects in such systems. The results of jet...
Intense transient electric (${\bf E}$) and magnetic (${\bf B}$) fields are produced in the high energy heavy-ion collisions. The electromagnetic fields produced in such high-energy heavy-ion collisions are proposed to give rise to a multitude of exciting phenomenon including the Chiral Magnetic Effect. We use a Monte Carlo (MC) Glauber model to calculate the electric and magnetic fields, more...
We present a systematic Bayesian analysis of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) properties at finite baryon density using measurements of Au+Au collisions at the RHIC Beam Energy Scan program. The theoretical model simulates event-by-event (3+1)D dynamics of relativistic heavy-ion collisions with the state-of-the-art hybrid hydrodynamics and hadronic transport theory. We analyze the model’s...
We investigate the effects of including strong charge parity violating effects through axion field on the structure and the oscillation modes of the neutron stars with the possibility of a quark matter core. The effects of axions in quark matter is described through a t Hooft determinant interaction in the flavor space within the ambit of a three flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. The presence...
Bayesian analysis is employed to extract significant parameters related to the baryon initial condition and dissipation in the hot and dense strongly interacting matter produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions eventually leading towards significant understanding of the properties of the baryon rich QCD matter.
In proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at the LHC, signatures like those observed in lead-lead collisions arise as the multiplicity of charged particles produced in the collision increases. In AA collisions, these features are attributed to the formation of a deconfined state of matter formed by quarks and gluons, known as the Quark–Gluon Plasma (QGP). Most notably, these include a...
The estimation of the anti-baryon to baryon ratio is considered to be a useful tool for studying baryon number transport in pp, pA and AA collisions. For this study, the PYTHIA8.3 event generator with various tunes is used to measure the $\bar{\Lambda}$/Λ ratio as a function of rapidity (y), transverse momentum (pT), and multiplicity within both ALICE and LHCb acceptances. The results obtained...
We derive a linearly stable and causal theory of relativistic third-order viscous hydrodynamics from the Boltzmann equation using the relaxation-time approximation. We employ a Chapman-Enskog-like iterative solution to the Boltzmann equation to obtain the viscous correction to the distribution function. Our derivation emphasizes the necessity of incorporating a new dynamical degree of freedom:...
Recycled millisecond pulsars are susceptible to starquakes as they are continuously accreting matter from their binary companion. A starquake happens when the rotational frequency of the star crosses its breaking frequency. In this study, we perform a model analysis of an accreting neutron star suffering a starquake. We analyse two models: a spherical star with accreting mountains and a...
Strangeness enhancement has long been considered as a signature of the quark-gluon plasma formation in heavy-ion collisions. Strangeness enhancement has also been observed in small systems at the LHC, but the underlying physics is not yet fully understood. This motivates studies of strange hadron production in small systems at RHIC, where the energy density of the created system is expected...
Momentum transport in a medium is characterized quantitatively by its shear and bulk viscosities. The shear viscous coefficient ($\eta$) governs the momentum transport transverse to the hydrodynamic flow while its bulk counterpart ($\zeta$) does the same along the flow. In the context of quark gluon plasma (QGP), both $\eta$ and $\zeta$ are very important transport coefficients, controlling...
Xenon (Xe) nuclei are deformed and have a non-zero quadrupole moment, whereas lead (Pb) nuclei are considered spherical in shape. The study of Xe-Xe collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of $\sqrt{s_{_{\mathrm{NN}}}} = 5.44$ TeV opens up a window to study nuclear deformation at LHC. When compared to Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{\mathrm{NN}}}} = 5.36$ TeV, one can explore...
In recent years, analyses using RHIC-BES data have been actively conducted to explore the high baryon number density region in the QCD phase diagram. Meanwhile, even in high-energy collisions, such as RHIC and LHC energies, the presence of high baryon number density matter in the forward rapidity region has been suggested [1]. This implies that, in addition to the analysis of BES data, a...
Our approach offers a phenomenological model for investigating nuclear matter by employing the modified relativistic Dirac formalism coupled with the σ–ω and ρ mesons in the quark-meson coupling model. By considering scalar and vector linear potential for quark confinement and accounting with quantum corrections such as the centre-of-mass motion, gluonic, and pionic corrections, we establish a...
One of the major motivations for the planned p--O and O--O collisions at the LHC is to explore the possibilities of small system collectivity. Such transverse collective expansion results in the appearance of long-range azimuthal correlation and is quantified via the coefficients, $v_{\rm n}$, of Fourier expansion of the azimuthal momentum distribution of the final-state particles. These flow...
Double-slit experiment at the femtometer scale with ALICE
This study investigates the intricate relationship between transverse spherocity ($S_{0}$) and the relative transverse multiplicity activity event classifier ($R_{T}$) in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) with a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Through a detailed analysis across different spherocity regions, we examine various observables to understand underlying...
The presence of ultra-strong magnetic fields in magnetar induces significant spin polarization of baryons, profoundly affecting the equation of state (EoS) of dense nuclear matter. This study employs the CDM3Y interaction, a G-matrix-based M3Y interaction, within the Hartree-Fock framework to model spin-polarized nuclear matter in the presence of such extreme magnetic fields. By incorporating...
In non-central heavy-ion collisions, large angular momentum is generated, leading to significant vorticity and subsequent spin polarization of particles with finite spin. The global polarization of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ hyperons ($P_\Lambda$ and $P_{\overline{\Lambda}}$), measured along the direction of global angular momentum, serves as an effective probe of both vorticity and...
This is a mini-review talk.
During the High-Luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC), the CMS experiment will be upgraded with a new MIP Timing Detector (MTD), which will provide precise time measurements for charged particles up to a pseudorapidity of |eta| = 3. This precise timing capability will help address the complex pile-up environment anticipated at HL-LHC, thereby extending the experiment's sensitivity to new...
We investigate the effect of the pion mass on the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) phase diagram in the presence of an external magnetic field, aiming to understand it, for the first time, using Nambu\textendash Jona-Lasinio like effective models [1]. We compare results from both the local and nonlocal versions, finding that inverse magnetic catalysis (IMC) near the crossover is eliminated with...
Fluctuations and correlations of net-conserved quantities, including net-baryon, net-charge, and net-strangeness, are pivotal for exploring the QCD phase structure, as they are directly related to thermodynamic susceptibility ratios in lattice QCD (LQCD) calculations. These quantities probe the thermal properties of the medium and shed light on the nature of the strongly interacting matter...
This is a mini-review talk.
The studies of heavy flavor (charm or bottom) hadrons in relativistic collisions provide an undisputed testing ground for the theory of strong interactions, quantum chromodynamics (QCD). As the majority of the heavy flavor particles are produced in the initial stages of the heavy-ion collisions, they experience the whole QCD medium evolution. The lightest open charm meson, $D^{0}$, and hidden...
We have estimated the induced electric field in quark-gluon plasma (QGP) due to its thermoelectric effects. At present, the relativistic heavy-ion collisions are capable of creating QGP, a locally thermalized medium composed of quarks and gluons.
During the space-time evolution of the QGP medium, interesting thermoelectric phenomena occur due to the presence of electrically charged particles...
The matter produced in an ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collision, dubbed as the QGP, posses a temperature $10^5$ times that of Sun's core and survives for a very short time ($10^{-22}$ s), producing thousands of particles which exhibit collective motion described by some global observables, e.g. charged particle multiplicity($N_{ch}$), mean transverse momentum per particle ($[p_T]$), harmonic...
We investigate the impact of finite volume effects on the QCD phase diagram, particularly in the context of ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. Utilizing the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model, we analyze the chiral transition line in the (T, μB) plane with MIT boundary condition, simulating confinement within a fireball of limited dimensions. Our findings reveal that the transition...
Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) is a cutting edge Micro Pattern Gaseous detector (MPGD) technology suitable as tracking device in high rate Heavy-Ion (HI) experiments for their high rate handling capability and good spatial resolution. The performance studies including the detector efficiency, gain, energy resolution and also the long-term stability study under high radiation are the most...
Due to the heavy-quark symmetry of Non-Relativistic Quantum Chromodynamics (NRQCD), the cross-section for the production of $\eta_c$ can be predicted. This NRQCD prediction when confronted with data from the LHCb is seen to fail miserably. However, modified NRQCD provides a neat solution to the LHCb $\eta_c$ anomaly and provides an understanding of all the features of the $\eta_c$ data....
We investigate the behavior of the chiral condensate within a Hadron Resonance Gas model, incorporating repulsive mean-field interactions among baryons. By calibrating the strength of these interactions to match the lattice QCD estimations of higher-order baryon charge susceptibilities, we can extend this model to higher baryon densities, where lattice QCD encounters challenges due to the sign...
Extensive research at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) on Pb-Pb and Au-Au collisions have helped us develop and understand the properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) in heavy-ion collisions. Recent investigation suggests that QGP-droplets may occur in small collision systems such as high-multiplicity pp collisions. O-O collisions are...
The ALICE collaboration at the LHC is preparing for the Inner Tracking System 3 (ITS3) upgrade during the Long Shutdown 3 period. A chip test setup, namely, a telescope, consisting of 6 ALPIDE chips aligned along the beam path, enables us to reconstruct beam particle tracks and investigate a DUT (Device Under Test) chip placed between the chip layers. The Korean ALICE TeleScope, named KATS,...
The interactions between jets and the longitudinal-boosted quark-gluon plasma (QGP) lead to softer particles drifting away from the jet core, where high-$p_\mathrm{T}$ particles remain concentrated, resulting in an intra-jet asymmetry. Investigating this asymmetry, particularly at forward rapidities, offers a novel avenue to probe jet-medium dynamics. Using the PbPb and pp data at...
The strongly interacting matter created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions possesses several conserved quantum numbers, such as baryon number, strangeness, and electric charge. The diffusion process of these charges can be characterized by a diffusion matrix that describes the mutual influence of the diffusion of various charges. We derive the Kubo relations for evaluating diffusion...
Understanding the phases of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) matter has become one of the important research areas for both theoretical and experimental high-energy physics community. In the QCD phase diagram, which is characterised by temperature ($T$) and baryochemical potential ($\mu_B$), a first-order phase transition is expected at high $\mu_B$ and low T, which ends at a possible critical...
We estimate the diffusion coefficient matrix for baryon number, strangeness, electric charge, and charm quantum numbers in an interacting hadron gas. For the first time, this study provides insights into the charm current and estimates the diffusion matrix coefficient for charmed states, treating them as part of a quasi-thermalized medium. We analyze the diffusion matrix coefficient as a...
The proposed QCD Phase Diagram speculates deconfined Quark Matter at aymptotic high Temperature and Baryonic Densities. The region of QCD phase diagram characterized with low temperature and high baryonic density is been speculated to be found in the cores of neutron stars which are prone to phase transitions. The transition between the chiral and diquark condensate is being studied while...
\title{Development of Ultra-Thin LGADs with Enhanced Timing Capabilities and Radiation Hardness for Future Collider Applications}
\author{Jaideep Kalani$^{1}$, Saptarshi Datta$^{2}$, Ganesh J. Tambave$^{2}$, Prabhakar Palni$^{1}$\
\small $^{1}$Indian Institute of Technology...
Charmonia ($c\bar{c}$) states are believed to undergo considerable suppression, if quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is formed relativistic heavy-ion collisions. However a precise identification of the "anomalous" suppression pattern and its interpretation as a signature of color deconfinement, demands a detailed understanding of charmonium production and suppression in proton-nucleus ($p+A$)...
Utilizing Zubarev's nonequilibrium statistical operator, we derive the second-order expression for the dissipative tensors in relativistic spin hydrodynamics, namely the rotational stress tensor ($\tau_{\mu\nu}$), boost heat vector ($q_\mu$), shear stress tensor ($\pi_{\mu\nu}$), and bulk viscous pressure ($\Pi$). The emergence of the first two terms, $\tau_{\mu\nu}$ and $q_\mu$, is attributed...
The study of event-by-event mean transverse momentum ($\langle p_{\rm T} \rangle$) fluctuations is reported in terms of the integral two-particle correlator ($\langle \Delta p_{\rm T} \Delta p_{\rm T}\rangle$) and skewness of the event-wise $\langle p_{\rm T} \rangle$ distribution in proton$-$proton (pp) collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV. The simulations were carried out using the Monte Carlo...
The measurements of heavy-flavour (charm and beauty) production in proton-proton (pp) collisions at the LHC provide stringent test for perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (pQCD) calculations. Furthermore, studies in pp collisions serve as a necessary baseline for similar measurements in proton-nucleus (p-A) and nucleus-nucleus (A-A) collisions in order to investigate the influence of cold- and...
In heavy-ion collisions, the Chiral Magnetic Wave (CMW) is theorized to produce an electric quadrupole moment, leading to differences in elliptic flow between positively and negatively charged particles. This CMW signal can be detected by examining the correlation between charge-dependent elliptic flow and event charge asymmetry. This study focuses on the difference in covariance of elliptic...
Higher order cumulants of the distributions of conserved quantities, like net-charge, net-baryon and net-strangeness in heavy-ion collisions, are regarded as sensitive observables to determine the freeze-out parameters and the nature of phase transitions at the LHC energies. Recently, several experimental results suggest the possible formation of QGP medium in high-multiplicity pp collisions....
Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGDs) are a type of gaseous ioniza-
tion detector that use microelectronics. They are characterized by a very small gap between the anode and cathode electrodes, which are main-
tained at high voltage and are usually filled with gaseous medium. When
a high-energy particle interacts with the gas, it produces ions and electrons that are propelled in opposite...
The study of light nuclei production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions provides valuable insights into the properties of the dense, hot medium produced in these collisions, which is assumed to mimic conditions of the early universe. In this work, we analyze the production of light (anti-)nuclei, such as $d$, $\bar{d}$, $t$, and $^3\text{He}$, in the framework of the Hadron Resonance Gas...
Using a $(2+1)$-flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model, we study the effects of the strangeness chemical potential ($\mu_{S}$) and vector interactions on the chiral crossover lines, which we then use to examine flavor mixing within this framework. With the curvature coefficients, $\kappa_{2}$'s, showing excellent agreement with available lattice QCD (LQCD) findings, we estimate the permissible...
Quarkonium production in ultra-relativistic collisions is an essential probe for understanding the deconfined phase of QCD matter. Further, quarkonium suppression in heavy-ion collisions supports the existence of the deconfined, thermalized, and strongly interacting QCD medium known as quark-gluon plasma (QGP). However, phenomena like collective flow, which is assumed to be another crucial...
Heavy quarks (HQ) are considered to be excellent probes of the hot QCD matter produced in the high-energy heavy-ion collisions. HQ diffusion coefficient is one of the fundamental transport properties of the hot QCD matter. In this work, we have calculated the HQ momentum ($\kappa$) as well as spatial ($D_s$) diffusion coefficients in an ambient background weak magnetic field via evaluating the...
We investigate the validity of the $\Lambda$ single-particle potential ($\Lambda$ potential) in dense matter that is based on chiral effective field theory (chiral EFT) that is sufficiently repulsive to solve the hyperon puzzle of neutron stars. We discuss that the model calculations with the $\Lambda$ potential are consistent with the $\Lambda$ hypernuclear spectroscopy [1] and the $\Lambda$...
We have developed a consistent model that combines parton jet shower production from perturbative QCD and the complicated interactions between the full jet with the medium soft partons in a MultiPhase Transport (AMPT) model. In addition to the elastic binary collisions existing in the model, we have incorporated the crucial energy-momentum modifications of the parton showers via medium-induced...
We estimate the transport coefficients like shear and bulk viscosities of hot hadronic matter in van der Walls hadron resonance gas ( VDW HRG ) model in the relaxation time approximation. We also have compared these results with excluded volume hadron resonance ( EV HRG ) calculations. η/s decreases as the temperature of the hadronic system increases at a fixed baryon chemical potential. η/s...
Femtoscopy in high-energy nuclear collisions is a novel phenomenological tool to study low-energy hadron interactions, and active studies in the past decade have demonstrated its usefulness [1]. Thus, hadron interaction study via femtoscopy is now advancing to unravel less understood interactions, such as baryon-vector meson interactions. However, since existing studies have assumed simple...
We investigate a hybrid approach of parametric and nonparametric
regression techniques to analyse the phase boundary between the
confined and deconfined phases of two-flavour quark matter. Data
derived from the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) and Polyakov-loop extended
NJL (PNJL) models are trained and further used for the prediction of phase
transition boundaries with enhanced accuracy. We...
Quarkonia are among the most studied probe of the quark-gluon plasma
created in relativistic heavy ion collisions. But a nonperturbative
theoretical formalism for quarkonia in plasma is difficult, and one
relies on an effective field theory formalism coupled with
lattice studies. If the system size is much less than the inverse
temperature, as is expected for bottomonia, the...
Recent experiments involving isobar collisions of $^{96}_{44}$Ru+$^{96}_{44}$Ru and $^{96}_{40}$Zr+$^{96}_{40}$Zr have been carried out at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). These studies aim to explore various phenomena, including the initial conditions of the collision process, baryon stopping, the chiral magnetic effect, and collective flow, which are all essential for...
One of the objectives of the STAR experiment is to study the phase transition from hadronic matter to Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). This can be investigated by studying the collective flow of various particle types produced in heavy-ion collisions, particularly by testing whether the number of constituent quark (NCQ) scaling holds or breaks across different energies. Specifically, the elliptic...
One of the outstanding challenges in the theory of strong interactions described by Quantum Chromodynamics is to understand its non-perturbative properties which can explain many important phenomena e.g., color confinement. In this work we study the non-perturbative sector of magnetic gluons whose momenta are given by $|\vec{p}|\leq g^2T/\pi$
in a finite temperature ($T$) QCD plasma...
The interaction of heavy quarks with the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) significantly influences their azimuthal distribution and transverse momentum ($p_{\mathrm{T}}$) spectrum, making azimuthal anisotropy coefficients ($v_n$) and nuclear modification factors ($R_{AA}$) essential tools for studying QGP properties, as they reveal collective flow and energy loss mechanisms of heavy quarks. In this...
At nonzero temperatures, the deconfining phase transition can be analyzed using an effective matrix model to characterize the change in holonomy. The model includes gluons and two-dimensional ghost fields in the adjoint representation, or "Teens". As ghosts, the teen fields are responsible for the decrease of the pressure as $T \rightarrow T_d$, with $T_d$ the transition temperature for...
We study multi-particle azimuthal correlations in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV. We use initial conditions obtained from a Monte-Carlo Glauber model and evolve them within a viscous relativistic hydrodynamics framework that eventually gives way to a transport model in the late hadronic stage of the evolution. We compute the multi-particle symmetric and asymmetric cumulants and...
Higher-order cumulants of (net-)proton multiplicity distributions are sensitive observables for studying the QCD phase structure. At low baryon chemical potential ($\mu_B$), lattice QCD calculations establish the quark-hadron transition to be a crossover, while at large $\mu_B$, QCD-based models predict a first-order phase transition that ends at a critical point.
Here, we focus on the...
In this work, we address the problem of longitudinal spin polarization of Λ hyperons produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. We employ a relativistic kinetic theory framework that incorporates spin degrees of freedom treated classically, combined with the freeze-out parametrization used in previous investigations. This approach allows us to include dissipative corrections—stemming from...
We measure the Lyapunov exponent in SU(2) gauge theory under both in and out-of-thermal equilibrium conditions to understand the chaotic nature of non-Abelian gauge theories and its implications. Very close to the deconfinement temperature $T_c$, we use the fact that $SU(2)$ gauge theory falls within the same universality class as a $Z_2$ scalar field theory and calculate the Lyapunov exponent...
In this study, we employ medium-modified Cornell (MMC) potential to investigate the thermodynamic properties of ground states of heavy quarkonium systems in N-dimensional space through the Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics (SUSYQM) approach. To account for the effects of baryonic chemical potential on quarkonia, we incorporate the quasi-particle Debye mass. The Schrödinger equation is solved to...
In proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, gold-gold collisions at energies ranging from $\sqrt{s}$ = 7.7 GeV to 200 GeV, and lead-lead collisions at 2.76 TeV and 5.02 TeV, Bose-Einstein correlations of charged hadrons are examined across the entire multiplicity spectrum of reconstructed charged particles. The CMS data are then compared with results from...
Drag and diffusion coefficients of the Heavy Quarks (HQs), such as charm and bottom, are one of the prime tools for discerning the properties of the deconfined QCD medium created in the heavy ion collisions experiments. The innate non-perturbative nature of the QCD medium renders it imperative to estimate the transport coefficients in that domain. The present work evaluates the drag and...
In this presentation, we extend our previous investigations on intermittency using the Scaled Factorial Moment (SFM) technique in Au + Au collisions within the FAIR energy range of 2–12A GeV. Building on our findings published in Eur.Phys.J.A 59 (2023) 4, 92, we now focus on the fluctuations in the number of protons, motivated by QCD-inspired predictions that suggest critical behavior...
The Hanbury Brown-Twiss (HBT) interferometry technique uses the two-particle correlation function to extract the three HBT radii, which measure the spatial and temporal dimensions of the particle emission source at freeze-out in heavy-ion collisions. In this study, we have employed a hybrid model combining hydrodynamic evolution with hadronic transport to simulate the collision dynamics in the...
In this work, we study the localization properties of the eigenstates of non-Abelian SU(3) gauge theory both with and without dynamical quark flavors in a gauge invariant manner, using first-principles lattice gauge theory techniques. We use the eigenspectrum of a probe (overlap) Dirac operator to understand the properties of thermal gauge ensembles of 2+1 flavor QCD generated using domain...
Light (anti-)nuclei production in heavy-ion collisions can be described by two different mechanisms: the thermal and coalescence models. By analyzing the yields and ratios of the light (anti-)nuclei, we can gain valuable insights into their formation processes and the properties of the system at freeze-out. The enhancement in the compound ratios of light nuclei, such as $N_{t}N_{p}/N_{d}^{2}$...
The properties of the QGP medium produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions can be explored using the directed flow ($v_{1}$) of the azimuthal angle distribution in momentum space. Hydrodynamic and nuclear transport models indicate that $v_{1}$ in the midrapidity region is sensitive to expanding participant matter during the early collision stages. Spectator nucleons influence the directed...
Heavy quark-antiquark bound states such as $c\bar{c}$ and $b\bar{b}$, serve as essential tools for probing the properties of quark-gluon plasma (QGP). However, its finite momentum behaviour remains largely unexplored, despite its experimental significance. Here, we present an extension of quarkonia dynamics from zero-momentum to finite-momentum by observing its spectral function. We obtained...
A net baryon density up to 2-6 times the nuclear saturation density and high magnetic fields are expected in the reaction zone of upcoming CBM/NICA experiments. Such densities are also likely in the core of massive neutron stars, possibly with mixed quark-hadron phases. The chiral effective model, based on the principles of chiral symmetry breaking and broken scale invariance, is employed to...
We construct an Euclidean effective field theory (EFT) for thermal Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) with $N_f=2$ for physics near crossover temperature using the global symmetries of QCD. A cut-off scale is used along with the ${\rm \overline{MS}}$ regularization scheme and all dimension six operators including current-current interactions and a gradient cubed term are utilized. The gradient cubed...
Transverse momentum fluctuations serve as a powerful tool for probing the properties and evolution dynamics of the system formed in high energy heavy-ion collisions. Momentum fluctuations are sensitive to the equation of state as well as to the bulk-viscosity of the QCD system. An observable known as $v_{0}(p_{T})$ which quantifies the momentum fluctuations has been suggested to measure in...
Heavy-Quarkonia evolution in quark-gluon plasma (QGP) can be studied using the framework of open quantum systems. The density matrix of the quarkonia satisfies a simple Lindblad-type equation if one assumes that the binding energy $E_b$ is much smaller than the medium temperature $T$. This approximation does not hold for a significant part of the QGP evolution. We study the evolution of...
The underlying events (UE) in proton-proton (p$-$p) collisions encompass aspects of the interaction not attributed to the primary hard scattering, but arising from accompanying interactions of the rest of the proton.
Traditionally, UE studies involve defining topological regions relative to the leading particle in an event, with the transverse region being especially sensitive to UE...
Sensitivity of jets to initial stages
Measurement of the event-by-event fluctuations of the mean transverse momentum, $\langle p_{\rm T} \rangle $, help to characterize the properties of the bulk of the system created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, called the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). The fluctuations are closely related to the dynamics of the phase transition from the QGP to a hadron gas.
In this presentation, the...
We study the flavor dependance of the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) using two of the primary correlators used to characterize the charge separation effect. These are the correlator $\Delta\gamma $ and the correlator $R_{{\psi}_2}$. We use the AMPT (A Multiphase Transport Model) model to study the sensitivity of these correlators to two and three flavors of quarks. The AMPT model used has a...
At large hadron collider energies, a remarkable similarity has been observed in particle production mechanisms between large and small collision systems. In particular, the enhancement in baryon-over-meson ratios at intermediate transverse momentum and/or relative enhancement in production of particles with higher strangeness content at large multiplicities indicates that it may be possible...
Higgs Boson is characterized by J$^\pi$ = 0$^+$ and fundamentally forms the cosmos by interacting with other particles to impart mass in standard model discovered in 2012 at CERN. This study is focused on Z$\gamma$ channel of Higgs with branching ratio of $\beta(H \rightarrow Z\gamma) = (1.57 \pm 0.09) \times 10^{-3}$. Feynman diagram for Z$\gamma$ channel is similar to $\gamma$$\gamma$...
In this work, we extend the JETSCAPE framework to investigate the dependence of the jet nuclear modification factor, ${R_{AA}}$, on the jet radius parameter ($R$) for larger jet cones with radii up to $R = 1.0$. The study primarily aims to explore high-${p_{T}}$ inclusive jets, reaching up to 1 TeV, to analyze quenching effects within the quark-gluon plasma created in the most-central (0-10\%)...
We calculate the energy evolution of quark gluon plasma (QGP) under the two loop correction
at finite chemical potential. The calculation shows a good improvement over the energy evolution
without chemical potential and the stability formation is also obtained at the size of 1.8 fm. This
indicates that QGP droplet can be found with changing the quark and gluon flow parameters.
We examine the properties of hyperons (Λ, Σ, Ξ) in dense baryon matter and neutron stars using a modified relativistic Dirac formalism (MRDF). In this approach, the quark meson (σ, ω) couplings are derived self-consistently at the quark level, where quark confinement is modelled through a scalar-vector linear potential, and corrections are incorporated for centre-of-mass motion, one-gluon...
Heavy flavors (charm and beauty) are created via initial hard scatterings in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The study of thermalization of heavy flavors in the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is one of the major physics goals of the upcoming heavy-ion experimental programs. Azimuthal angular correlations ($\Delta\varphi$) of open heavy flavour species are expected to be influenced by the...
Event-by-event fluctuations of the mean transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) of relativistic charged particles are analyzed using the two-particle correlator, $\sqrt{C_m}/M(p_{\rm T})_m$ which quantifies the correlations strength in units of the mean $p_{\rm T}$ in proton-proton collision at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV in ALICE both for Minimum Bias and and High-multiplicity triggered events. The...
Suppression in the yield of quarkonia (heavy quark-antiquark bound states) has been considered one of the important signatures of the formation of the thermalized deconfined partonic matter, also known as the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collision Experiments (RHICE). Traditionally, the in-medium dissociation of quarkonium states has been presented by implicitly assuming...
When two heavy nuclei collide in relativistic heavy ion collisions, the resulting
system is initially in a non-equilibrium state. The evolution of the system
towards equilibrium can be studied by using the Boltzmann equation.
However, approximating the solution to the Boltzmann equation using a
gradient expansion leads to a divergent series. Using an integral solution to
the Boltzmann...
Photons as a probe of the strongly interacting matter in heavy ion collisions
Recent advances in the field of open heavy-flavour physics have provided profound insights into the behavior of heavy quarks (charm and beauty) in extreme conditions of matter created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been at the forefront of these studies, offering precision measurements and groundbreaking results that shed light...
Hadronic resonances, with lifetimes comparable to the duration of the hadronic phase, can be used as effective probes for studying its evolution in heavy-ion collisions. Exploring the dynamics of the hadronic phase reveals the roles of rescattering and regeneration in resonance production. In particular, rescattering reduces the resonance yields and may alter their transverse momentum, while...
Relativistic heavy-ion collisions provide a unique setting to investigate QCD matter under varied temperatures and densities. As the collision energy rises, the baryon chemical potential ($\mu_{B}$) decreases, resulting in a mid-rapidity region rich in baryons at the lower Beam Energy Scan (BES) program energies and in mesons at top RHIC energies. Short-lived resonances like $K^{*0}$ (lifetime...
Baryon dynamics from recent measurements on directed flow and polarisation
Hadronic resonances play an important role in understanding the different phases of the evolution of relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Due to the short lifetime of resonances, their yields may be influenced by interactions in the final stage hadronic phase where rescattering can alter the momentum of the resonance decay products, preventing their reconstruction through invariant-mass...
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is a fundamental theory on which the Standard Model of particle physics is based, describing strong interactions between quarks and gluons. While conventional hadrons are composed of bound states of quark-antiquark ($q\bar{q}$) pairs or three-(anti)quark (qqq or $\bar{q}\bar{q}\bar{q}$) combinations, QCD also predicts exotic hadrons, such as $\mathrm{f_0(980)}$ and...
Understanding the temperature dependence of the viscosity-to-entropy ratio (η/s) is essential for characterizing the properties of the matter produced in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC. Low-p⊥ theory and data are, however, weakly sensitive to the commonly assumed forms of the temperature dependence of η/s, especially at high temperatures. To address this, we use...
A baryon-rich medium is created in low-energy heavy-ion collisions. Using a hydrodynamic model that incorporates finite baryon density, we investigate the role of baryon stopping and diffusion in RHIC-BES phenomenology, focusing on the directed flow ($v_1$) observable. The $v_1$ splitting between protons and anti-protons has been an elusive observable for a long time, primarily due to improper...
The evolution of the strongly interacting medium formed in heavy-ion collison is modelled with multi-stage models. The models are driven by a large number of parameters that quantify the properties of the medium and the initial stage of the heavy-ion collision. The need to find model parameters which give the best description of the experimental data imposes a multidimensional optimization...
We present a numerical investigation of partonic energy loss in the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) using a data-driven Bayesian inference framework. This study explores the energy, transverse momentum, and angular characteristics of the energy loss distribution associated with medium-induced multiple gluon emissions by hard partons traversing the QGP. The inference process employs the Markov Chain...
In recent years, measurements of charm baryon-to-meson yield ratios highlighted a modification of the hadronization process in proton–proton collisions with respect to e+e− collisions. This invalidated the assumption at the basis of several theoretical calculations based on a factorisation approach that the cross section of charm hadrons can be calculated by parametrising the transition from...
Heavy quarks are formed in the earliest stages of heavy-ion collisions and hence carry comprehensive information about the entire evolution of the initial non-equilibrium glasma phase to a quark-gluon plasma phase, its subsequent hydrodynamic evolution and hadronization at later stages. One of the quantities of interest to model this evolution and to compare with experimental observations is...
We use the Recombination Model to explain the hadron production data at center of mass energies 62.4, 200 and 2760 GeV at LHC and RHIC. The Recombination model considers the effective valence quark energy and momentum without taking the sea quarks and gluons explicitly into account. This model has been quite successful in explaining the larger-than-expected baryon-to-meson ratio and the...
One of the prime objectives of heavy ion collisions (HIC) is to find experimental evidence of the deconfinement phase transition from hadronic matter to quark-gluon plasma (QGP) in the reaction products of heavy ion collisions. Various hadronic models are used to study the investigation of the signature of QGP. One of the most successful models is the hybrid UrQMD-hydro model. It is a...
In off-central heavy ion collisions (HIC), the initial orbital angular momentum (OAM) of the colliding heavy nuclei can be transferred to the participants and subsequently to the nuclear medium formed. This finite OAM can lead the system to rotate with some finite angular velocity. The transport properties, like electrical conductivity, viscosities, thermal conductivity, heavy meson diffusion,...
In relativistic nuclear collisions, spatial anisotropies characterized by initial eccentricity, triangularity, and higher-order eccentricities arise from the geometry of the collision and fluctuations in the initial energy density distribution. These spatial anisotropies subsequently manifest as momentum anisotropies in the final-state particles through the collective expansion of the hot and...
Imaging nuclei by smashing them: how can shapes be revealed despite violent collisions?
Baryon and strangeness number fluctuation at LHC energies
We investigate the non-equilibrium effects on the structure of the correlation and spectral functions of the slow modes as the collision system evolves through the vicinity of the QCD critical point, within the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau approximation. We model the time-evolution equation for the slow modes, by allowing the coefficients to be time-dependent. Within this framework, we study...
Forward Physics at LHC-ALICE
Spin polarization in heavy ion collisions and relativistic spin hydrodynamics
Polarization measurement in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Quantum kinetic theory and spin polarisation in relativistic heavy ion collisions
We present new results for gravitational wave radiation in ultrarelativistic collisions of black holes which are described as Aichelburg-Sexl shockwaves. We demonstrate that the effective “Lipatov” vertex governing graviton radiation is a mathematical double copy of the corresponding effective gluon emission vertex in heavy-ion collisions [1]. We also show that propagators in the gravitational...
Application of machine learning and quantum computation in high energy
The recent observation of the compact object HESS J1731-347, with a mass of 0.77 $^{+0.20}_{-0.17}\ \rm{M_{\odot}}$ and radius 10.4$^{+0.86}_{-0.78}$ km, make it one of the most intriguing objects if it truly is a neutron star. In this paper, we explore the dense matter equation of state (EoS) in the context of this object being a neutron star. We consider three EoS categories—neutron stars,...
In non-central heavy-ion collisions, substantial orbital angular momentum (OAM) is produced and transferred to the QGP and hadronic matter, leading to effects like spin polarization and the chiral vortical effect. Previous studies have explored the impact of OAM on electrical conductivity under a non-relativistic, globally rotating QGP. In this work, we have developed a relativistic framework,...
Recent measurements on collectivity of charged hadrons in both asymmetric and symmetric small collision systems have far-reaching implications on the origins of final state momentum anisotropy driven by nucleonic as well as sub-nucleonic degrees of freedom present during initial state. During the data taking in 2021, STAR had recorded large statistics of minimum bias and high multiplicity...
During the early stages of relativistic heavy ion collisions, the momentum distribution of the quark-gluon plasma is anisotropic in nature, which leads the system to instability owing to chromomagnetic plasma modes. We considered the anisotropic momentum distribution of the medium constituents, which can be obtained by squeezing or stretching the isotropic momentum distribution in one...
We study the characteristics of quark matter under the influence of a background magnetic field with anomalous magnetic moment (AMM) of quarks at finite temperature and quark chemical potential in the framework of Polyakov loop extended Nambu Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model, which is relevant for the physical scenario of non-central relativistic heavy ion collisions (HICs). It is observed that the...
Relativistic viscous hydrodynamics has been a major breakthrough in describing QGP evolution, and now, data-driven methods are gaining attention as QGP research moves into a high-precision era [1]. Hard probes, on the other hand, like jets and heavy quarks, provide insight into the QGP due to their interaction with its constituent as they travel through it, which is key to understanding the...
Jets are well-established tools for studying the properties of the QGP. In this talk, we present a new measurement of jet substructure modification using the observable $\Delta j$, which characterizes the distance between two types of jet axes constructed from the same jet constituents. We use E-scheme and WTA axes, which have different sensitivities to soft and semi-hard medium-induced...
Forward-backward multiplicity correlation in minimum biased pp collisions has been studied within the PYTHIA8 framework at LHC energies. One of the findings of this study highlights the interplay between SRCs and LRCs in shaping the correlations among produced particles in various azimuth and pseudorapidity. Our study concludes that the azimuthal sectors with φ are predominantly affected by...
In terms of dual gauge potentials, a Dual QCD formulation for the SU(3) colour gauge has been established, which takes into account the dynamics of the colour gauge group's topological and local structure. The dynamical configuration of the resulting dual QCD vacuum and its flux tube configuration have been studied in order to investigate the nonperturbative properties of QCD. In order to...
Isospin-equilibrating weak processes, called "Urca" processes, are of fundamental importance in astrophysical environments like (proto-)neutron stars, neutron star mergers, and supernovae. In these environments, matter can reach high temperatures of tens of MeVs and be subject to large magnetic fields. We thus investigate Urca rates at different temperatures and field strengths by performing...
We study the effects of a static and uniform magnetic field on the evolution of energy density fluctuations present in a medium. By numerically solving the relativistic Boltzmann-Vlasov equation within the relaxation time approximation, we explicitly show that magnetic fields can affect the characteristics of energy density fluctuations at the timescale the system achieves local thermodynamic...
Intense transient electric (${\bf E}$) and magnetic (${\bf B}$) fields are produced in the high energy heavy-ion collisions. The electromagnetic fields produced in such high-energy heavy-ion collisions are proposed to give rise to a multitude of exciting phenomenon including the Chiral Magnetic Effect. We use a Monte Carlo (MC) Glauber model to calculate the electric and magnetic fields, more...
We investigate the impact of baryon stopping on the temporal evolution of electromagnetic fields in vacuum at low-energy Au+Au collisions with $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 4$-$20$ GeV. Baryon stopping is incorporated into the Monte-Carlo Glauber model by employing a parameterized velocity profile of participant nucleons with non-zero deceleration. The presence of these decelerating participants leads to...
As recently observed by the STAR and ALICE collaborations, the global and local spin polarization of $\Lambda$-hyperons provides new insights into spin dynamics in heavy-ion collisions. There are various contributing factors that could be the source of hyperon polarization. However, among them, the vorticity field is widely considered as the primary source of particle polarization in heavy-ion...
We have explored the heavy (charm) quark drag and diffusion coefficient along the two extreme directions - temperature axis at zero baryon chemical potential and baryon density axis at finite temperature. Quark condensate melts down as we go along either temperature axis or density axis. Hence, being proportionally connected with condensate, constituent quark mass also melts down to current...
The dynamics of heavy quarks (HQs) in a hot QCD medium are revisited with a focus on anomalous diffusion, modelled through the fractional Langevin equation using the Caputo fractional derivative. A numerical method is developed to solve the FLE, demonstrating that the mean square displacement of the HQs deviates from the standard linear time dependence. The study also calculates the mean...
Heavy flavors (charm and beauty) are created via initial hard scatterings in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Their early production allows them to experience the entire evolution of the collision. Azimuthal angular correlations of open heavy flavor hadrons with charged particles is an excellent tool to investigate different stages of heavy-ion collisions, as it is sensitive to various...
The work represents the bin-bin correlation using factorial correlator in pp interactions at √s = 5.02 TeV taking into account the pseudorapidity dependence and centrality i.e. from most central to mid-central (0-10%, 10-20%, 20-30%, 30-40%, 40-50%) and Minimum bias (MB) events. To generate data sets, the study uses the Monte Carlo-based heavy-ion event generator called A Multi-Phase...
Recent observations on the high-multiplicity $p-p$ collisions suggest
possible formation of the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma (QGP), based on the phenomenon similar to those observed in heavy-ion (A$-$A)collisions. Inspired by these observations, we attempt to investigate the existence of a QGP-like medium in $p-p$ collision. However, unlike A$-$A collisions, the system size is...
Collision of heavy nuclei at ultra-relativistic energies offer a unique opportunity to study the formation dynamics of light nuclei. Being loosely bound systems via residual strong interactions, their existence in the hot and dense medium, is very unlikely and possess interesting questions on their production mechanism in these energetic collisions. In the present contribution we will describe...
Chiral effective field theory has played a significant role in exploring nuclear structure
and the properties of nuclear matter. It has now become foundational in understanding various nuclear phenomena. However, the theory's applicability to the nuclear matter equation of state (EOS) is limited at densities exceeding twice nuclear saturation density due to its inherent cutoff dependence....
In this talk, I will present our latest research building upon the findings of PLB 850 (2024) 138533, which demonstrated that the entropy current can be derived from first principles using the quantum statistical method, bypassing the need for assumed traditional local thermodynamic forms. Our study uncovers that the local thermodynamic relations, which have been conventionally used as...
Phase diagram of two color and three color QCD are reviewed. The dualities of QCD phase diagram are discussed in both two and three color cases. It has been shown that the phase diagram of two color QCD is quite helpful and it has a lot of common features with three color one, and predictions recently made in two color QCD was shown to hold qualitatively in real three color QCD. Showing that...
The photon emission from a finite baryonic Quark-Gluon Plasma is analyzed through annihilation and Compton processes using the Boltzmann distribution function. This analysis incorporates a finite baryonic parameter into the quark mass and coupling constant. Accounting for this parameter enhances the photon production rate compared to earlier theoretical predictions based on this distribution...
Physics opportunities at the EIC
Upcoming electron-ion collider is one of the important experiment to study the pion and Kaon internal Structure through Sullivan process. In this work, we have studied the pion and Kaon internal structure in the form of quark parton distribution function (PDFs) and form factors (FFs) in light front quark model (LFQM). These quark PDFs have been evolved to high $Q^2$ to compare with...
Probing the QCD critical point with electromagnetic probes
Quarkonium is one of the most important tools to study the strongly interacting medium under extreme conditions formed in heavy-ion collisions. Heavy quarks ($\bar{c}c$ and $\bar{b}b$) are produced in the early stages of the collisions and thus experience the whole Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) evolution. In addition, its significant (re)generation (recombination of uncorrelated charm quark pairs)...
Recent experimental results on two-particle correlations within jets with extremely high multiplicities in pp collisions highlight a strong flow-like correlation among constituents. This has led to the hypothesis that a hot and dense QCD medium may form within these jets, a phenomenon previously thought to occur exclusively in heavy-ion collisions. One notable characteristic of such medium...
We discuss the effect of rotation on the confining and chiral properties of QCD using the linear sigma model coupled to the Polyakov loop in an attempt to resolve discrepancies between the first-principle based numerical and model-based analytical results. Working in a homogeneous approximation, we obtain the phase diagram at finite temperature, baryon density, and angular frequency. We...
Signature of electromagnetic field in heavy-ion collision
We study an approach to simulating the stochastic relativistic advection-diffusion equation based on the Metropolis algorithm. We show that the dissipative dynamics of the boosted fluctuating fluid can be simulated by making random transfers of charge between fluid cells, interspersed with ideal hydrodynamic time steps. The random charge transfers are accepted or rejected in a Metropolis step...
The main goal of the Beam Energy Scan (BES) program at RHIC is to search for and study key features in the QCD phase diagram such as the conjectured critical point, the expected first order phase transition between hadronic and partonic matter, and the chiral phase transition. Strangeness production is considered a sensitive probe of the early dynamics in the deconfined matter created during...
The ALPIDE is a Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor used in the ALICE Inner Tracking System installed during LS2 of the LHC and currently being operated in pp and Pb-Pb collisions. In the ALPIDE, electron-hole pairs are produced by the energy loss caused by incident charged particles, and the electrons are collected by the pixel diodes. The cluster size corresponding to the number of pixels fired...
The study investigates the behavior of heavy quarkonia in a hot and magnetized quark-gluon plasma. We incorporated the inverse magnetic catalysis (IMC) effect by modifying the Debye mass through magnetic-field-dependent effective masses. Our analysis yields the real and imaginary components of the heavy quark potential within this magnetized environment.
After evaluating the binding energy...
We calculated the comparative Polyakov loop potential with chemical potential with temperature and chemical potential dependance. The result of Polyakov loop in these comparative outputs shows that there will be effect in the calculation of equation of state of Polyakov loop with the chemical potential dependance. There are number of calculations in this equation of state of the Polyakov loop...