Overview of current status
Recent results from lattice QCD on the phase diagram
Studying the QCD phase diagram via fluctuations
Experimental Status of QCD Phase Diagram
Out of equilibrium physics in the vicinity of the QCD critical point and in the initial state
The event-by-event variations in the initial conditions and subsequent expansion of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) directly affects the distribution of the event-averaged transverse momentum ($[p_{\mathrm{T}}]$) of particles. Typically, the contributions to the transverse momentum from radial flow velocity and thermal components are extracted using simultaneous Blast-Wave fits to...
The physics of strong electromagnetic fields in heavy ion collisions
Relativistic resistive magnetohydrodynamic framework to study heavy ion collisions
Results on magnetohydrodynamics simulations with BHAC-QGP
Chiral instabilities in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Physics of high baryonic matter
Some recent theoretical advances in studying dense QCD phase transition
Indian contribution to build FAIR at GSI
Overview of neutron stars and their connection to QCD phase diagram
Observational constraints on the properties of the neutron star matter
In this talk I'll give an overview of the theory opportunities
related to QCD spin physics provided by the upcoming EIC.
Physics opportunities at the EIC
EIC physics: Recent theoretical advances from the BLFQ collaboration
Indian participation in ePIC at EIC
Light flavor resonance production in heavy ion collisions
Electromagnetic radiation, from both photons and dileptons, serves as exceptional probes of the evolution of relativistic heavy-ion collisions as unlike hadronic particles, these are produced throughout the evolution of the collision and escape the medium unmodified, providing direct information about the early and hot stages of the system. Photons primarily originate from initial hard...
Experimental overview on recent measurements of resonances and exotics
Heavy flavor on lattice
Experimental overview on the open heavy flavor measurement in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Recent developments in charm phenomenology
Quarkonium measurements in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Physics at sPHENIX
Experimental overview of recent jet measurements in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Jets in relativistic heavy ion collisions: Theory perspective
Jet shape measurements in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Drell Yan as a probe of the nucleus
Matter-antimatter asymmetry is a research topic of fundamental interest, as it is the basis for the existence of the matter world, which survived annihilation with antimatter in the early Universe.
High energy nuclear collisions create conditions similar to the Universe microseconds after the Big Bang, with comparable amounts of matter and antimatter.
Much of the antimatter created escapes...
Search for baryon junction
Imaging nuclei by smashing them: how can shapes be revealed despite violent collisions?
Baryon and strangeness number fluctuation at LHC energies
We investigate the non-equilibrium effects on the structure of the correlation and spectral functions of the slow modes as the collision system evolves through the vicinity of the QCD critical point, within the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau approximation. We model the time-evolution equation for the slow modes, by allowing the coefficients to be time-dependent. Within this framework, we study...
Forward Physics at LHC-ALICE
Spin polarization in heavy ion collisions and relativistic spin hydrodynamics
Polarization measurement in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Quantum kinetic theory and spin polarisation in relativistic heavy ion collisions
We present new results for gravitational wave radiation in ultrarelativistic collisions of black holes which are described as Aichelburg-Sexl shockwaves. We demonstrate that the effective โLipatovโ vertex governing graviton radiation is a mathematical double copy of the corresponding effective gluon emission vertex in heavy-ion collisions [1]. We also show that propagators in the gravitational...
Application of machine learning and quantum computation in high energy
Signature of electromagnetic field in heavy-ion collision