4:00 PM
- Prof.
Joshua Spitz
(University of Michigan)
Steven Goldfarb
(University of Melbourne (AU))
4:10 PM
Performance of jet flavor tagging algorithms on B±-jet reconstruction in LHCb kinematics
Ruide Xu
(University of Michigan (US))
4:30 PM
Study of Single Crystal Readout for the Development of Dual-Readout Calorimetry in Future e+/e- Collider Experiments
Jessaly Zhu
(University of Michigan (US))
4:50 PM
Tight WP Optimization of the ATLAS Experiment
Yongwen Zheng
(University of Michigan (US))
5:10 PM
Intermediate Report on Summer Research At ALPHA
Elizaveta Gavrilova
(University of Michigan (US))
5:30 PM
Semi-Dark Higgs Decay Analysis
Tyler Coates
(University of Michigan (US))
5:50 PM
2S-4P Spectroscopy of Antihydrogen and Centrifugal Separation of Be+/e+ Plasma
Cheng Chiu
(University of Michigan (US))
6:10 PM