SWIFT-HEP #8 Joint with ExaTEPP
Warwick University
Please register for the Autumn workshop hold jointly between SWIFT-HEP (Software Infrastructure for HEP) and ExaTEPP (Exascale for Theoretical and Experimental Particle Physics).
The workshop is sponsored by the ExaTEPP project, which is a "high priority use-case" of the ExCALIBUR programme, which is about to conclude.
The meeting will start at lunchtime on Monday with discussions and presentations till Tuesday afternoon. Accomodation, food and refreshments are provided as part of the registration.
Please see the attached Delegate Information document for detailed guides to getting to the University by car or public transport. See the attached parking guide (registrants only) for registering your car if coming by that means. If you are coming by train/taxi/bus, please note that at Coventry station the taxi rank is in front of the main station building, whilst the bus stops are through an underpass at the west side of the station. The best bus to get is the 12X in the direction of the University, or as an slightly longer alternative, the 11 in the direction of Leamington Spa. All buses take card payments, and are "tap on" only with a £2 single fare, and arrive/depart at the main University Travel Hub.
The meeting itself will be in Space 41 of Scarman Conference Center, with breaks in the Coffee Lounge, and lunch/dinner in the Lakeview Restaurant. Lunch will also be provided on the Monday before the meeting starts, and Coffee/Snacks during the morning for early arrivals.
Akram Khan
Alison Elliot
Andrew Sunderland
Andy Buckley
Andy Chappell
Benjamin Morgan
Christian Gutschow
Ed Bennett
Eduardo Rodrigues
Fernando Abudinén
James Frost
John Marshall
Jonathan Butterworth
Jyoti Prakash Biswal
Lucy Lewitt
Marek Schoenherr
Monica D'Onofrio
Peter Heywood
Ryan Cross
Thomas Latham
Timothy Gershon
Wendy Winnard
- +15