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TH Summer Institute on BSM Physics

TH Theory Conference Room (CERN)

TH Theory Conference Room



TH Summer Institute on BSM Physics

Theoretical physicists specializing in physics beyond the Standard Model are invited to come to CERN during the period of this institute to discuss implications of recent results from LHC, Tevatron and other experiments to the field. A wide variety of interests are welcome, ranging from model building to collider physics expertise.

This 2-week Institute is organized by the CERN's Theory Group.

Registration: The attendance will be limited to around 25 people per week. There is no registration fee. Application to attend will be open until March 16, 2012.

Local Organization: C. Delaunay, G. Giudice, C. Grojean, R. Mahbubani, G. Perez, M. Redi, H. Rzehak, G. Servant, and J. Wells.

The meeting will be partly supported by

  • the CERN-TH unit
  • the Marie Curie Initial Training Network "UNILHC" PITN-GA-2009-23792,
  • and the ERC Advanced Grant "MassTeV" 226371.