The Belle detector at the KEKB electron-positron collider has collected
approximately 800 million Y(4S) events in its decade
of operation. Many of the existing measurements
have statistical uncertainties still higher than their systematics.
More statistics would then bring a substantial improvement in the accuracy.
However further increase of the luminosity at the same
rate as now would not lead to significant reduction of uncertainties.
The Japanese national accelerator laboratory KEK group has therefore
started tu build Super-KEKB, an upgrade of KEKB to increase
the luminosity by two orders of magnitude during a four-year shutdown,
with an ultimate goal of 8E35/cm2/s luminosity.
To exploit the
increased luminosity, an upgrade of the Belle detector is under construction by new international collaboration Belle II. The document
presents physics motivation, basic methods of the accelerator upgrade, as well as key
improvements of the detector.
Primary author
Zdenek Dolezal
(Charles University (CZ))
Peter Krizan
(University of Ljubljana)