Sep 10 – 12, 2012
Krakow, Poland
Europe/Zurich timezone

--Accelerator Science and Technology

Accelerator Science and Technology

ID Title  
10 Fundamental Science at the European Spallation Source link
12 Exploring Confinement link
13 What if there is no Higgs? link
18 High-energy physics in Finland Strategical outlook for Helsinki Institute of Physics link
21 Thermal Neutron Accelerator link
28 JAI input for the European Strategy link
35 Input to the European Strategy for Particle Physics from the EUROnu FP7 Design Study of a High Intensity Neutrino Oscillation Facility in Europe link
46 Particle and Astroparticle Physics in Poland link
50 JINR Activity in Future Linear Colliders link
51 TIARA contribution to the European Strategy for Particle Physics link
56 NICA at JINR Dubna link
59 UK input to European Particle Physics Strategy Update link
63 Advanced technologies for components of future accelerators link
91 Particle Physics at High Energies but Low Luminosities link
94 An Accelerator Science Perspective on Experimental Particle Physics to 2040 link
96 The fourth generation, linac-ring type colliders, preons and so on link
99 CLIC e+e- Linear Collider Studies link
102 A New Search for the Decay mu->eee link
107 Imperial College London HEP Group Submission to the ESPG link
110 On the Prospect and Vision of Ultra-High Gradient Plasma Accelerators for High Energy Physics link
111 Particle accelerators link
121 Future Strategy of Japanese High Energy Physics Community link
135 A Staged Muon-Based Neutrino and Collider Physics Program link
138 LEP3: A High Luminosity e+e- Collider to Study the Higgs Boson link
145 SAPPHiRE: a Small gamma gamma Higgs Factory link
146 A ?Higgs? Factory at the Greek-Turkish Border link
147 A Large Hadron Electron Collider at CERN link
151 Opportunities for Collaboration in the Design and Development of the Project-X Accelerator Complex and Research Program link
153 High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider link
154 LIU Project at CERN link
155 High Energy LHC link
156 LHeC - Preparations for a Future Proton-Lepton Collider in the TeV CM Regime link
157 LEP3 - Higgs factory in the LHC tunnel link
159 CERN Accelerator Infrastructure for Neutrino Physics link
160 Physics and Technology for the Next Generation of Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities: EURISOL link
161 R&D related to the High Power Superconducting Proton Linac (HP-SPL) link
162 CERN Beam Test Facilities Infrastructure link
163 Applications of Accelerators link
164 LHC heavy ion programme link
165 Pre-Feasability Assessment for an 80 km Tunnel Project at CERN link
168 Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (AWAKE) Experiment link
173 LEP3 and TLEP: High luminosity e+e- circular colliders for precise Higgs and other measurements link
175 On the Relation of the LHeC and the LHC link
176 Higgs cross sections in pp collisions at very high energy link