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11–15 Feb 2013
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

3-Dimensional ASIC Development at Fermilab

14 Feb 2013, 15:15
Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology

Gußhausstraße 25-29, 1040 Wien (Vienna), Austria


erik ramberg (Fermilab)


For several years, Fermilab has been heavily involved in the development of novel 3-dimensional analog and digital ASIC circuits. These devices consist of thinned wafer layers with circuits bonded to each other to act as monolithic forms. Communication between the layers and across the stacks is achieved with micron-size through-silicon-vias. Enabling a new dimension in integrated circuits allows for new forms of virtually edgeless detectors, in-situ signal processing, and flexibility of attachment to sensors. We are exploring various applications for these type of circuits, including high energy particle track-triggering, highly granular trackers and time correlating X-ray imagers for photon science. Another application of the 3D technology is a hardware track finding engine using stacked associative memory structures for LHC upgrades. I will summarize Fermilab's work in this area, including test results on fabricated chips and plans for the future.
quote your primary experiment Detector R&D

Primary author

erik ramberg (Fermilab)

Presentation materials